C: (Looking back and forth between her hands) . . . Well she'd like to be able to have her body . . . She likes that . . . and she admires the thin one's energy . . . the thin one has quite a bit more energy to do things than the heavy one . . .
A: All right... fine ... Now, you know what I'm aware of? ... I'm aware that both of these parts of you have their own problems and their own special qualities and resources . . . And that each could use the resources of the other to help them with their problems . . . and something else ... and I'd like you to check this out... I think that you may be surprised to find that both of them, when you get right down to it, actually want the same thing . . . I'll bet that both of those parts would like to be able to have an existence in which they could be comfortable and balanced and get the full benefit of your total resources as a person ... Is that right?
(A now puts a meta-frame around the qualities of the two representations by framing their individual properties in relation to the meta-outcome of the balance and harmony of the entire person, and begins to propose an integration of the individual outcomes of the two states as a more effective way of achieving this meta-outcome.)
C: (Looking back and forth from hand to hand) . . . Oh yes. . .
(C responds positively to the proposed integration.)
A: Now I want you to ask each of those parts if it would be willing to share its resources with the other, and help the other out with its problems . . . What do they say?
(A continues to set up the integration process, again framing the qualities of the individual states in relation to the meta-outcome.)
C: (Nodding) They both say that they'd be willing to try.
(C's response is congruent)
A: Wonderful . . . Now what I want you to do is to look back and forth between those two parts and make a series of pictures . . . like separate frames of a movie . . . and see the metamorphosis or transition that takes place as each one changes to the other . . . Make about five pictures ... so that the one in the middle here (gestures to a point in between her two hands) is a complete integration of the two . . . Okay? . . . And take all the time you need to to that . . . and just nod when you're done . . .
(A chooses a method of visual integration, since he has been working with visual anchors, that involves dividing C's transformation into discrete steps of change happening in equal increments from both directions.)
C: (Keeps looking back and forth between her two hands for a period of time, and then nods.)
A: Now I want you to bring your hands together slowly ... so that one palm ends up overlapping the other . . . and as you overlap them together I want you to see all of those images merging together ... so that when you've brought your hands together they will have combined to make a sharp clear image of one that's in the middle . . . take all the time you need .
(A begins the process of collapsing the anchors, both visually and kinesthetically (by having C bring her hands together). #6)
C: (As C begins to bring her hands together her face flattens and pupils dilate, and her breathing slows and shallows. Hands begin to show slow and jerky movements common to ideomotor movements exhibited in trance states) . . . (she begins to nod when her hands have overlapped.)
A: You can see that image clearly.
(A tests to make sure the integration is taking place.)
C: (Nods.)
A: Then your last step is to draw that image into your body . . . and you can put it wherever is the most appropriate place . . . go ahead . . .
(A then completes the process of collapsing the anchors with a final kinesthetic gesture.)
C: (Draws her hands toward her stomach in the same slow, jerky fashion. As her hands touch her stomach, she begins to cry gently) ... It feels so good ... I didn't realize that I'd been in conflict with myself for so long . . .
(C's response indicates that the integration has been quite successful.)
A: (Waits until C has collected herself) ... I want to go back over that new strategy we were trying a while ago, in a few minutes . . . and I want you to substitute the new image and the new feelings that you just got as your goal for what you want to accomplish . . . Okay?
(A returns to step #5 of the reframing TOTE and sequences the integrated representation of C's desired state into the new eating strategy.)
C: (Smiling and nodding) You bet.
A: But before we go back to that ... I want to take care of one other thing . . . You know what it feels like to be grounded and balanced . . . right?
(As an added measure A also redesigns C's kinesthetic test for her present state by including a test for "groundedness" in it, with accompanying operations (that don't involve eating) for achieving that particular outcome. (He cycles again, then, to step #6.))
C: (Nodding) Yes . . . (glances down & right).
A: Do you know what it feels like if you're getting ungrounded or unbalanced?
C: (Looks down and right) . . . Ummmm . . . (starts nodding) yes . . .
A: I want to change something else in your new strategy . . . when you're looking at yourself in the mirror and checking out your feelings ... I want you to make sure you're not getting ungrounded ... Do you know how to do that?
(A sequences the new test and operations for "groundedness" into the decision point in the new eating strategy— #5.)
C: (Eyes down and right) Uh Huh ... I think I can do that.
A: Now I'm aware that your major way of grounding yourself in the past has been through eating ... so I want to work out a couple of ways in which you'll be able to ground yourself without eating if you begin to find that you're becoming ungrounded as you start to lose weight . . . like making that picture of yourself as a balanced person ... or closing your eyes and taking a deep breath ... or things like that . . . Okay?
C: Sure . . . let's get started. . .
The author went on to help C include operations for grounding herself, which were incorporated into the strategy at the decision point. The author, having modified the strategy to include the changes in C's representation of her desired state, and adding in the grounding operations at the decision point, then returned to step 1 of the reframing TOTE and tested the new strategy modifications by rehearsing C through the steps and future pacing her for that evenings meal, C's ability to access and sequence the steps had dramatically improved, and the installation process was completed rapidly and smoothly. A week later C called up the author with the happy news that she had already lost eight pounds. To date the client continues to maintain her weight and her sense of groundness.
6.5 Installation and Interference in Groups and Organizations.
The installation or start-up of new behavioral sequences in groups and organizations, as with a single individual, takes place through rehearsal, schedules, and the establishment of the appropriate cues, or anchors. In working with an organization, however, the duties of the programmer are somewhat expanded in that, in conjunction to dealing with the sequencing of organizational functions and operations, the programmer will also be dealing with the internal functions and strategies of the individuals that make up the organization. The behavior of each individual (a system within himself) makes up the elements of the larger system, or meta-system. The operating principles of the larger system will be isomorphic to those involved in the strategies of the single individual. Every organization or family, for instance, will have a present state, desired state, and a sequence of tests and operations which take them from the present state to the desired state. These sequences of tests and operations are performed by people (or machines) that each have their own individual present states, desired states, tests and operations (see Design section 5.32). Each person will serve as a specific resource to the operation of the organization as a whole, and each person will have a specific set of resources that contribute to his own individual operation.