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When this took place my aunt was pretty sure, by a sharp application of the rod, to make her turn round again, but when on the other hand she moved herself so as to expose the same delightful sight to the evidently charmed gaze of Mr. Everard, she rather suspended her blows, or merely applied them so lightly, as to induce Maria to remain for a time in the same attitude.

During the operation my aunt's robe flew open and I discovered that she had nothing on beneath it, except a thin chemise. Her robe hanging down over her shoulders exhibited her entire bosom, naked, with its charming promontories which, though more full-grown and considerably larger and more mature in their proportions, were equally lovely in shape and colour. Occasionally, as she changed her position, I could catch a glimpse of her naked legs and thighs, though these were more generally turned in the opposite direction from me.

At length, as if exhausted with the exertion and tired of standing longer, she sat down on the couch-and as Maria's motions were now becoming more fierce and energetic, she placed her arm round the girl's waist as if to restrain her struggles, though it rather appeared to me as if it was done with the view of procuring a better exhibition of every part of her person. At the same time my aunt stretched out her own legs at full length before her, opening her thighs a little apart and allowing her robe to fall on each side so as to disclose them to view.

As soon as Mr. Everard perceived this, he gently stole round and got on his knees beside her, and, spreading her legs still further apart, he raised up her chemise and disclosed the centre of pleasure. I had often in our bathing expeditions seen and admired the lovely spot, but I had never before beheld it in the same state of excitement. It glowed and quivered under his warm and exciting touches, while the strange motions she made with her legs and buttocks amused and surprised me.

She still continued to apply the birch to poor Maria's posteriors, and to feast her own and Mr. Everard's eyes with the exquisite beauties that were developed before them in every possible attitude and position that could excite the senses. At length Mr. Everard placed his head between her thighs, and, applying his mouth to the lovely aperture, seemed to kiss and caress it with the most ardent devotion. He remained in this position for a minute or two when, all of a sudden, my aunt's eyes closed, her head fell back on the couch, and the rod dropped from her hand. Her buttocks heaved and wriggled convulsively for a second or two, and then she remained perfectly motionless.

In the course of a minute or two, she again took up the rod and made a sign to Mr. Everard, who immediately rose and retreated to the bedroom as silently as he had entered. After adjusting her robe she now announced to the weeping Maria that her punishment was at an end, took off the bandage, unloosened her hands, and told her to dress herself and retire to her own room.

As soon as Maria had departed, my aunt repaired to the bedroom. I remained on the watch for some time in the hope of seeing her and Mr. Everard return to the boudoir, but, though I could hear them talking in the bedroom, they did not come back. As the bedroom had another door by which she might go out without my hearing her, I was obliged to make good my retreat for fear of being caught, but it was nearly an hour afterwards before my aunt sent for me to go out with her. I managed to obtain a sight of two or three scenes of a similar kind, which generally terminated pretty much in the same manner, so it is needless to describe them. But I must give you the particulars of the last one, in which my dear Harry was the victim. This, however, must be reserved for another opportunity.

Ever yours, Emily

Letter III. Emily to Lucy

Still the same state of dullness and inactivity. My aunt is very kind to me but evidently watches me closely, and, I fancy, seems to distrust me. So, as I have nothing better to tell you, I shall go on with the narrative of my youthful adventures.

You have often heard me talk of Harry. He is a near relation of my aunt's late husband. Having lost both his parents when he was a mere child, and having no near relatives alive, he was taken charge of by my aunt and brought up by her along with me. As we had no other companions of our own age we were, of course, thrown very much together and were upon the most familiar footing.

Although latterly he was sent to school, he used always to spend his holidays with us, so that our intimacy was kept up. At first, while we were children, there was no sort of restriction upon our intercourse with one another. We used to be taken out to walk, and even to bathe together, and in our sports and play our clothes were frequently tumbled and tossed about so as to expose our naked persons to each other. We were therefore perfectly well aware of the distinguishing features of our respective bodies, and while he used to laugh and joke me on my bare little chink, into which he would sometimes try to push his finger, I, in my turn, used to wonder what could be the use of the little funny dangling piece of flesh which hung down between his thighs with a sort of rotund protrusion below, for as yet his little balls had not made their appearance more prominently.

As we began to grow a little older we were, of course, told that it was not proper for boys and girls to see each other naked, and, while he was allowed to bathe by himself, I was taken down to the sea, at first by an attendant, and afterwards by my aunt, and was told to use a bathing gown, which was never dispensed with except on those occasions when my aunt directed me to throw off the useless encumbrance.

But although Harry and I were obliged to yield to this restraint in public, we made no difference in our private amusements, and, when wandering in the woods, which we were allowed to do freely, we continued to indulge ourselves in all those pretty little fondlings and caresses of our naked persons which we had accustomed ourselves to. Harry used often to persuade me to accompany him when he went to bathe, and though I did not dare to join him in venturing into the water for fear of any derangement of my dress or the wetness of my hair betraying me, still, when he came out of the sea with his charming white flesh all glowing with the effects of his exercise, I did not hesitate to afford him my assistance in wiping off the pearly drops which glistened in the sun on every part of his fine soft skin. My caressing hands wandered freely over all his charms, which every day were assuming a more manly appearance.

Latterly, at each successive arrival of his holidays, I was more and more struck with the delightful change which was taking place in his person-and more especially in his lovely little emblem of virility, which was gradually elongating and increasing in bulk, and exhibiting the progressive growth of the curious little appendages, which are so necessary towards consummating the full effect of blissful enjoyment. On some of the last occasions when we were thus pleasantly employed, I was greatly surprised to find that when I kissed, caressed, and fondled the little darling, it swelled out and held up its head erect: and the little rosy tip, which formerly never used to disclose itself except when my wanton fingers stripped the skin from it, now started out from its retreat and seemed to challenge my amorous kisses and bites. He too, in his turn, seemed to take a greater delight in caressing me. He would lay me down beside him, and while my hands wandered with pleasure over his naked form and played every manner of trick with him, he would throw up my petticoats and, not unwillingly on my part, would expose as much of my person to his gaze as he could possibly manage, and feast his eyes with the sight, and gratify his lascivious fingers with the touch of all my young charms. Of course, the centre spot was the great object of his attention. He kissed and fondled and played with it in every manner that he could devise. He used, however, to complain that it had not grown in an equal proportion with his own manly weapon, and that his finger was unable to penetrate any further or more easily than it used to do. We were both at that time utterly ignorant of the delicious mode of procuring pleasure which you afterwards so kindly and so sweetly taught me.