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Federation Starship, ExcelsiorClass, Starfleet registry number NCC-42857. Captain Calhoun served as first officer of this ship under Captain Korsmo.


An hermaphroditic species, i.e., one that possesses fully functional sexual organs, both male and female. In addition, the Hermats possess razor-sharp canine teeth. They have developed a unique set of pronouns to accommodate their dual-sex status—"Hir" rather than "him" or "her" . . . "hish" for the possessive forms of "his" and "hers" . . . "s/he" (with a separately accented H)rather than "she" or "he"—to simplify communication with divided-sex species and preserve their uniqueness.

Hermats as a race tend to keep to themselves. Their tendency toward segregation from the rest of the Federation is well known. While Hermats are not necessarily xenophobic, most of them have some difficulty relating effectively to members of other species.


A Thallonian guard who was dismissed from the royal service for allowing Soleta and Ambassador Spock to escape Thallonian custody. He later allied himself with the rebellion and took pleasure in lording over the deposed prince Si Cwan when the former royal was returned to Thallon to face "justice."


Captain of the freighter Cambon,veteran star pilot and occasional smuggler from Comar IV. His ship was disabled in the Gauntlet while transporting Thallonian refugees to Sigma Tau Ceti, and was later rescued by the U.S.S. Excalibur.He was killed by Laheera of Nelkar.


Origin point of the Black Mass.


Currently the supervising officer of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, Jellico has a well-deserved reputation as a stickler for formal military protocol and procedure. His rigid style of command led to some memorable personality clashes during his brief stint as captain of the Enterprise 1701-Dwhile Captain Picard was temporarily reassigned on a special mission. This pattern of conflict with his subordinates did not, however, prevent him from being promoted to the rank of admiral, thus allowing him to perpetuate it—to the occasional chagrin of Calhoun and his crew.

Jellico opposed the captaincy of Mackenzie Calhoun, and Jellico's decision to appoint Commander Elizabeth Shelby as Calhoun's first officer was actually an attempt to keep tabs on the maverick captain—an effort that did not work out as well as Jellico expected.


A special room held for generations by the family of Voltak of Vulcan, reserved for the formal Joining ceremony of mates and the consummation of the Pon fanritual.


A henchman of Zoran.


Former princess of Thallon and sister of deposed Thallonian prince Si Cwan, who calls her by her nickname, "Kally." She has been missing since the insurrection on Thallon, and Si Cwan continues to search for her.


A science and research vessel named for a famous Thallonian writer and editor. The Kayven Ryinsent the U.S.S. Excaliburan S.O.S. and a passenger manifest, which included the name of Si Cwan's missing sister, Kalinda. The listing of Kalinda later proved to be a ruse by Zoran to lure Si Cwan into a trap.


The security chief of the U.S.S. Excalibur.A member of the high-density race called the Brikar, he must wear a small gravity compensator on his belt at all times. If he does not, his more-than-earth-normal mass makes it impossible for him to move.


The now-deceased and highly regarded former captain of the Starfleet vessel U.S.S. Excalibur.He was Captain Mackenzie Calhoun's immediate predecessor, and was killed during the second Borg assault on Earth. His final actions as captain preserved the ship and saved many members of his crew.


An Orion slave trader who murdered Barsamis, a friend of Mackenzie Calhoun, over a commercial dispute regarding an Orion slave girl named Zina, who subsequently became Krassus's mate. Krassus was killed when he foolishly attempted to ambush Calhoun with a knife.


Female commanding officer of an unnamed Nelkarite starship that attacked the U.S.S. Excalibur.She killed Captain Hufmin as part of her threat to extort technology from the Excalibur,but her ploy failed, and Captain Calhoun later exposed her actions to her people, who turned on her.


Previously part of the engineering staff of the Enterprise1701-D, Lefler was put in charge of ops on the bridge of the U.S.S. Excalibur.She is renowned for her off-the-cuff recitation of "Lefler's Laws," pithy observations and comments that mysteriously seem to suit whatever occasion is presented.


The original, Xenexian, name of Mackenzie Calhoun, captain of the Federation Starship Excalibur.


A planet of the Thallonian Empire on which a rebellion against the ruling class was suppressed.


A runabout assigned to the U.S.S. Excalibur.Si Cwan and Zak Kebron traveled aboard the Marquandto a rendezvous with the Kayven Ryinwhile the Excaliburwas busy with another rescue. The call from the Kayven Ryinturned out to be a trap, and the Marquandwas destroyed by Zoran, an enemy of Si Cwan. Si Cwan and Zak Kebron escaped by transporting to the Kayven Ryin.


A physician on the staff of Dr. Selar, aboard the U.S.S. Excalibur.Maxwell's passing resemblance to Dr. Selar's late husband, Voltak, initially led Selar to dislike him, but the difficulties were quickly resolved.