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topresye at any price

toprime first of all

topronta willing and ready, quite ready

toqala of all qualities

tor tower (also: v future of ti, to put)

toranga of all ranks

torasa of all races

torax; —a (anat. ) thorax; —acic

torco torch

tordal; —i (med. ) sprain, wrench; to —

tordel; —i sprain; (fig. ) stretching n; to twist, to stretch

tordema; —o tortuous; —ity

tordikol (med. ) torticollis, crick in the neck, stiff neck, wryneck

tordo; —i; —a; —at twisting n; to twist; —ed

torefi; —azo to torrefy; —ication; to roast; —ing n

torent; —a torrent; —ial

torida torrid

torlo winch, windlass, bollard

torment; —i torment; to —

tornado turn, course, direction

tornel; —i detour, deviation; to make a —

tornen; —azo; —i (mot. ) steering m;to steer

torneo tournament

torni to turn

tornikel turnstile

tornil lathe

torno turn, revolution

tornot; —i (mot. ) corner, turn, bend; to take a —

torpedo; —i torpedo; to —

torpo; —a; —i torpor; torpid; to numb, to dull

torsado twisted fringe, — cord; (arch. ) rope-moulding

torso (anat. ) torso, trunk, chest

tort(o); —a; —e; —i wrong n; a; —ly; to be —

tortur; —i; —ist torture; to —; —er, executioner

torva grim, scowling, forbidding (glance, appearance)

toryon nougat, almond paste

tos all (people)

Tosantos (eccl. ) All Saints' Day

tosia all people's, everyone's (poss. )

tosimple simply, purely

tosola lonely, quite alone

tosorta all sorts of a

tospeca of all sorts, of all breeds

tostel toast (bread)

tot all a

total; —a; —ismo total n; a; —itarianism

tote quite, altogether

totelte on, from all sides

totempe always

toteos all those pronoun

totosa all other a

totoso all other things

totosunos all other people, all other ones

totosye everywhere else

totosyes all other times

totoxe in all circumstances

tox; —i poison; to —

toxa, toxifa toxic, poisonous

toye everywhere

toyes every time

tozo; —i measuring apparatus; to measure

tra beyond

tracadi to retrace; to recall

traco; —i track, trail, trace; to trace out, to outline, to draw

tradis; —a tradition; —al

traduk; —i; —er translation: to —ate; —tor

trafik; —i; —er traffic; to —; —icker

trafix (street, railway, etc. ) traffic

traga; —eda; —o; —edio tragic, —al; tragedy

trajek; —i journey, crossing n; to cross

trajektor trajectory

trak(o); —azo; —i extract; —ion; to —

trakaso; —i bother, worry; to —

trakeo; —eit (anat. ) trachea; (med. ) tracheitis

trakom (med. ) trachoma

trakt(o) tract

tral beyond the

tralo; —i attempt; to —, to try

tram; —a; —e; —i tram(way); —'s; by —; to go by —

trambo; —i woof; to weave

tramfermo tramway-stop

tramont; —i sunset; to set; to decline

trampo; —an stilt; (zool. ) wader

tranal; —i; —er loitering n; to loiter, to dawdle; —er

trancil carving-knife

tranco; —i slice; to —

tranema loiterer

trani to drag, to haul, to carry

tranqil(o); —eso; —a tranquillity; still, tranquil

trans beyond

transakto; —i transaction; settlement; to transact; to settle

transala transitive

transbord; —i transfer, ferrying n; tranship (transship), to ferry, to transfer

transept(o) transept

transfer; —i transfer; to —

transfiguri; —azo to transfigure —ation

transformi; —o; —azo to transform; —ation

transfriga chilled to the bone

transfuzi; —o to transfuse; —ion

transgredi; —o to transgress; —ion

transi to cross, to go across

transigi to compound, to compromise, to settle

transil police pass

transiro; —a transition; —itory

transistor transistor

transkrib; —i transcription; to transcribe

translok; —azo; —i removal; to —ove, to move

transluca translucent

transmiti; —o to forward; —ing n; to transmit; —ission

transo; —mast crossing n; driving-shaft, propeller shaft

transpara; —o; —eso transparent; —ency

transpir; —i to perspire; —ation

transplant; —i transplantation; to transplant

transport; —i transport; to —, to convey

transvazi to decant

transversa transversal

tranxo trance; fear, dread, anxiety