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Stato; statvir State; statesman

statuo; —ua; —uer statue; —ary; sculptor

statut; —a; —ye statute; —tory; in the —

stek steak

stel; —a star; starry, stellar

stem escutcheon

Sten(o); —a shorthand, stenography; —graphic

stencil; —i stencil; to —

stenda; —do stretched, outspread, extensive; extension

stendadi to spread, to stretch out, to extend

stendardo banner, standard

stendo; —azo extent; —ension

stener; —in stenographer m; f

Steni to take down in shorthand

Stenin stenographer f

Step; —a; —e step n; a; adv., art a walking pace

stepal; —i approach; to —

stepi to go at a walking pace

stepstepe step by step

sterila; —i; —at; —eso sterile; to —ize; —zed; —ity; arid, —ity; barren

sternut; —i sneeze; to —

steryo (meas.) stere

stetoskop stethoscope

steward; —in steward; —ess

sti v to stay, to be

stif; —el boot; ankle —

stiflek; —i; —er (boot-) licking; to lick; boot-licker

stigmo; —i stigma; —tic

stik stick [-ized

stil; —a; —i; —at style n; a; to —ize;

stilyo fountain-pen

stim; —i esteem, to —

stimadi; —o estimation; to —ate

stimul; —azo; —i; —ifa stimulus; —lation; to —late; —ating

stinki; —o to stink; stink

stip (tree's) stump; stock; (comm.) stub, counterfoil

stipel stub, counterfoil

stiplo steeple-chase

stipul; —azo; —i stipulation; to —ate

stir v past tense of sti, to stay, to be

stiro; —azo; —adi; —erin; —il ironing (coats); to press up, to iron up; ironer f; flat-iron

stiv(o) (naut.)hold

stivuk (naut.) store-room

stof; —i stuff; to give fullness, to fill out

stoika; —ismo stoic(al); —ism

stok; —a; —ye stock n; a; in —

stomak; —a stomach; —al

stomit (wed.) stomatitis

stompi; —o to dim, to shade off; shading off

stop; —i stop; to —

stoplo; —a tow, oakum; to caulk

stopso; —i darning; to darn

stor v future of sti, to stay, to be

stor(o) window-blind

stordita; —eso; —ado heedless; —ness; giddy, —iness (nature, action)

storko; —i extortion; to extort

storno; —i refund; to —

stosi; —o to emboss; —ment

strad(o); —a; —ye street; —'s; in the —

stragon; —a (bot.) tarragon n; a

strana; —eso strange; —ness

strand; —a; —e shore; ashore; —i; to strand, to ground, to run aground

strangi; —er; —o to strangle; —er; —ing n

stras strass

strato; —a; —e stratum, layer, bed n; a; adv.

stratosfer; —a stratosphere; —ic

stravago; —a; —i extravagance; —ant; —vagate

stregi to bewitch

strego; —in; —io wizard, sorcerer; witch, sorceress; sorcery

strek; —er; —i strike; —er; to —; sida —sit-down strike

stren; —i present, gift; to use (to wear) for the first time

strenga; —o strenuous; —ness

stret(o) (geog.) strait

strida strident

strigo; —a; —i stripe; —ed; to — stria, to striate

strika skimpy, narrow

stril; —i shriek, scream; to —

stringi; —o to embrace; — n; to hug; — n

Strip; —in; —erin strip-tease; —er f

strof(o) strophe

stroso ostrich

stud; —i; —ema; —ent study; to —;-ious; —ent

stuf; —a; —at; —i (cook.) stove; —ed; to —

stuk; —a (arch.) stucco n; a

stup (o); —or stupor

stupal narcotic, drug

stupi; —o to amaze; —ment; to stupefy

stupida; —eso; —ado stupid; —ity (nature, action)

stupifa stupefying, amazing, astounding

stusel; —azo; —i; —ema tickling n; to tickle; —ish

su; —a under, below prep, a

suadi; —o to persuade; —uasion

suagent; —ur sub-agent; —cy

sualdo deputy chief clerk (waiter, station-master); assistant, — manager

sualimenti; —azo to underfeed; malnutrition

suat subordinate, —d

suava; —eso suave; —ity

suazo subordination

sub-tenent second-lieutenant

sub; —a under prep; a

sub. jek; —a; —e subject; —ive; —ively

suban dependant, underling n

subderker; —in deputy-director; —directress, — manageress

subdevolva; —o under-developed; —pment

Subdivid; —i subdivision; to —vide

sube below, beneath; —el undershirt

subema; —o passive; —ity

subi to suffer, to submit to, to undergo

subin dependant f

subiolga subsequent

subita; —e sudden; —ly

subjogi; —o; —azo to subjugate; —ation

subkonsho; —a subconsciousness; —ious