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I need hardly say, however, that our mutual lascivious touches gave us very great pleasure and enjoyment, but at the same time it was always pleasure of an insufficient and unsatisfactory description. We felt that something was wanting, but what that something was, we as yet knew not, and we had hardly reached sufficient maturity for nature to teach us of its own accord.

I certainly enjoyed greatly the pleasing sensations occasioned by his attempting to put his finger into my little aperture, for as yet the idea of putting in anything else had never occurred to us, but at the same time when he attempted to thrust it any distance up the narrow opening, it hurt and frightened me so much that I never dared to allow him to explore its recesses as far as he wished.

Of course, on the footing on which we were, I had no secrets from him, and he was soon made aware of my aunt's frolics in the water with me, and of the strange adventure I had witnessed when Maria was flogged. He was greatly affected by what I told him of the latter procedure, and expressed the strongest wish to be able to enjoy the gratification of witnessing such a scene. Had I been of a jealous nature I might have been displeased with the eagerness and keenness he displayed on hearing my description of the charms of the naked persons of my aunt and Maria, but so far from being dissatisfied, I loved him too much not to wish to contribute in any manner I could to his pleasure and amusement. I was therefore easily induced to promise to give him any assistance in my power to enable him to indulge his curiosity. But, alas, the result was very different from what we anticipated, and, to him at least, much less satisfactory than we could have desired.

One day, when I was aware that Mr. Everard had been absent from home for some time and that there was consequently no chance of his being at his hiding place near our bathing station, I showed Harry where he might conceal himself so as to have a full view of all that passed while we were in the water. He accordingly stationed himself in the ambush, but on this occasion my aunt did not indulge in any of our usual frolics, and the only opportunity he had of seeing us in a state of nudity was for a minute or two while we dried ourselves and changed our dresses.

Disappointed in this, and more inflamed by the glimpse he had caught of the attractive beauties of my aunt's person, he returned to his post on the following day and persuaded me to play some tricks with my aunt, to induce her to amuse herself in the manner I had described to him she was accustomed to do.

I was afraid of exciting suspicion by doing this, but he was so urgent that I consented. Accordingly when I got into the water, letting my bathing gown fly open I began to frolic with my aunt, throwing the water upon her, and trying to excite her to punish me in the usual manner, so as to give me the opportunity of retaliating upon her. At first, however, she did not seem at all inclined to join in the sport, but after a little, I observed her cast a sharp glance at the thicket, where there was a slight rustling among the bushes. I was sadly afraid that Harry would be discovered, but I was soon relieved of my apprehension by my aunt encouraging my playful tricks. Very soon we were both quite naked, and busily employed in applying the fresh birch to each other's posteriors.

After indulging in this amusement for some time we dressed and returned to the house. Just as we were approaching it, I was surprised to see Mr. Everard coming towards us. My aunt also seemed somewhat astonished, and, after speaking apart to him for a few minutes, asked him to return to the house with me saying that she would be with us in a few minutes. I was now dreadfully alarmed, for I at once suspected what was really the case-that my aunt, on seeing the movement in the thicket, had supposed it was Mr. Everard, who, she knew, was to return that day, and now finding he had not been there, she had returned to discover who had taken his place.

I had no doubt she would discover poor Harry. I would have given the world to have been able to give him warning to keep out of sight, but I could devise no pretext for leaving Mr. Everard, who had evidently received instructions to keep me in sight. I was therefore obliged to return to the house, where we remained in the drawing room till my aunt joined us. I saw her coming across the lawn, and went to the door as if to meet her, when I heard her desire the servant to tell Mr. Henry that she wished to see him in her boudoir as soon as he came in. I had no doubt but that he must have been discovered, and I returned to the drawing room in the greatest uneasiness, for I already began to have some unpleasant suspicions as to how the matter was likely to terminate.

I afterwards discovered that as I had supposed, my aunt's suspicions were aroused, and as she knew the grounds perfectly, she had returned to a spot from which she could observe any one issuing from the thicket in question. She had not waited long before she espied poor Harry, who, little suspecting that any lookout was kept upon him, was walking quietly away with the intention of returning to the house as if from a different direction.

My aunt made no-attempt to conceal herself, and on seeing her alone and evidently watching him, Harry soon suspected that he had been found out. He was sadly at a loss to know to what to do. But as he is a bold courageous boy, he was not long in making up his mind to face the worst. “All she can do to me,” he said to himself, “is to give me a flogging, and after all, the sight I have seen is well worth paying such a price for.” I strongly suspect, however, that he did not anticipate the magnitude of the price he was to pay.

Soon after my aunt came in, I made some excuse to retire to my own room. I was afraid she might have directed me to remain with Mr. Everard, but she said nothing and took no notice of me nor of what had occurred. I left my door open and listened till I heard Harry come in. I wanted sadly to speak to him, but as he followed the servant immediately to the boudoir, I had no opportunity. I then heard my aunt leave the drawing room and proceed to her own room, so I hastened to pass into the store closet that I might ascertain and get a view of what I now apprehended was going to take place.

On entering the boudoir, Lady Lovesport locked the door towards the passage, and then came straight up to where Harry was standing in the middle of the room. He was very pale, but he had a resolute composed aspect, as if he had made up his mind to endure the worst that could happen to him. “So, you young rascal,” she said to him, “is this the return you make to me for all my kindness to you, that I cannot go with my niece to bathe but you must play the spy upon us? What have you to say for yourself? Can you venture to deny your shameful conduct?” Harry cast his eyes down when she began to address him, but said nothing while she continued to upbraid him for his disgraceful proceeding.

Finding that he did not attempt to deny his fault or justify himself, but maintained what she called a stubborn silence, she announced her intention to flog him for his misconduct. She said that her first intention had been to send him off instantly, and never to see him again; but that, on further reflection, she had determined to try the effect of a sound flogging in the hope that it might cure him of such naughty practices for the future. She told him that she had no wish to expose his shameful conduct and his disgrace to the servants; but she was determined that he should not escape punishment, and if he did not submit to it quietly, Mr. Everard was in the house and she would call him to assist her in any manner that might be necessary. Here Harry's pride was roused, and he answered boldly that he knew he had done wrong and was sorry he had offended her, and was willing to submit to any punishment she might choose to inflict, but that neither Mr. Everard nor any servant should ever flog him or assist in holding him to be flogged, even if they should kill him.