teorio; —ora theory; —etic(al)
tepa tepid, lukewarm
ter; —a earth; —ly, terrestrial
terapio; —apa therapy; —peutic
terarmeo (land) ground forces
teraso terrace
terbentin turpentine
teredo soil, native soil,
teren ground
teretago ground floor
tergo; —a; —e verso, back; of, at the —
teribla; —e terrible; —bly
terimpost land-tax
teritor; —a territory; —orial
terkok earthenware
terkredit land credit; land bank
terma thermic
termaro (med. ) thermal baths
termen; —a term, word; terminological
termin; —i terminus; to end, to finish, to terminate
termitlo; —uyo termite, white ant; termitary
termo term, time, delay
termometro thermometer
termostat thermostat
tern; —a theme; —atic
terna; —eso; —i dull, drab, tarnished; dullness, drabness; to tarnish, to dull
teroca; —t; —o; —i dismayed; dismay; to —
teror; —a; —i terror; terrible; to —ify
terpom; —purel potato; mashed —oes
terpomsalad potatoes salad
terprop estate, real estate
tertera prosaic, vulgar
tertrem; —i earthquake; to quake, to shake (of the earth)
tervermo earthworm
tesalon tea-room
tesro card, membership-card
test test, examination
test(o); —i witness; to bear —, to testify
testadi; —o to attest; —ation
testamenluco mutual test(ament)
testament; —a will; (eccl. ) Testament; testamentary
testarda stubborn
tetan; —a (med. ) tetanus, lock-jaw; tetanic
teveo; —ea; —ei television n; a; to —vise
tex; —azo; —er; —i; —ayo weaving n; —er; to —e; fabric, tissue
texal weft
texen loom
texto; —a; —ala text n; a; —ual, verbatim
tezo thesis, argument, point of view
ti to put
tibyo (anat. ) tibia, shin-bone
tica; —at; —i; —o infatuated with; tobecome — —; —uation
tif; —a (med. ) typhus n; a
tifoid; —a typhoid; —al
tifon typhoon
tigo stem, stalk
tigro; —in tiger; tigress
tik (med. ) tic, twitch
tikel ticket
tikelkontor box-office
tilyo (tree) lime-tree
tim(o); —a fear, dread; —'s, fearful
timbal timbal, cup; kettledrum
timbro; —i sound, bell, gong; to sound, to ring
timi to fear
timid a; —eso shy; —ness, timidity; bashful, —ness
timon; —i; —er rudder; to steer; steerer
timpan (all s. ) tympanum
timus (cook. ) sweetbread; (anat. ) thymus
timyo (bot. ) thyme
tint(o); —i; —er dyeing, dye; to dye; —er
tintel tint, hue, shade
tip; —a; —e type, typical; —lly
tipograf; —io typographer; —graphy
tipyo; —yon tip; big tip, premium, key money
tir shooting
tiran; —a; —i tyrant; —annical, —annous; to —nize
tirant (naut. ) draught tout n
tireli; —azo to stretch; —ing drawing,
tiri to draw
tiroid; —a (anat. ) thyroid n; a
tisan infusion, decoction
titan; —a titan; —ic
titanyo titanium
titlen alloy, amalgamation, degree
titlo; —i title; to entitle; heading n
titub(o); —azo; —i staggering n; tostagger
tizo brand, firebrand
tizyo; —ya (med. ) phthisis, consumption; consumptive
to all (things)
toe; —a imitation, sham, bogus n, a
toet all these a
toeto all this, all that pronoun
tofat ready-made
togo toga; gown, robe
toinse all included, all-in
tojena all sorts of, all kinds of
tok; —i touch; to —
tokolora variegated, of all colours
tokontat all told, all things considered
tokopetro touchstone
tokopunt point of impact
tolaze in quite a low voice
tolero; —emo; —i; —ema tolerance; to —ate; —ant
toleta quite little
tolto sheet-iron
tom tome, volume
tomat salad tomato salad
tomat tomato
tomatbrolovos scrambled eggs with tomatoes
tomatovad omelette with tomatoes
tomomente at every moment
ton; —a; — axent tone; —al; stress
tonco; —i rough-cast n; a
tondo; —i shearing n; to shear
tonika (all s. ) tonic
tonir; —e close to, near
tonuva brand-new
tonyo (weight) ton
top top
topografio; —afa topography; —ic
Toposa (io) The Almighty
toposa; —o omnipotent, almighty; omnipotence