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Just at the conclusion of the first act of the amorous drama exhibited by the two performers in the boudoir, I felt a sweet emission distill from me and trickle over his wanton fingers. I knew that he was sensible of this from the increased fire with which he kissed me, and pressed his other hand upon the elastic globes with which it was toying. I still retained my hold of my darling plaything, but I was too much afraid of making it yield up its treasures prematurely to venture upon more than a fond grasp of it. I now felt him lift up one of my legs, so as to make me rest for a moment on one knee. This enabled him to raise up my petticoats and turn them over my back. He then placed himself behind me, and I felt the warm soft flesh of his belly brought in close contact with my buttocks, and his delightful weapon introduced between my thighs, where it reared up its proud head, beating stiffly against my belly.

I was only too glad to feel its charming approach, for I had long ago made up my mind that whenever dear Harry chose to ask it, he should obtain any pleasure it was in my power to afford him, and I never thought for a moment of making the slightest opposition to anything he might wish to do. Consequently I allowed him every facility to go on and take any further liberties he might think proper with me, without attempting to make the least resistance.

Gently separating with one hand the lips of the cleft of love, with the other he applied the point of his stiff rod and tried to insert it within the narrow aperture. Alas! This was perfectly impossible to be effected in such a position. After two or three efforts he seemed to be convinced that it was of no use to attempt it and contented himself with pressing the burning instrument against my belly, my thighs, my buttocks-every touch increasing my ardent desires and inflaming my passions to the highest pitch of lustful excitement.

When the last act of the drama of which we were thus the delighted spectators was concluded, I thought I was again going to yield to the emotions it had raised with me; my head turned, and I sank down almost senseless. I was just aware that Harry rose up, lifted me in his arms, and carried me into my own room. There he laid me on my bed, and proceeded to remove that portion of my clothes which still remained upon me. Even had I been capable of resistance I should never have thought of making any. But in fact I hardly knew what he was about until he had stripped me entirely naked, and had performed the same office for himself. I was first brought fully to perfect consciousness by the delicious sensation of feeling his naked body pressed closely to my own in every quarter.

I cannot possibly describe the agreeable sensations which pervaded me while I thus lay on my back at full length with the burning hot body of dear Harry extended upon me, giving rise to the most intense feelings of fierce lasciviousness throughout my whole frame, by the charming manner in which its soft smooth surface pressed upon me. He clasped me and hugged me in his arms, while his wanton kisses wandered from my forehead to my lips, and from my lips to my bubbies, which he almost devoured with his eager bites and caresses. His roving hands strayed over every part of my person, which was not already brought into immediate communication with his own.

As he pressed his belly closer and closer to me, I could feel his luscious instrument of love as stiff and hard as a rod of iron rubbing itself up and down upon my belly, and it throbbed and palpitated to such a tremendous extent that every instant I feared it would burst and scatter its precious contents before he had attained the delightful object which I now knew quite well he was bent upon obtaining. I was therefore extremely glad when I felt him raise himself slightly on his knees and introduce his hand between us, and, applying it to my burning cavity, endeavour to open its mouth.

I rightly judged that this was but the prelude to another and still more delightful part of his body attempting to force an entrance into the passage, the result of which would be to lead to our mutual happiness. So far from recoiling, I gave him every assistance in my power. I was quite aware-from what you had told me and from the disproportion which I could not avoid being sensible existed between the narrow aperture and the swollen and distended instrument which menaced me so formidably-that there would be considerable difficulty in his forcing open the passage which leads to pleasure sufficiently to admit of the entrance of such a valiant champion as he possessed. I felt consequently that I was likely to have to submit to a considerable amount of pain before the necessary breach was effected. But I had quite made up my mind to endure this, and so far from lamenting it, I was only glad that I should thus be enabled to show that I would willingly undergo any amount of suffering to prove how much I was devoted to him. I resolved that I would even try to avoid any exhibition of the anguish I might endure if I found that the signs of it were even likely to interfere with the consummation of his pleasure, well knowing that I should be amply rewarded afterwards for my complaisance.

Therefore when I felt him distend the lips of my cleft and apply the point of the delightful weapon to it, so far from shrinking from the encounter I held myself in as favourable a position as I could assume, and when he clasped his arms round me and thrust his buttocks forwards, endeavouring to drive the wedge into the narrow aperture, I, too, threw my arms over his back, and drew him to me, and met with fortitude the powerful thrust with which he commenced his first attack upon my poor devoted maidenhead.

Our united endeavours were so far successful that I felt the sweet slippery head of his delicious charmer penetrate within the lips which had never been distended to such a fearful extent before. There was some pain, certainly, in its first entrance, but this instantly succeeded by such a charming sensation of deliriously voluptuous fullness and irritating excitement that I had not the least hesitation in seconding his efforts, when, after a short pause, during which he seemed to enjoy the delicious feelings which his first slight penetration produced upon him quite as much as I did, he again exerted his utmost energy to press forward his fiery steed in the career of pleasure. But here, alas, I was doomed to suffer all the woes which a poor maid must undergo in her first initiation into the mysteries of pleasure and to pay the sad penalty which is exacted from us before we can be admitted to enjoy the greatest bliss which nature has conferred upon us.

As his raging stiff champion was urged forwards by our mutual efforts, I felt the distension and the tearing asunder of my yet unopened fortress produce such unsupportable anguish that I could not endure it any longer, and I sobbed out, “Oh! Harry, Harry! You are killing me.”

By this time, he had got his furious charger already more than half way within me. The dear boy had been deceived by the efforts I had hitherto made to conceal the pangs I was enduring and had supposed that I was enjoying an equal amount of bliss as himself, but as soon as he found that instead of enjoying pleasure, it was agonizing pain that had forced the complaint from my unwilling lips, he did not hesitate a moment to stop short in his victorious career. He endeavoured by the fondest caresses and warmest and most soothing endearments to console me under my sufferings. He told me to take courage for that after he had got so far in, the worst must be over, and our object would very soon be effected when I would be amply recompensed for all the suffering I had undergone by the precious reward which would crown the accomplishment of our united effort. He said that if I wished it, he would at once withdraw the unhappy cause of my distress, though he told me that it would be a severe punishment to him, as its presence within me was giving him the most extreme delight. He insisted, however, that it was absolutely necessary he should be able to get it wholly within me before I could begin to enjoy the pleasure we sought for, and that to take it out and replace it again would only add to my sufferings. He asked me to allow him to try the effect of suspending his efforts to penetrate further, and letting his weapon remain quiet where it was until I could tell that I was able to sustain its further progress.