When we had fully recovered from the trance into which our excess had thrown us, I pleaded hard to be allowed to renew the fight a third time, exhibiting a standing proof that my vigour was not entirely exhausted. But she would not listen to me, alleging that from the exhaustion she herself felt, consequent on my potent exertions, she was convinced I had excited myself quite sufficiently for that occasion. But she willingly agreed to give me another opportunity on the following day of indulging in the delicious pastimes in which she had thus so pleasingly initiated me.
Our joys were not interrupted till the return of Mr. Everard, who had been away from home when I arrived. Lady Lovesport had from the first informed me that she did not wish he should know anything of the favours she had granted me, and she now made me aware of the reason. It appeared that there was an arrangement between them that whenever Mr. Everard succeeded to the property to which he was heir, they should immediately be married. But as this might not happen for some years, it had occurred to them both that perhaps an arrangement might be made with me by which, on my marriage with you, Lady Lovesport should give up to me the half of her late husband's property on condition that she should be allowed to retain the other half during her life, even though she did marry Mr. Everard. You may easily suppose that I eagerly assented to this proposal, which will insure our future comfort and happiness.
This matter having been thus arranged, Lady Lovesport confessed to me that she was very unwilling to be entirely deprived of the enjoyment she had derived from her intercourse with me, at least until you were of a proper age to lay claim to your rights over my person. But she suggested that our amusement might still be continued to a certain extent, without suspicion, by associating Susan in our wanton sports. She had sometimes operated with the rod upon this girl in the presence of Mr. Everard, and she proposed that we would all meet together, and that when Mr. Everard was present I should enjoy myself with Susan in the same manner as she did with him. This, she said, would obviate any suspicion or jealousy on his part, and when he was absent, we could amuse ourselves on the old footing.
I objected to this at first, as committing a new act of treason against your charms. But Lady Lovesport pointed out the impossibility of my continuing to indulge myself with her upon any other footing, and the equal impossibility of my being able to refrain from committing acts of infidelity to you in some manner or other after once tasting the fruit of the tree of knowledge. She finally overcame my scruples by giving me some reason to believe that you could not be very severe as to this point, hinting that if there was not another lover in the case, there was a certain Miss Lucy, who almost rivalled me in your affections, and who proved not a bad substitute in procuring for you the pleasures which I fancied you could derive from me alone. I hope some day to be able to reward the voluptuous Lucy in a proper manner for all the enjoyment she has conferred upon you, and if you will not allow me to do so in my own person, I have a substitute in view, who will be most happy to take my place, and who, I have reason to know, will be able to satisfy even her lascivious desires.
But as I leave to-morrow, and shall not have an opportunity of writing to you again before we meet, I must defer to some future period any account of my subsequent adventures, and how I introduced Sidney and Albert to Lady Lovesport and Mr. Everard, with their delight at being rewarded by the embraces of the wanton Susan for their willing submission to all the frolicsome pastimes in birch discipline to which they were subjected.
Ever your attached, Harry.