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talo such a thing

talpo; —uyo mole; — hill

talpunte so, so far, to such a extent that

talsorte in such a way that

taltala such (so, just) as he (it) is; (US) asis

talyel waist

talyo; —yi cutting; to cut

talyol thin noodle

tam! short!; bluntly; just in time

tamanyon (zool. ) ant-eater

tambur drum

tamburon bass drum, big —

tameleste the best you can adv.

tamode in your own way

tampo; —i inking-pad; to stamp

tan so, so much, so many

tanet a little

tangi; —e to concern; —ing adv.

tangibla; —eso tangible, —ibility

tango relation (also: tango (dance)

tanim proportional quantity; percentage of profit

tank tank

tanmele! so much the better!

tanmine all the less... as

tanpize! so much the worse!

tanplue all the more... as

tansate plenty; ever so much

tant aunt

tanvole ad libitum, at will

tanyi; —yazo; —yer, to tan; tanning n; tanner

taopine in your opinion

tap; —i cork; to —

tapes; —i; —er; —io carpet; to cover (with tapestry); upholsterer; tapestry, upholstery

tar tare (of weight); (also: v. present of ti, to put)

tarca thickset, stocky, stubby

tarda late; tardy a

tarde late adv.

tardema tardy, belated

tardeste at the latest

tardi to be late, to delay

tardo; —bombo delay; delayed-action bomb

tardun n backward m, f

targo plate n; mot. number-plate

tarif; —i; —a tariff; to —; —a

tarmak tarmac

tarmo moth

taro tare (of weight)

tarso (anat. ) tarsus

tartin bread and butter; slice of bread with ham, cheese, etc.

tarto; —el tart; tartlet

tartro; —racid tartar (chem. ); —ic acid

tartuf; —ado; —eso tartufe; —ism, hypocrisy

taryo; —a; —at blemish, unsoundness, taint; unsound, corrupt

tas(o) cup; (also: yours pl pronoun)

tasko; —i task; to accomplish a task

tasteli; —azo to grope, —ing n

tasti to touch, to feel with the fingers, to finger, to handle

tat v participle of ti, to put

tatui; —uo to tattoo; — n

taturne in your turn

tauro bull

taverno tavern, inn

tax; —i tax; to —

taxal; —er tax; tax-gatherer, publican

taxi to tax; (also: taxi, taxicab)

taxon; —azo; —i controlled fixed-price;controlled-prices fixing n; to fix controlled prices

tayor tailleur, tailor-made costume

te you (compl. ) (also: tea)

teatro; —a theater n; a, —ical

tego; —orio tile; — works

teinil tea-pot

tekno; —a; —er technics, technique; —ical; —ician

tel(o) linen, linen cloth

telefer telpher

telefon telephone

telegrafo; —io telegraph; —aphy

telegram telegram

teleguidi; —o to radio-control; — n

telekomando remote control

telekomunik telecommunication, radio-report

teleskop telescope

telespekter televiewer

televid television

telex telex

telgo; —i telegram; to wire

telgovalto telegraphic money-order

telon wire-netting n, woven wire-cloth

temp(o); —a time; —'s, temporary

tempel; —e leisure; at —

tempest tempest, storm

templo temple

temporala temporal, secular

tempori; —azo to temporize; —ation

temprament temperament, constitution

tempratur temperature

tempro; —eso; —a temperance; temperate, sober

tempyo; —ya (anat. ) temple; temporal

temtempe from time to time

ten! hullo!

ten(o) holding, keeping, possession

tenado behaviour, attitude, manners

tenalyo; —yi pincers; to torture, to torment

tenden; —a (anat. ) tendon; tendinous

tenebro; —a darkness, gloom; dark, gloomy, mysterious

tenel tenor, terms; percentage, contents

tenent lieutenant

tener holder, possessor

teni to hold, to keep, to possess

tenis; —er tennis; —player

tenit (med. ) retention

tenor tenor (singer)

tenra (meat) tender

tensado tendency

tensema; —o tendentious; —ness

tenso; —i tension, stretching, stress; to stretch, to strain, to tense

tentado; —i temptation; to tempt

tentaklo; —a tentacle, —cular

tento; —i trial, attempt; to try, to —

tenua; —ueso tenuous; tenuity; thin, thinness

tenyo tapeworm

teolog; —io theologian; —logy

teorem theorem