surdamuta deaf-and-dumb a; deafmute n
surden; —i; —e; —a mute; to talk, to sound on the sly; muted adv., a
surdeta hard of hearing
surdifa deafening
surdril overtraining n
sure over, above adv.
surelgo first quality, first choice, first selection
surexit; —i overexcitement; to —ite
surfaco; —a; —ema surface n; a; superficial
surfina superfine
surgi; —o to rise, to appear; upheaval, rising n, rise
surgraten top, upper selection
surkargo; —i overloading n; to —load
surklasi to outclass
surkoka; —at (cook.) overdone
surkolma jam-full
surkontro; —i (bridge game) redouble; to —
surkot; —i overtrumping; to —trump
surmen; —i overwork; to —; to overexert oneself
surmerkade on top of that, besides all that, into the bargain
surmonti to surmount
surnagi to float on the surface
surnam; —el nickname; sobriquet
surnefra (anat.) suprarenal
surnum; —a; —e exceeding number; supernumerary a; adv.
surnutri; —o to feed up; overfeeding
surom; —a superman; superhuman
surozo; —i rashness; to act rashly
surpasi to surpass
surpezo; —i overweight; to —weigh
surplena jam-full
surplue moreover
surpluo excess, surplus
surpopla; —at; —o overpopulated; —ation
surpren; —i surprise; to —
surpresyadi to overestimate
surpresyel extra-fare
surpresyi to overcharge (prices)
surproduki; —azo to over-produce; —uction
surprovi to pass an examination (a test)
surrealismo; —ist(a) surrealism; —ist
surrona (anat.) suprarenal
Surs; —a U. S. S. R.; of the Soviet Union, of U.S.S.R.
sursalto; —i jump; to —, to give a — (a start)
sursel; —i postponement, stay of proceedings, of execution; to postpone, to stay
sursensibla; —eso supersensitive; —ness
sursona supersonic
sursube topsy-turvy, upside down
sursut overshoe
surtax; —i surtax, supertax; to —
surte above all
surtenso hypertension, high blood-pressure
surtrump; —i overtrumping n, to overtrump
survarma; —i superheated; to —heat
survelyo; —yi supervising, control; to supervise, to control, to watch over
surviv; —i survival; to survive
survodel overhang
susheptibla; —eso susceptible; —ility
sushiti to arouse, to create, to stir up
suskrib(o); —i subscription; to subscribe
suspek; —i; —ema suspicion; to suspect; suspicious
suspendi; —o to interrupt; —tion
suspens(o) suspense n
sustenti; —o to sustain; —ing n
susur; —i susurration; to whisper
sut; —i shoe; to —, to provide with —s, to put on —s
sutaso saucer
sutel dancing sandal; bootee, children's slipper
sutur; —i (med.) suture; to —
suv(o); —i sweat; to —
suxed; —i succession; to succeed
suxedal succession, transmission; — taxos death-duties
suxes; —i success; to be —ful
Svedo; —a; —al; —el Sweden; —dish; —dish lang; suede (leather)
svelta; —eso slim; —ness
Swis; —a Switzerland; Swiss
syeda decent, seemly
syedi; —o to be decent, correct; — a; decency
syedokono good manners, knowledge of — —, of the world
syeka subject to a
syeko; —i subjection; to subdue
syen; —e breast, bosom, womb; in the middle of, in the lap of
syerti; —er; —o; —azo to set (precious stones); setter; setting n
syesto; —i siesta; to have a —
syok ploughshare
syom; —i pack-saddle; to load, to put a —
syor (Sr) Mister (Mr.), Sir
syuti to suit, to match
ta your (thy)
tabak; —er tobacco; —nist
tabel board; blackboard
tabligi to go to table
tablo; —ol table; small —, stand
tabu; —ua taboo; —, —ed
taburel stool
taca; —i tacit, unspoken, silent; to be —
taconi not to open one's lips
tacu! shut up!
taelte at, on, from your side
taf gadfly
tak; —oni (shoe's) heel; to spur on, to press hard, to dog
taken; —ado; —i teasing n; to tease
takikardio (med. ) tachycardia
taktemo; —a tactfulness; —ful
takto tact
tal; —a such a
talale in conformity
talbi; —o to yoke, to harness; yoke, harnessing, team, turn-out
taldo; —i show, display; to lay out, to display, to show off
tale so; in such a manner
talent; —a talent; —ed
talko talc
talkonte if so, in that case
talmode in such a way