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Now it felt as if he would never let her go.

She rested her arms tentatively on the wide shoulders sloping to envelop her. The strong musculature flexed as his possessive hands gently explored her back. Her breasts felt the expansion of his lungs as his body inhaled the scent of her hair where he had buried his face.

He pulled back and looked happily into her eyes. “I missed you.”

She had not missed him. She had a business to run. An investigation to inquire into. And besides, she knew she would see him again… always.

You utter schoolgirl!

“D’ja find out anything?” He held her hand, proprietarily, as they strolled around the magnificent Beaux Arts marble fountain.

“Both Mr. Wilde and Nathan have the ability to have picked the locks of the office.”

“Wilde, again? And Nathan? Well you never know who’s adept at what, do you? Except we do know the guy didn’t take the time to pick the lock at your place. He was intent on getting in, even if someone were inside. Obviously a very urgent need to know something.”

Adrenaline surged through Amanda. “You don’t think he’ll come back?”

“Might.” Marc’s look was cautious. “But I doubt it. He seems to have done a pretty good search before we got there. And you two are bolted in safely now. Mr. Raymondo was very thorough.” He grinned.

She wanted to touch the crinkled eyes.

I give up on you! Completely. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

“Somebody could have picked the lock on the front door. To let somebody else in. Cissy might not have let him in at all.” Marc’s mind raced as fresh ideas clicked into place in his analytical brain. “Let’s go down by the lake. It’s hard to think with all the traffic up here.”

They quickly crossed the street and descended a granite stairway. A wide walk skirted the nearby body of water inside the park. Many other strollers were enjoying the early evening. Marc pulled Amanda to an empty bench.

“I had been thinking this Wilde thing is too pat. Too coincidental. But, maybe we should pay more attention. You say the man doesn’t need money. Then that would play into the ego thing. Most forgers have their own private agenda. He’s a big man. Physically. Michelangelo was a big man. Is he gay?”

“Michelangelo? Michelangelo forgeries? From our class?” She sat back against the chilly wood, letting the cold shock her out of her instant reaction of overwhelming excitement that someone she knew was even capable of such a thing. Who could it be? Her mind skipped eagerly about.

“Gay? Wilde? I have no earthly idea. Why? Was Michelangelo supposed to be gay, too? Is that part of the ego thing?”

“Who knows. I’m just casting about for anything else we might be able to add into the mix.” He tossed a stone into the water.

“Could I see one of the drawings?” Amanda asked. She could hardly contain her excitement. “Are they available?” Someone she knew. In her class. How amazing!

“You want to see one of the forgeries?” Marc studied her carefully. She knew the artists intimately. Knew their style. Their strong points. She could possibly bring an added insight that he or David might miss. He nodded, pleased. “I’ll see what I can do.” He glanced at his watch. “I think we’d better go get something to eat. I made reservations at the Palm Court. I told them we’d be in the Oak Room Bar. I don’t want to miss the reservation.”

“The Palm Court at the Plaza for dinner?”

“It seemed convenient,” Marc said lightly, pulling her after him.

This man drags me everywhere.“I… I can walk on my own, thank you.” But she didn’t let go of his hand.

He smiled mischievously. She adored his smile.

He could have warned her about the restaurant. Not that it was that big a deal.I mean, it’s not “21” or something.

“It’s not that big a deal.” He was amused at her disconcerted reaction as he shepherded her past the hansom cabs with their glossy-coated horses.

“I think they must have carved the restaurant out of what was once a grand reception area in the old days. No matter. It’s nice.” Mark said.

The uniformed doorman ushered them through the revolving doors. The restaurant was right in front of them, a great drift of potted palms outlining the dining area. The lights were low, candles gleamed. Music came from somewhere. The table was tiny. The waiter wonderfully attentive. The food, ambrosial.

“You really go for this stuff,” Marc observed at the end of the meal, peering over a cup of delicious coffee as the waiter placed a gorgeous chocolate mousse between them and presented two forks.

“It’s very romantic.” Amanda could understand why debutantes from all over the country vied to have their cotillion lunches here with their beaus. She knew she was light-headed. The white wine hadn’t been completely assimilated even with the wonderful filet of sole. “I suppose a lot has to do with the history of the place, the fact that it’s been around so long. It’s survived with such elegance. Like the Waldorf. It’s still here. You can only hope that you’ll be as lucky and survive as well. In your own way, of course.”

Her eyes drifted up to his. She was definitely in love.

Oh God, what are you thinking? Pull yourself together. LOVE? Amanda! Amanda!The luscious chocolate melted over her tongue in a sensual flow. Go home. Crawl under your rock, she silently admonished her warring inner voice.When I make love to him, when he makes love to me, when we make love to each other… You… we are going to be so blown away.

“Penny for your thoughts.”

“Not even if you max out your Amex card.”

“You wanna spend the night?” His eyes were anxious. Going for it. He was forking in the mousse as urgently as she.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Another flood of luscious chocolate burst over her taste buds. “I can’t imagine The Plaza allowing us to check in without luggage.”

“There’s a luggage shop down the corridor.”

Suddenly she became aware of what he was saying. Her inner voice was smirkingly silent.

“You shouldn’t tease.” She wasn’t sure if he were and if so, about what.

“We never get to be alone.” He forked in another bite of the mousse. He was not being gentlemanly about sharing. She stabbed her fork to protect her portion. “You’ve got a roommate; David never goes out. There are always people around.” He looked around the elegant space forlornly. A waiter instantly appeared.

“Uh, perhaps more coffee.” Amanda said. She smiled and snagged the last bite of mousse.

“You need to get to know me better,” he continued, “without a lot of distractions. There’s a lot more to me than just a great-looking bod and a needle-sharp mind.”

She laughed. His glasses were off. His eyes were like liquid skies. A view of the park from a Plaza bedroom window must be a beautiful sight. And a great-looking bod lying on a beautifully linened bed waiting for her…

“A buck for your thoughts?”

“Marc… I…”


Be straight with the guy. This is getting serious.“You’re a very attractive man. I’m… this situation is… makes me a little vulnerable right now. I would like to think that our friendship can grow if given time and under the right circumstances.”

He nodded sagely. “Still need ‘space,’ huh?”

Oh, God, how she longed to see a view of the park through a Plaza window.

“I’m not sure I can handle that,” he said seriously.


“That space stuff. I want very badly to be very near you.”

“And I want very badly to be near you,” she admitted. “When you held me outside…”