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My curiosity arrested my movements, and still grasping fast the inflamed and furious instrument of pleasure which I instinctively felt no longer required my assistance, I gazed with wonder and delight at the lovely boy as he lay thus extended before me in all the ecstasies of supreme delight.

But it was not long before he recovered himself, and proceeded to repay me for the pleasure I had afforded him. I must confess that I was so much moved and excited by what had passed that I could not refrain from exerting myself as well as I could to promote his efforts, and a very short period was sufficient to bring on with me the same delightful consummation which he had already attained.

It certainly was a most delicious sensation when, excited to the utmost by his lascivious caresses, I felt the warm liquid burst through the pleasure tube, and I certainly enjoyed it most thoroughly, though I could not help fancying that it did not afford me quite the same rapturous delight which I had experienced on a similar occasion when your fair hands and rosy lips produced the same effect upon me.

Sidney took an early opportunity of explaining to me all the mysteries of the art of love, and though he would not give me the book to read by myself-as he said it might tempt me to indulge too often in solitary practices, which I had better refrain from-he urged me to come and read it with him whenever we should have an opportunity. It will not be wondered at that I availed myself of every occasion for doing so, and that I was most anxious to show myself grateful for his kindness by doing everything I could to promote his enjoyment.

The next time I was enabled to indulge in his lascivious frolics with him it occurred to me that it would gratify him if I were to treat him in the same agreeable manner you did me on the first occasion when I experienced the bliss which the organ of manhood is capable of affording. While I was fondling and caressing his pretty plaything, I asked him whether he had ever tried putting it into the mouth, as I fancied that mode of proceeding would heighten the pleasure. He said he had never done so as he had always been too much afraid to broach the subject to any of his companions, and though he had ardently longed to have some one to play with in such a delicious manner, he would not have found courage to propose it unless I had spoken to him on the subject. He said he quite agreed with me in thinking that it must be very nice to have the little object kissed and caressed between the lips and that if I felt disposed to do so to him, he would be delighted to do the same to me.

I made him lay himself down on his back, and, stripping down his trousers as far as his knees and placing my head between his legs, I took the rosy point of the lovely instrument into my mouth, and sucked and caressed it. At the same time I employed my hands in caressing his firm buttocks, playing with the charming soft slippery balls, tickling the root of the tree of life, and twisting my fingers among the short curls which surrounded it. He was quite enchanted with this proceeding, which threw him into the greatest ecstasies of delight. He declared that he had never enjoyed anything half so much and he begged me to continue my operations, which he said he was sure I would be delighted to have repaid to me in a similar manner.

His agitated and lascivious motions speedily announced the unbounded sway which voluptuousness had obtained over his senses, and I exerted my utmost endeavours to promote and increase his luscious sensations, until at length, in the wildest and most unbounded transports of unbridled licentiousness, he poured forth a whole volley of the grapeshot of love into my burning mouth, accompanied with a quivering contortion of the whole body and a frantic exclamation of intense delight.

Immediately on recovering himself, he insisted on returning the compliment to me, and, laying hold of my wicked plaything, he inserted it in his mouth and operated upon it in such an agreeable manner that I was no longer surprised at the state of fierce excitement into which my own proceedings had thrown him.

I believe I was not behind him, either in the rapturous sensations I enjoyed, or in the lascivious manner in which I gave them uncontrolled display. He was so enchanted and delighted at the lustful exhibition I had made of my raging passions during the sweet operation that his senses were again roused to the highest pitch of excitement and he could not be satisfied until I had again operated upon his unruly member and appeased his still raging desires by making him once more pour forth the blissful effusion.

I soon ascertained from Sidney that my suspicions were well grounded, and that it was the lascivious pleasure produced by the tickling of the birch upon his posteriors that had induced him so often to subject himself to punishment. It was not long before he was again favoured with a severe flogging for some fault which he had committed, as he acknowledged, for the sole object of heightening the pleasure he was afterwards to enjoy with me. On this occasion I asked him whether he would not like better that I should flog him, rather than thus expose himself before all the school. He eagerly caught at the suggestion, and, accordingly, at our next meeting we provided a birch rod which I applied to his lovely bottom, making him display the greatest symptoms of enjoyment, which increased in intensity every instant until his libidinous sensations were fully aroused to the acme of excitement. I was obliged to take the most effectual means of gratifying and allaying them by tickling, rubbing, and sucking his fiery dart until I made it yield up its treasures with every symptom of the most unbounded transport. He then repeated the same delicious operation upon me with the same pleasing effect.

We were thus led on from one refinement in the art of pleasure to another. We thought it would add greatly to our enjoyment if one of us could exert our powers of pleasing upon the charming instrument of the other, at the same time that the stimulus of the birch rod was applied to the hinder quarters of the patient. To carry out this idea it was necessary for us to have recourse to further assistance. We therefore sounded one of our schoolfellows, a fine handsome boy of fifteen. The sight of the pictures and the perusal of the book fired his imagination to such an extent that he was quite ready for anything we might choose to do with him, and he willingly consented to take part in our frolics in any manner we liked. He soon proved himself an apt and willing scholar. He was no sooner initiated in the mysteries of the art of enjoyment than, quite delighted with the sport, he was as eager as either of us to take his share in receiving or conferring the pleasures we indulged in. I had already had some experience of the effects produced by the birch in rousing the passions and heightening the consequent enjoyment, and I willingly gave in to all Sidney's fancies, who delighted almost as much in operating upon us, and in witnessing and enjoying our voluptuous excitement and the full gratification of our lascivious desires, as he did in getting us to operate upon him.

We had contrived to get access to an unoccupied apartment from which we could exclude the other boys. Our usual arrangement was this: there was a large wide easy chair in the room. One of us sat down upon this chair, leaning his head back pretty low down and stretching out his legs before him, with the whole front part of his person exposed, completely naked. The other knelt upon the chair across him, leaning his arms upon the back of the chair, with his trousers down to his knees and his shirt tucked up around his waist. He bent himself forward, so that love's dart could be introduced between the lips of the sitter who was thus enabled to keep up a libidinous titillation with his mouth and tongue upon the point of the charming instrument, and at the same time to increase the enjoyment by employing his hands in fondling and playing with the fleshy column and the depending treasures, and in tickling and exciting all the adjacent parts.