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bimes; —a two months; bimonthly

biograf; —a; —io biographer; —phic; —phy

biokemio; —kema biochemistry; biochemical

biolog; —a; —io biologist; —gical; —gy

biopsio; —psi biopsy; to make a —

bipreid two days before

bipuntela bicuspid

bir beer; p t of bi: to drink

birko birch-tree

biro beer

bis bis, twice

bisanye twice a year; —nya happening twice a year

biside twice a day; —a happening twice a day

biskot rusk

bismese; —a twice a month; happening

bisqit biscuit

bisveke, —a twice a week; happening

bitrel bitter (drink)

bitum bitumen

bivak; —i bivouac; to —

bivek; —a; —e fortnight; —ly a; —ly adv, within two weeks

bizara; —ado, —eso bizarre, odd; oddly; oddness

bizo, —a occupation, business, job; busy

bizo: —a occupation, job; busy

bizot, —i bevelling n, to bevel

blado; —i ground sown with corn; to sow with corn

blago; —i hoax; to —

blak, —bul; —i blackballing; to black-ball

blakmel; —i blackmail; to —; —er —er

blam; —i blame; to —

blasfem; —i blasphemy; to —pheme

blason coat of arms, blazon, heraldry

blazi; —o to state, to pall; to become indifferent; to grow weary; weariness

blef; —a eyelid; —'s a

blema; —i livid; to grow —

blerko (zool. ) badger

blindo; —i armour; to —, to —plate

blok block

blonda blond, fair

blu, blua blue

bluel cornflower

bluf; —i bluff; to —

bluzo; —n shirt-waist; blouson-chemisier

bobin reel; bobbin; —i to reel

bocel skittle

bod floor (of a room)

boema; —o Bohemian; — life, bohemianism

Boemyo, —ya Bohemia, —ian

bofilyo; —ilin son-in-law; daughter-in-law

bofrat brother-in-law

bojo bogie

bok mouth; beer-glass

bokal bottle, glass jar

bol; —i boiling n, ebullition; to boil

bolaqo boiling water

bolbov boiled beef

bolid bolide

bolil kettle

bolkel finger bowl

bolko bowl

bolon; —i button; to —

bolov boiled egg

boluyo kettle; hot-water bottle

bomatro mother-in-law

bombior bomber (aircraft)

bombo bomb; —i to bomb

bon, —a good

bonaktado good action

bonal; —a benevolence, kindness; benevolent, kind

bonaspo good look; —a —ing

bonaugura auspicious, of good omen

boncanso; —a; —e good luck; lucky fortunately

bonco cap; hood

bond jump, bound; (fin.) bond

bonesta, —e best a, adv

bonfama renowned, well-known

bonfid; —a; —e good faith n, a; in —

bonid good morning

bonifazo; —ifi improvement; to improve, to better

bonifik; —i (comm) rebate, discount; to make good

bonira, —e; —i better a, adv.; to to improve

bonkor; —a good nature; —ed; good heart; —ed

bonmalvole willy-nilly, whether one likes it or not

bonnox good night

bonser good evening

bonumor, —a good humour, —ed

bonvol; —a; —e goodwill; —ing; —ingly, gladly

boom; —a bohemian life; bohemian

bopatro father-in-law

bor; —i butter; to — (bor also: v future of bi to drink)

boraxa boric (chem. )

boraxaqo boric water

bord (ship's) board; (side) side

Boreal aurora borealis

borgo borough

borgomastro burgomaster

borlo; —i fluff, stuffing; to stuff, —up

borno; —i signpost; milestone; limit; to limit, to set bounds

borsel bag, handbag

borso purse; pouch

boryo boron (chem. )

bos boss, master, principal

boskel coppice, thicket

bosko small forest, wood

boslo box-tree; box-wood

bosor sister-in-law

bot barrel, cask

botanik; —a; —nist botany —anic-ist;

botel; —i bottle; to —

bov beef

bov-suk beef-tea

bovin cow

bovol; —ep; —cef calf; —'s liver; —'s head

bowling bowling

box box (place): boxing (sport)

boxaryo box owner

boxer boxer

boy boy

boykot; —i boycotting; to boycott

bozo rough shape, rough sketch; printing proof

brakto (bot. ) bract

bram; —i longing n; to long for

bran (bot. ) bran

brasil arm badge; brassard; mourning-band

brasoril wrist-watch

brava; —eso; —ado brave; —ery (quality; action)