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I reached behind me and unzipped the skirt. Once again, I turned my back to them and started working my hips out of the skirt as the DJ switched to my next request: “Always on Time” by Ja Rule. I really got into it then and so did they. They started chanting, “Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!”

I worked my way over to a young brotha sitting at a table right in front of the stage. I got down on my knees and moved them back and forth together, licked my index finger and rubbed it over the crotch of my panties. I placed my fingertip on his lips and he licked it. Then he handed me a five-dollar bill.

I spent the rest of the song making my rounds and collecting money. I even swung around the pole a time or two but didn’t try to jump on the top and slide down. I wasn’t geared up for that one and didn’t want to make a fool out of myself if I fell. I danced to two other songs after that one ended: “Super Freak” by Rick James and “Mr. Big Stuff” by Jean Knight.

Once the next stripper, who went by the name of Pisces, took the stage, I spent about an hour doing lap dances and yes, collecting more money. I was convinced that, if I really wanted to, I could make a good living shaking my ass in men’s faces.

I got dressed, thanked Skippy for the experience and told him that I may or may not be back. He seemed disappointed and claimed he would make me his star if I decided to work for him.

When I got outside, I noticed that two men were following me. They had been seated at the bar inside the club. Is this what strippers have to put up with? I thought. Motherfuckers trailing them out the damn club?

“Hey, Mercy!” one of them called out.

I swung around to face them. “What the hell do you all want? Why are you following me?”

The other one, obviously as drunk as his friend, said, “We want you to make us beg for mercy.”

At first, I rolled my eyes and then I checked them out more closely. They weren’t half-bad-looking and it had been a while since I’d fucked two men at once. Still, I wasn’t interested so I told them, “I’m not interested but I’m sure one of the other girls would be, if the situation’s right.” I was implying that they could get whatever they wanted if the money was on point, and they knew it.

“Well, what would we have to do to make the situation right for you?” the first one asked.

“Not a damn thing. I’m just not feeling it tonight.”

They started whispering to each other. I walked on toward the car. “Listen,” one of them called out. It turned out to be the taller of the two. “Duke and I have always had this competitive spirit. He and I both claim we’re the best pussy connoisseur on the planet but the bullshit talk is getting old.”

I raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“And how about you let us settle the dispute once and for all?”

I laughed. “So you two want to eat me out and let me decide who’s better at it?”

The shorter one nodded. “Exactly.”

Now I was tired and drained but I had never been one to turn down a good pussy eating and if they were planning to battle, then they would both be trying to outdo even themselves.

I stood there trying to come up with the right price. If I didn’t charge them, it would have seemed bizarre. Besides, they were undoubtedly planning to pay, and money is money.

Finally, I said, “A hundred bucks each.”

“To eat you?” the taller one asked.

“Look, I don’t have all night,” I said. “Either you want to eat this pussy or you don’t. It makes no difference to me.”

The taller one glanced at his friend. “Maybe we should go back inside and find someone else.”

The shorter one objected. “No, I want this one right here. If a hundred is too steep for you, I got you. It’s all good because I know that I’m going to win the competition and it’s worth every penny to get you to stop bragging on that tongue and shut the hell up.”

He dug into his pocket, pulled out a wad of cash and paid me. I winked at him and said, “It’s on.”

As I lay on a bed in a pay-by-the-hour motel with my legs spread open being eaten out, I couldn’t help but giggle. That damn bitch doctor didn’t know what she was talking about. I was in complete control to the point that I had taken Jon’s degradation to another level by accepting cash for a sexual favor. The shorter one found himself ass out. Not only did he give up the two hundred; he also gave up bragging rights because the taller one was definitely the best pussy connoisseur on the planet.



Never had I wished that I had started my own accounting firm more than when I went into work that Thursday and asked for Friday off. You would have thought the world had come to an end by the expression on Mr. Wilson’s face.

“Jonquinette, we really need you here tomorrow,” he whined.

“We’re backed up on a lot of things.”

“Hmph, I thought we were all caught up. I only have one thing in my in box and that will take me less than ten minutes to straighten out. Fridays are slow but anything that comes in, I can surely knock out on Monday morning.”

“Are you ill?” Mr. Wilson asked me.

“No, I actually need to go see my father in North Carolina.”

“I wasn’t aware that your father was still alive.”

He said that as if I regularly discussed my private life with him. For all he knew, my mother wasn’t among the living and she lived right in Atlanta.

“Yes, he’s alive,” I said.

“Well, is he ill?”

“Yeah, he is,” I lied, sensing that Daddy would have to be practically on his death bed in order for my day off to be a crisis.

“What’s wrong with him?” Mr. Wilson pried.

I didn’t want to wish anything too bad on Daddy so I said, “He runs an auto repair shop and there was a mishap.”

“What sort of mishap?”

“Um, one of the cars fell off the lift. Luckily, it fell to the side but it did bang against his leg and it’s broken.”

What I said couldn’t have sounded more outlandish and I realized it after I said it. Amazingly, Mr. Wilson believed me. He winced and said, “Ooh, that sounds painful. You should go check on him, in that case.”

“Thank you.”

He started walking out of my office but paused. “Now, you will be back here on Monday, right?”

“With bells on,” I replied. When he left, I added, “More like with shackles on my feet.”

Darnetta came in as I was talking to myself. “Did you say something?”

“Oh, no, just thinking aloud.”

Darnetta sat down without an invitation. “So what’s up, girlfriend? We haven’t had a chance to talk much since the wedding. What happened to you that night anyway? Logan said you got sick but you seemed fine when I picked you up and all throughout the wedding.”

I deliberated over an answer but knew I couldn’t take too long to fabricate one because Darnetta would figure me out.

“Um, I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me. Either that or I ate entirely too much. My stomach was upset. Plus, I had cramps.”

“Hmph, please don’t mention cramps. I’m on my period now and mine are killing me.”

“Have you been drinking hot tea?” I asked her, legitimately concerned for her well-being.

“No, tea and I don’t agree with each other. It always makes me feel bloated and I feel bad enough already.”

“What about some of that over-the-counter medication for cramps?” I asked.

“I’ve tried every brand they make and nothing seems to help.”