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A drop of blood dripped from my nose and spattered on the Joker’s face. He and I shared grins.

The sound of aisles and display cases shattering grew louder as the New Man approached. “You are only flesh, Troubleshooter. No matter what you have learned from Dr. Faraday, your resistance is pointless. I will take the orb and your heart at the same time.”

I activated the Joker with my thumbprint while I raised the hand which held the orb so the New Man could see it. It vibrated hard enough to practically break my fingers.

“Wait.” I slowly stood, holding the orb high. My other hand concealed the Joker, which silently counted down. I tried to sound as pitiful as I could. “Wait. You… you said if I gave you the orb, you’d let me live.”

The New Man extended his gauntleted hand. “Give it to me then, human. I will keep my word.”

“Catch.” I threw the orb and Joker together. The orb flashed like a miniature sun as it sailed across the room, the Joker knifed through the air beside it. I thought I saw the New Man’s eyes widen right before I ran like hell the opposite direction.

The resulting explosion sounded and felt like the end of the world.

Do you understand your instructions, Agent Trudo?

“Yes, sir.”

I couldn’t see who it was that spoke to me. I was in a dimly lit room facing a shadowed figure behind a naked desk. I guessed it was one of those inconclusive dreams which weren’t good for much other than getting on my nerves. I hate those.

Then repeat your objectives, Agent Trudo.

What I hated worse was being in a dream where someone spoke to me in such a condescending tone. Not to mention getting my name wrong. I opened my mouth for a classic retort, but for some reason different words tumbled out.

“Infiltrate New Haven. Ascertain the location of the thermal orb and recover it. Assassinate Dr. Faraday, and open the Tunnel for the entry of Secret Service operatives.”

Very good, Agent Trudo. Report to your superior and prepare for your departure.

“Yes sir.” I turned and walked out of the tastelessly adorned office. As I strode down the equally plain hallway, I paused at a highly polished window. A major metropolis twinkled outside; a vast expanse of towering monoliths and flying vehicles. Since it was night, my reflection was clearly visible.

Something was terribly wrong.

My hair was awful. It was cut in stereotypical military drone fashion. My face had as much personality as a glass of warm milk. My uniform was all black, pleated, and without a single ounce of character.

I looked about as bland as Hunter Valentino.

“Doing a little character study?”

I turned around, and a raspberry blonde stood in front of me. A real dish, too. Sky blue eyes and full lips the color of fresh strawberries. Though this dame was harder than the average doll. It was in the severity of her pulled-back hairstyle, and there was glint in her eyes behind the smile that unnerved me a bit.

What the hell was going on?

“Come to see me off?” were the words that came out my mouth.

She smiled. “As your superior officer, I’m obligated. You look a little stressed.”

Stress actually would have been a welcome addition to the featureless face I saw in the mirror. I’ve seen synoids with more potential for expression.

She placed her hands on my face in a more intimate manner than I would have expected from a superior officer. At least this dream had some perks.

“Don’t worry. It’s like I told you — everything is under control. Glenn Faraday has no idea what your objectives are. He believes we will uphold ridiculous bargain that he put on the table. He doesn’t suspect we’re sending you there to take him out.” She smiled as though savoring the thought.

“Just be careful. Don’t allow him to access your mind through any scan or tests. He will have the upper hand then. By no means allow him to know what your objectives are.”

“It’s not my first time off the leash, Natalie.”

She smiled as she looked me over. “I know. It’s just the first time we’ve had this type of shot at New Haven. You do this and the Director will be feeding from our hands. We’ll be able to call the shots instead of taking orders from these suits.”

I took her hands in mine. “Then get ready to celebrate. Because Glen Faraday is as good as dead, along with anyone who gets in my way. It won’t be hard. It’ll be fun. Just like all the other times.”

Her eyes brightened. “I wish I could go with you, but Faraday requested only one agent. So do me a favor. Dr. Faraday has caused the Secret Service a lot of trouble. Take your time with that arrogant bastard. Kill him slowly, Michael. Then come back and tell me all about it.”

I opened my eyes and was immediately rushed into a world of hurt. I was thankful, though. The agony of my battered body was duck soup compared to the gonzo dream I just had. I managed to crane my neck and take a look around.

I’d fallen into a basement of some sort. Old boxes and dusty tables were stacked everywhere. Guess the floor had collapsed from the explosion. I was covered in broken wood, rubble and chalky dust. I coughed and slowly checked to make sure I was in one piece and those pieces were still working. Every movement was a jolt of pain, so I figured I was all right.

I rolled to the side and came face to face with the New Man.

What was left of him, anyway. His head and torso were the only recognizable parts left. Seemed the combined explosion of the Joker and the thermal orb had an undesired effect on him.

“You… don’t know… what you’ve done.” His voice quivered like a dying rattlesnake from the exposed receiver in his throat. “You’ve… chosen illusion over… truth. I tried to… free all of the trapped and… imprisoned minds. Now they will… suffer at the mercy of… delusions. As will you.”

I managed to claw at the wall and pull myself to my feet. The New Man actually looked a bit pitiful lying there like a broken toy. I didn’t spare it any pity, though. And neither did the heel of my size elevens when I stomped on the remains of his head. Whatever was left in him faded away with a whimpering crackle.

“Guess we’ll just have to find our own way. Whoever the hell you are.”

I staggered a few steps backward before falling back on my ass. I sure didn't feel like getting back up, either. For about a week. My Bogart was battered and dusty, but I shook it off and tilted it just right on my head. I managed to find a half-bent gasper from my coat pocket, and clicked my lighter.

What a night.

I exhaled wisps of smoke as I collected myself. All the thoughts I’d been trying to ignore slowly coalesced into a picture which made more sense than I wanted to admit, kinda like the code at Tommy’s hideout. Much as I wanted to deny the truth, there was no way around it.

I left the husk of the New Man behind and clambered up the debris into the light.

Chapter 19: Rubble

The first thing I noticed was the lack of sound. As in people shouting and guns blazing. I figured with the New Man outta the picture and the thermal orb destroyed, there wasn’t much to fight over anyway.

Looks like I’d saved the day. I wasn’t counting on a lot of gratitude.

The explosion had totaled at least half of the mansion. Everyone who survived slowly collected themselves, looking about as dazed as I felt. Even some of the Specters had made it. From the bewilderment on their faces I figured they either had been freed of some hypnotic hold, or were thinking about their employment futures.

The street sweepers were all scrapped, either by the New Man’s energy beams or by my collection of friends and temporary allies. I was pretty sure the brass at the precinct weren’t gonna be too thrilled about that. Androids might not cost as much as synoids, but they’re still expensive.