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Her voice choked a bit at the end, but I wasn’t fooled. We were in a theater, after all. Everyone had a part to play. I knew Kilby was about as cold as Selene was.

She continued. “I’m only alive because of Mr. Tsunami’s intervention. Seeing as how we had a common enemy, we decided to put aside our differences and combine our individual talents. We’ve been here trying to put the pieces together."

I tapped my fingers together. "Really? How convenient. How do we know ol' Tommy didn't send the New Man after you in the first place?"

Tommy’s expression darkened. "Because if you took the time to actually think instead of talk, you'd figure out if I had access to the New Man then I would have had him rub you out at the Gaiden. Or simply wait for him to deliver the Grimoire himself. Believe me, the New Man is no friend of mine. He's a loose cannon. He controls an army of brainwashed idiots who he’s convinced are all trapped in this world. The only way to escape it lies in the pages of the Grimoire, an ancient book of supposed sorcery which will free the minds of the populace. By killing them, of course. A load of nonsense."

Actually, it was a lot closer to the truth than it sounded. But I wasn’t about to spill my guts, especially since I still had no idea who was behind the whole operation. "And the location is on the leg?"

He looked at Selene, whose intense glare would be frightening if it were directed at me. Tommy almost kept his face calm.

"Yes. I knew exactly when La Fox arrived in New Haven, and soon found out what she was after. After that it was only a matter of taking time to convince her that her best bet was to deal with me instead of the New Man.” His teeth flashed.

Oh, yeah. Having been on the receiving end of Tommy’s convincing, I almost felt sorry for that Fox dame.

“Where is she now?” Selene’s glower was so intense I almost felt sorry for La Fox again. If Selene got her hands on her, she’d probably be a dead fox real soon.

Tommy didn’t seem to notice. “Oh, I don’t think you can find her. Especially after how well I paid her to disappear. Her part in this is finished. She did her job, and quite well I must say.”

He smiled in a rather coy manner despite the heat of Selene’s stare. “I know it’s been a bit inconvenient, but you know the limb can be reattached with barely a scar for your trouble. You should thank me. Had I not intervened, you’d still be missing your leg, only with no idea who did the snatch. You might say I was looking out for you. After all, we are connected by business and other associations. Though I understand if you're not feeling particularly grateful."

Selene's hand was still on the pommel of her sword, and she looked ready to draw it again. "And why didn't you just come to me with this information? I woke up in a tub of ice, you bastard!"

I blew a lazy trail of smoke upward. "Because he knew you'd never give him what he wanted. The location of the Grimoire.” I winked at Tommy. “He wants to know if it exists, and if it really does have any real power. Because if it does, he wants to get his mitts on it first."

"Enough." Selene’s chin rose imperiously. "I want my leg back. Right now."

Tommy smiled. "Follow me."

We trailed him through the back door, leaving the Girls and goons to enjoy each other’s company. Of course Selene kept her personal trio with her, swaggering in their curve-hugging leather. Poddar and Dawn spoke urgently in low tones just in front of me. I stepped ahead just in case it turned into a lover's spat. As we walked down a brightly lit hallway, I caught up to Angel and took her by the arm.

"I still don't see what you have to do with any of this. Did Tommy threaten you because of me? Say the word and I'll get you outta here."

Her violet eyes looked up pityingly. "Is that what you think? You can be a sweet man when you want to. Baby, I work for Tommy. Do you really think I could afford to live in that neighborhood on a secretary’s salary? Please."

"You mean you—?"

"She was keeping an eye on you for me.” Tommy barely turned his head. "You’re a most unique individual, Troubleshooter. I knew it was only a matter of time before you were back in the game, no matter what happened to your memory. I keep track of everything that goes down in New Haven. Why wouldn't you think I'd keep track of you?"

I looked at Angel. My Angel. "So. You just let ol' Tommy pimp you out, that it?"

I never figured a petite dame could slap so hard. The impact spun my head around so far back I clearly saw the smirk on Rob's face before I reeled it in again.

The Gutter Girls laughed while I rubbed my cheek. "Guess I deserved that."

Her gorgeous eyes were furious. "That and more. I thought we had something, but I learn quick. I was just a tool you used when you wanted and tossed back in the box when you were done. So when Tommy offered money to keep tabs on you, yeah — I took it. It's like I told you: a girl can't wait forever."

"I guess she can't.” I felt like my heart should have broken or something, but all I wanted was a stiff drink and some ice.

For my jaw.

We walked into a large basement. It had been recently renovated with the kind of high tech lab equipment I couldn’t even spell. In the center was a large table. On the table was a glass case.

Inside of the case was the leg.

I took a good look at what all the fuss was about. It was slender, shapely, and looked completely undamaged, as Tommy had promised. Kinda creepy with no body attached and all, but whole and unharmed. It was displayed so the severed part didn’t show, which was awful nice of Tommy once I thought about it.

A series of intricately detailed tattoos were etched from the top of the thigh all the way to the ankle. The depictions were of wolves, eagles, and American Indians. Selene’s rosebud lips parted as she placed a hand on the glass.

I whistled. "Really nice ink.”

She glowered.

I raised my hands defensively. “No, I mean it. You don’t find detail like this too often. But aside from that — what the hell do they have to do with finding the Grimoire?"

"That's the million dib question." The voice was distinctly familiar. "And one we were unable to answer. Until we looked closer. Much closer.”

Frankie Newman turned from one of the consoles, wearing a labcoat and eyeglasses. His hair was slickly laid, and he looked completely in his element. Just like he had in hobo rags. He spoke in a soft, sinister stepfather kind of voice. "Hello, Troubleshooter. I'm willing to bet this was the last place you'd expect to see me."

Tommy turned. "I recruited Mr. Newman when my analysts were stumped by the meaning in the tattoos. Since the quality of the mystery was of a highly secretive nature…"

I nodded. "Why not ask someone who specializes in the nature of secrets. As the resident information harvester and someone who worked for the Savant, Frankie fits the bill, all right.”

Frankie’s eyelid twitched. “That’s an interesting allegation.”

“Oh, I’m able to connect a few dots now and then, Frankie.”

It was true. My sluggish mind had actually kicked into overdrive, in fact. Not particularly a good thing, because I hate thinking. Pieces were falling into place, and I didn’t like the half-completed picture they formed.

“Dr. Faraday had to have someone he personally groomed to understand his unique genius. Someone he at least halfway trusted. How many silver pieces did you get for turning on him, Frankie?”

“I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

“Course you don’t. Well, Frankie boy? Find anything useful?"

Newman gave me a wary glance. "As a matter of fact, I did. After scanning the entire leg, I was able to examine each tattoo separately. And came up with nothing."