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brax; —a disarray; —ed; untidiness; untidy

brazadi to braise (cook. )

Brazil; —a Brazil; —ian

breco breach, gap

bretel suspenders, strap

breva; —e; —eso brief; —ly; brevity

brevi; —azo; —ayo to abridge; —dgment; abbreviation

brezo; —evil breeze; wind-screen

brid; —i bridle; to —

brie breeches

brif; —e; —i letter; by —; to send, to write a —

brifbux letter-box

brigad; —er; —i brigade; sergeant; to brigade, to enrol

brigant brigand; —ado —age

brigi to solicit; to canvass for

brij; —i; —er bridge (game); to player;

bril; —a; —ant; —i brilliance; shining; brilliant (diamond); to shine

brimi to rag, to bully, US to haze

brindo; —i toast (drinking); to —

Brit; —a Great Britain; British

briv; —i shiver; to —

brodi; — (o) embroidery; to —ider

brok; —er (comm) brokerage; broker

brol; —i blur; to —, to confuse, to embroil

brom; —ur bromine; bromide

bronci; —o to sulk, to pout; sulking, pouting

bronko; —it bronchus; bronchitis

bronzo; —i bronze; to —; to tan; (fig.) to steel, to harden

bros; —i brush; to —

broxa; —el paper bound, sewn; brochure, pamphlet

bruf; —i swank; to —; US to splurge

bruin; —i drizzle, mizzle; to —

bruko; —el caterpillar; (mil) bren-gun carrier

brul; —i burning n; to burn

brum; —a mist; —y

bruna brown

brus; —a bush; —y; steppe; —y

bruta raw, rough, natural; (weight, amount) gross

brutala; —eso brutal; —ity

buado; —i steam; haze; blur; mist; to —

bub man-servant, valet; (card) jack

Buda (city) Buda(pest)

Budah Buddha

budaha, —ana; —hismo buddhistic; buddhist; buddhism

Budan, —a inhabitant of Buda

buden (cook) black-pudding; US blood sausage

bufon; —ado buffoon; —ery

bujet; —a budget; —ary

buk; —a, —at; —i register; —ered; to —; to book

bukan roar, uproar, racket, hubbub, din

bukin; —ist; —i book, small book, old book; second-hand bookseller; to browse among bookstalls

bukmeker bookmaker

bul ball; (game) boule

bulon; —i bolt; to —

bulso ball, bowl

bulten bulletin

bulto (eccles) bull

bulvar boulevard

bulyon broth, clear soup, meat soup

bum boom

bumerang boomerang

bun; —i bud; to —

bunko bunch

bunta variegated

buo buoy; salvo — life-buoy

bur v conditional of bi, to drink

burba grumpy, surly, rough, rugged

burga; —un; —eyo burgess; (middle-class) citizen; civilian; burgess-ship

burgola, —e in plain clothes

burist, —in clerk, receiver m, f

burlo; —a; —i trick, mockery; burlesque, waggish; to mock, to scoff

buro; —a; —ye office (place) n, a; to, at the —

burokrat, —a, —io bureaucrat, —ic, —cracy

bursagent stockbroker

burso Stock-Exchange

bus bus

bush; —a bush; —y

busol (mariner's) compass

bust(o); —il bust; brassiere, bra

bustal corsage

bustel corsage, bodice

bustil bra, brassiere

but aim; goal

butin; —i booty; to plunder, to pilfer

butleger bootlegger

bux; —i box, can; to —

buxel drawer

c (cir) ab. (about), nearly

calenj; —er; —i challenge; —er; to —

calmo; —el thatch; thatch cottage, small cottage

campi; —il to totter; trap

canso; — un, —in chance, luck; lucky man, — woman

canson lucky shot, chance, luck

cap; —el hat; ladies' hat

capeler, capelin milliner m, f

caper hatter

capot coping n (of wall)

car char; car

car I say, you say, he says, etc.

carlatan; —a; —ado charlatan; —ical, —anry

carmo; —a, —ifa; —i Charm; —ing; to —

cart(o) charter

casta chaste; —eso —ity

cedo; —i cession; to cede

cedro cedar, — tree, — wood

cef; —a; —algo head n; a headache

cefcefe, —a tête-a-tête n, adv., a; privately, private

cefen bed-head, bedside

ceflok chief town, county town, county seat

cefofonde from stem to stern

cefurbo capital (town)

cega; —i; —ifa; —o; —azo; —e blind; to —; blinding n; a; blindly

cegele at random, blindly

cek cheque, check

cel; —a heaven; —ly

celarko rainbow

celebra; —eso; —i celebrated; —brity; to —brate