"Merely an interruption," Neq said.
"But we sent an envoy by helicopter two years ago, and he reported that your premises were deserted--"
So that was the mysterious visitor! "There has been a change in personnel. We regret that our former leader, Robert, has had to retire. I am Neq. You may deal with me henceforth."
The voice sounded worried. "We dealt many years with Robert. How did he die?"
"Please, Andes!" Neq said, affecting shock. "Helicon is civilized! Bob left his position in order to devote his full energies to his wife--a charming creature. Send your representative again and we'll introduce him."
There was a pause. Then: "That will not be necessary. Are you in normal operation again? Do you need assistance?"
"How is your supply of young women?" Neq asked.
"How is your supply of electronic equipment?"
Neq smiled. He had a job to do, and suddenly he liked it.