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“Now Harry, darling! To business if you please, as I always punish when I have once promised to do so,” she said, rising from her seat, and commencing to take off my jacket, trousers, and everything till I stood in my shirt by her side. “What a dear fine boy you have grown, what legs and thighs, and such a figure!” she said as I felt her hands pass under my shirt, caressing and playing with my buttocks and thighs, and wandering over the whole back part of my person. You may well suppose that a certain mutinous object was now roused by these proceedings to a state of fierce erection, but she took no notice of it, though I was convinced she could hardly be insensible to its condition. I sometimes fancied, too, that a sort of thrilling palpitating emotion, which seemed to pervade her frame, was in some measure to be attributed to her consciousness of the presence of such an exciting object. Her proceedings encouraged me to go with my own employment. I saw that her gown was only retained upon her by being held up by her arms, and that her petticoats were merely sustained by a fastening secured round her waist. I immediately unloosened the latter, and, placing one hand on each arm, I bent them down by her side so as to allow the sleeves of the gown to slip over her shoulders and fall down. This was no sooner accomplished than the whole dress, gown, petticoats, and everything sank down to her feet, leaving her standing beside me with nothing on but her chemise. She made no opposition to this, merely saying, “Oh, you rogue, this is too bad of you.” As soon as this was effected, and unable longer to restrain myself, I threw my arms round her neck and pressed her in a close embrace, imprinting burning kisses upon her face, neck, and bosom. She submitted to my caresses very quietly for a short time, passing her arms round me and returning my pressures, until I fancy she felt the sensitive little rogue below presuming too much upon the happy position in which he was now placed, and beating fiercely against her naked thighs and belly, for, somehow, in its stiff extension, the little rogue had managed to raise up both my shirt and her chemise, and had come to close quarters with her. She now said, “Come, come, you naughty boy, this will never do. You are forgetting your promise already, we must proceed to work.”

We were then standing close to the couch. Disengaging herself from my arms, she made me sit down upon it, and proceeded to draw off my trousers which were still hanging about my ankles. As I raised my legs to enable her to do this more easily, I managed to make my shirt slip up over my thighs, so that she had a full view of my person naked to near my navel. I fancied that I could detect a pleased expression in her eyes as they rested upon the emblem of manhood which was thus disclosed to her, and which heaved and palpitated, and rose up and down from my belly at every throb it gave under the influence of the fiery emotions which agitated me.

I remained quite passive under her hands. After removing my trousers, she made me get up on the sofa, and kneel upon it, so as to turn up my posteriors to the strokes of the rod. I noticed that when she raised up my shirt to lay bare the naked globes, she arranged it in such a manner as to conceal the flaming object beneath. This made me suspect that she was rather afraid to indulge herself too much in its contemplation for fear of being led into temptation by it; but this only made me the more determined to present it before her as prominently as possible. I soon contrived, by the working of my body, to draw up my shirt so as fully to expose the flaming dart in a state of the utmost extension.

In other respects, I remained quietly in the position on which she placed me, merely turning my head to the side on which she stood that I might enjoy the lovely sight of all her exposed charms. Her chemise hung loosely upon her person, and she made no attempt to arrange it so as in any way to disturb my view, and I had consequently a full opportunity of contemplating her charming neck and bosom, and her luscious full-formed yet elegantly shaped legs and thighs-getting also an occasional delightful glimpse of the splendid buttocks, and of the glorious temple of pleasure, which were every now and then momentarily displayed in all their beauty whenever she raised her arm higher than usual, thereby uplifting the thin veil which covered them. I soon began to feel the full effect of the fiery stimulus-which the potent stripes of the birch twigs now showered down upon my quivering flesh — produced throughout my whole frame. The plump hillocks burned and glowed with the fierce flame, and the fiery impetus was communicated to my raging priapus, and made me move my body backwards and forwards in pleasing, and yet tantalizing motion.

Lady Lovesport seemed quite delighted with the effect she was so evidently producing upon me, and she sometimes desisted from her task that she might take a more minute and particular survey of the scene of action. She examined the hot soft surface of the white mounds, now beginning to acquire a rosy hue, and passed her hand over every portion of my naked flesh, apparently luxuriating in the pleasing touch. Then giving me a passionate kiss as if to encourage me to allow her to proceed with her work of pleasure, she would again resume the rod. This lasted for a considerable time, until my emotions, in spite of my endeavours to control them, became so fierce and violent that every instant I expected they would cause me to pour forth a stream of pleasure. I fancy that she detected amid my passionate struggles the probability of the approach of such an occurrence, which she did not wish to take place so soon; for she soon desisted from her employment and told me to rise up and allow her to take my place on the sofa.

From what you had told me and from what she herself had said, I was somewhat prepared for this. But when she knelt down before me, and turned up her luscious round white buttocks that I might apply the lash to them, I threw myself on my knees before them, and covered them with a thousand kisses, vowing that I never could summon up courage enough to inflict the desired punishment upon such charming objects. She was amused with my raptures but said I need have no hesitation, as habit had converted what I fancied would have been pain, into pleasure. She told me not to be afraid, but to flog away just as she had done to me, or as I would do with one of my schoolfellows.

I gradually became more bold, as I now beheld evident symptoms that, far from my efforts producing pain, they had quite an opposite effect. On taking up her position, she had arranged her chemise so as not to expose the under part of her person, but as it gradually worked down over her buttocks to where it interfered with the action of the rod, I availed myself of the excuse to move it further up; and finding that she made no objection, I tucked it up close under her arms. I was thus enabled to gratify my eyes with a complete view of all her lovely person, as she moved and twisted herself about in all directions under the excitement which was being gradually stirred up within her by the powerful stimulus I was applying. I was in the utmost rapture at the lovely sight.

You know that though I was well acquainted with all your young beauties, I had never before seen a full-grown woman naked, except indeed that transient glimpse I had obtained of Lady Lovesport during the bathing scene. You know well, too, that Lady Loves-port's luscious charms were enough to set an anchorite on fire, and you may imagine the effect which the unrestrained exhibition of all her voluptuous beauties and of her lascivious emotions must have produced upon the imagination and the passions of a boy of my age, burning with the desire to be initiated into all the exquisite pleasures and delight which such a charming object could afford to him.

After a time, carried away by my passion, I laid down the rod, and bending over her, I fondled and caressed the lovely promontories which were now tinged with a pleasing carnation hue. I pressed my burning lips upon the hot surfaces, kissing and caressing them in a thousand places as if to demand pardon for the apparently harsh treatment they had been receiving at my hands. But I was soon recalled to my duty by Lady Lovesport, who begged of me to resume the rod, as my task was not completed yet. I complied with her request, and continued for some minutes to ply her lovely buttocks with the stripes of pleasure. During this period, she in her turn exhibited the same symptoms of lascivious emotion, and twisted and writhed her body about in all directions under the irritating excitement she was undergoing, much in the same manner as I had done.