vaklo (bird) quail
val; —a; —i value, worth; valid; to be worth
valadi; —o to exploit, to improve, to develop; —ation, —ment, —ment
valanko avalanche
valeryan (bot.)valerian
valesale at your mercy
valida; —eso valid; —ity
valiz(o) suit-case, bag, valise
valor; —a valour, valiant; gallant, brave
valso; —i waltz; to —
valto; —e money-order; by —
valut currency
valvo; —el valve; valve, safety —
valyet small vailey
valyo valley
valyol vale, dale, glen
vameleste adv. the best you can
vamode in your way, in your own —
vamp vamp
vampir; —a vampire; —ic
van when
vana; —e; —o; —eso vain; —ly; vanity
vanagi to try as one can, to make efforts
vanco sluice-gate
vandal; —a; —ismo vandal n; a; —ism
vanema; —o conceited; —ness
vango (anat.)cheek
vanilyo vanilla
vanko; —a osier, wicker n; a
vantago, vantajo advantage
vantemi, vantoni; —er to boast, —er
vanto; —i; —er boast; —ing n; to praise; to boast; boaster
vaopine in your opinion
vap; —or steam
vapel; —a mist; —y
vapor steam; (naut.) —er
vaporil vaporizer, atomizer
var v present of vi, to wish, to want
varfo embankment, quay, wharf
varik; —a (med.)varix; varicose
varikel chicken-pox
varikulcer (med.)varicose ulcer
variske at your own risk
varki; —o; —azo to pass, to cross; —ing
varma warm, hot
varmader stoker
varmaji; —o to heat; —ing; (med.)to chafe; —ing n
varmal; —a; —e warmth; warm; —ly
varmaqo hot water
varmel cauldron
varmi to heat, to warm
varmil hot-water bottle
varmo heat, warmth
varp; —i wharp, to —
varya; —eso varied; variety
varyel variety, sort
varyi to vary
varyol (med.)smallpox, variola
vas yours pronoun plur.
vasal; —ado vassal; —age; bondage
vasel all s vessel
vasko basin
vaspeze at your own expense (- charge)
vasta; —aro vast, huge; wide world
vat v ppcp of vi, to wish, to want
vato; —a; —at; —i cotton-wool, padding n; padded; to pad, to wad
vaturne in your turn
vax; —a; —at; —i wax; —en; —ed; to —
vaxen; —i (med.)vaccine; to —ate
vaxil floor-polisher, waxer
vaxol wax-vesta
vaxon (eccl.)taper, candle
vaxot, vaxtel oilcloth
vazen pot, terrine
vazlin vaseline
vazo vase; (eccl.)vessel
ve you (compl.), to you
ved weather
vedaco bad weather, dirty —
vedberik weather forecast (bulletin)
vedi to be (of the weather); kom vedar oje ? how is the weather to-day ?
veg! go away!
veg(o) way, path, track
vegadi; —o to direct, to start, to dispatch; —ing n
vegan; —i tramp, (US) hobo; to live as a —
vege on the way
veger; —in roadman, roadmender; road-woman
vegetal; —a plant; vegetable a
vegetali to vegetate; —alema vegetating a
vegetarist vegetarian
vegil fingerpost, signpost
veiklo; —i vehicle; to carry, to transport
vek; —a; —e week; —ly a, adv.
vekadi to adjourn for a week
vekeco weekly job
vekend; —a week-end n; a
vekid weekday
vel; —a; —e; —ior (naut.)sail n; a; adv.; — boat, —ing boat
veli to forbid, to prohibit
velinyo wove paper
velkel, velko (bot.)violet n
velo; —motor bike, cycle; light motorcycle, moped
veloxa; —eso swift, fast; velocity, speed
velvo; —en velvet; velveteen
velya awake
velyado sitting up, night-attendance; wake, watching n
velyala wide-awake
velyel nightlight
velyi to stay awake; to watch, to sit up
velyil alarm clock
velyo keeping awake, staying — n
velyon Christmas or New Year's Eve party, reveillon
vementa; —menso vehement; —ence
ven; —i coming n; to come
venai; —o; —ema to revenge; to —ones.; vengeance; vindictive
vendo; —i; —er; —aro sale; to sell; seller; market
venen; —a; —i venom, poison; venomous; to envenom, to embitter
veneri; —azo to venerate; —ation
venerya (med.)venereal
Veneto; —a Veneto; —ian
Venezyo; —ya Venice; Venetian
Venso; —a; —e Friday; of, on —
vent; —i wind; to blow, to be windy