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He seemed surprised at my impudence, but he allowed me to go on, and I proceeded to tell him of the strange effects produced upon me by my floggings, and of the extreme desire I felt to know what was the meaning of it. As he listened attentively to me and seemed amused with what I told him, I went on and informed him of my suspicion that he was affected in a similar manner on these occasions, and I told him what I had observed of his condition during his last punishment.

Of course, in my narrative I did not make the slightest allusion-to anything that had passed with Lady Lovesport or you. When I had finished, he asked me what was my object in telling him all this. I said I wanted to know what was the reason of the little gentleman getting into such a state, at the same time putting my hand under him and taking hold of the lovely naked object which still protruded far out from his belly through the opening in his trousers; and that I wanted also to ascertain what he did with it when it got into that condition, as I was sure, from what I had felt myself, that it was something that gave him a great deal of pleasure. I added that I hoped he would explain it all to me, as he might depend that I would never say a word to any one of what I had seen or of what he might tell me.

I fancy he thought that after what I must have observed there was no use in his attempting to conceal anything from me, for after remaining silent for a minute or two, he said that he would have no objection to gratify my curiosity, provided he were once satisfied that I was old enough to understand these things, but that, if he were to agree to show me and to explain to me all that was in his power, I must also satisfy him by allowing him to make an examination of all I had to show.

I could offer no objection to such an equitable proposition, and I told him that if he would gratify my curiosity, I would willingly do anything he might require in return.

But I am here interrupted by Gerald calling me to get ready to accompany him on a visit we are about to pay to some friends of his who live at a little distance from this, and as it may be a few days before I can proceed with my story, I shall send off this to amuse you in the meantime.

Ever your own,


Letter VI. Harry to Emily

Dearest Emily,

I think I left off in my description of my interview with Sidney at the moment when he had agreed to satisfy my curiosity as to what he was doing upon the condition that I was to show him sufficient proofs that I was capable of understanding the explanation he was willing to give me.

He now turned himself round where he was lying, so as to leave the front part of his person exposed to my researches, with his charming weapon extending out before him in a stiff and upright position. He then made me lie down beside him, and, while I opened out his trousers still further that I might procure a more complete view of the lovely object they still partly concealed with all its appendages, he unloosened my trousers, and, lifting up my shirt, he pulled out my little plaything, which, in consequence of what had taken place, was also quite erect, and in a state of great excitement.

As soon as he saw and felt it, he smiled and said, “Oh! I see I need have no hesitation in telling you anything you may wish to know, for if this little gentleman does not yet know what to make of himself, it is full time he should learn.” Then putting one hand between my thighs, he played with and fondled the little balls, while with the other he rubbed the pillar itself up and down in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. I was not long in following the example he set me, and I imitated his motions as well as I could, caressing the balls and moving my hand along the shaft in the same manner that he did. I could soon see that my exertions were producing the same agreeable sensations upon him which I felt he was exciting in me. But this only the more increased my anxiety to know what could be the object and meaning of the whole affair, and I begged of him to explain it to me.

He seemed surprised at my ignorance, and said that he could hardly believe that with such a plaything as I had-for it had grown considerably in the short time that had elapsed since you had seen it-I should not understand its proper use. But on my assuring him that I was quite in the dark on the subject, he said he would try whether he could not enlighten me. He then took out the book he had been reading, and which he had concealed on my appearance; it proved to be a charming series of amatory stories, under the title of How to Raise Love. He showed me a picture of a pretty young lady sitting on a chair, with a handsome boy standing between her naked thighs with his trousers down and his cock standing erect, with which she was playing.

I said, “Oh, yes, I can understand that; it is just what we are doing to each other, but what is the use of it?”

He laughed and said, “Well, look here,” and turned to another picture, where the boy, with his trousers down and his shirt tucked up round his waist, was putting love's dart into the delicious cleft situated between the thighs of a nearly naked lady, who was lying beneath him just in the same way that I did to you on that first delicious night.

The whole truth flashed upon my mind at once, and I could have killed myself in my rage at my stupidity in not having sooner discovered the secret, when it might have been possible to have procured for myself as well as to have conferred on you, all the delight which I immediately comprehended such a mode of procedure would produce. I remained for a minute or two without speaking, for my brain was so confused with the overwhelming sensations that rushed through it, as the astounding discovery burst upon me, that I was quite unable to utter a word. The idea of the delight I should enjoy in such a charming conjunction with you, whenever we should have the power to unite ourselves together in a similar manner, had such an effect upon me, that involuntarily, I began to thrust my body backwards and forwards, making my swollen and distended weapon move to and fro within Sidney's grasp.

“Ah! I see you are beginning to comprehend it now. I thought the sight of these pictures would rouse you in the same manner as they always do me.” He then gave way freely to the same pleasant emotions, heaving his body up and down, and indulging in all the lascivious movements which I found so gratifying.

Having recovered a little from my surprise, I began to question him further and inquired what was the meaning of the white liquid which issued from the funny object when it got into such a state. He seemed surprised at the question, and said he suspected I must know more about the subject than I acknowledged, but I told him of my dream and the effect it had produced upon me, resulting in an emission.

He was satisfied with that explanation, and told me that he would elucidate the whole matter to me and give me the book to read which would make me understand it completely, whenever we had a favourable opportunity, but that in the meantime we must make good use of our time to enjoy ourselves thoroughly, as it was not unlikely, we might soon be disturbed. He therefore urged me to quicken my movements upon the charming object I held in my grasp, in order that we might fully enjoy all the pleasure we could confer upon each other, and he set me the example by rubbing and tickling my plaything in the most lascivious manner possible. I was delighted with the charming effect he produced upon it, and did not hesitate to imitate his proceedings upon the palpitating object which throbbed fiercely in my hand. His buttocks now heaved up and down, and he forced his stiff rod rapidly backwards and forwards through my fingers, his breath came in short hurried gasps, his cheeks glowed with a ruby tint, and his eyes sparkled with a fire I had never seen in them before, until stiffer and harder and more swollen and distended than ever, the luscious instrument of bliss, after two or three convulsive throbs, shot up far into the air a few drops of the burning liquid, which was the signal of the outburst of the rapturous crisis.