vitazo acceleration
viteste as quickly as possible, the quickest possible adv., at full speed
viti to accelerate, to speed
vitil accelerator
vitlimit speed-limit
vitobux, vitbux (mot.)gear-box, gearshift
vitofrid no speed-limit
vitometro speedometer
vitra of glass, made of glass
vitrei window-pane, window-glass, sheet-glass
vitrema glassy
vitri to vitrify
vitrin; —ye shop-window, show —; at the —
vitrio glassware
vitriol; —i vitiiol; to —ize, to throw — at
vitro; —a glass n; a (substance)
vitrorio glass-works, — manufactory
vituperi; —azo; —o to vituperate; —ation
viv(o); —a life n; a, living a
vivadi to revive, to brighten up, to reawaken
vivi to live
vivkadro tableau
vivkot; —i vivisection; to —sect
vivlonga lifelong
vivrento life annuity
vivya; —yeso lively; —iness
vizil visor, peak, eye-shade
vizit; —i visit; to —, to pay a —
vizo; —a face; facial
vizon mink, vison
vizyon; —er vision; —ary, seer n
vo where
voa from where a
vod(o); —a; —i void n, a; to empty
vodayo void bottles (boxes, etc.), empties
vodeci to confess, to sell the pass
vodel; —a; —e broke n; a; penniless
voden; —i non-covered check; to draw a check without cover
vodol (at bridge game) void
vodvil; —a vaudeville; —esque; light comedy; farcical
voe ? what is the way to ?
vogo; —a; —e fashion; —able, —ably; vogue
vok; —a; —e voice; vocal; —lly, by voice
vokablo; —ar vocable; —ulary
vokal vowel
vol; —a; —e; —i wish, will n; willing; —ly; to wish, to be willing
volco; —i rape, violation, to —ate; to rape
volebol volley-ball
volel; —a; —i whim, inclination; erratic; to have whims
volema; —o self-willed, stubborn; wilful; —ness
volenovole willy-nilly
vol-fok, vol incend arson
volkan; —a volcano; —ic
volonter; —ado volunteer; voluntary service
volovan; —el (cook.)vol-au-vent, puff-pie, pie; small vol-au-vent
volt volt
volubla; —eso voluble; —ility
volum; —oza volume; —inous
volupto; —a delight, pleasure, voluptuousness; —uous
volut (arch.)volute
volval vicissitude, ups and downs
volvamov roundabout n
volvaplak turn-table, hinge; (fig.)crucial point, — date
volven merry-go-round, (US) carousel
volvirel weathercock
volvo; —a; —i turn; —ing a; to turn
volvulen (bot.)convulvulus
vom; —i vomiting n; to vomit
vomeli to feel sick
von; —i divination, guessing n; to guess
vonel riddle, puzzle
vonist soothsayer, fortune-teller
voraca; —eso voracious; voracity
vorel good, copious meal
vori; —o to eat; —ing m
vort; —aco word; vulgar word, coarse —
vortik whirlwind
vortludi to play on (with) words
vortul pun
vortuyo vocabulary (book)
vorvorte word-for-word
vot; —i; —azo vote; to —; voting n
vox; —i vocation; to devote oneself
vozo; —i wish; to wish
vrilko (bot.)tendril; (techn.)gimlet
vu you
vua your; yours
vula; —eso dull; —ness; drab; —ness
vulflo plebs, common people
vulga; —ra vulgar
vulgadi; —ado to popularize; —ation; to vulgarize; —zation
vulkani; —azo to vulcanize; —ation
vulp; —o fox
vult vault
vultur vulture
vultveo archway
vun; —i; —at; —un wound, injure; to —; —ed; wounded n
Vungardo, Vununaro Casualty Ward
vyel; —i veil; to —
vyol; —i; —azo rape; to rape, to violate; violation
vyolel; vyola violet n; a
vyolenta; —lenso violent; violence
vyolon; —ist violin; —ist; fiddle; —er
wagon wag(g)on, truck, car
wandacer; -aco tramp; -'s way of life
wando; -a; -i wandering n; a; to wander
wandol; —a; -i stroll; -ing a; to dawdle
warant; —i warrant; to -
wat watt
waterklozet water-closet
Wels; -a, -sha Wales; Welsh
welter welter
weri to wear
Win; -a; Wien; -a Vienna; -ese
wiski whisky
wist whist
WK W. C. xal; —a shell, scute, scale; scaly
Xen(o); -a; —ye Foreign Countries; foreign; abroad
xena; -un foreign; -er
Xenecado Foreign Office; (US) Department of State
Xenecos Foreign Affairs; (US) Bepartment of State
Xenecministro Foreign Secretary; Minister (Secretary of State) of Foreign Affairs