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Lady Lovesport seemed not a little surprised at this exhibition of spirit, but it did not appear to displease her and she said more mildly that if he was willing to submit to any punishment quietly, she would not do anything to hurt his feelings unnecessarily, but that if he made the least resistance she would immediately call in assistance, whatever might be the consequences. She then produced a large birch rod, and told him to take down his trousers. But here again his spirit broke out, and he said modestly that he would make no resistance to anything she might do to him, but that he did not think he ought to be punished in that manner for indulging a very natural curiosity, and he would not be a party to anything that implied his acquiescence in the punishment. Lady Lovesport still showed no symptom of being offended at his coolness, but quietly told him that the more trouble he gave her, the more severe his punishment would be. To this his only reply was that he could not help it. Here the colloquy ended, and she then proceeded to action.

She first removed his jacket and waistcoat, and taking hold of his arms, placed them behind his back, and bound them firmly together. While she was doing this I thought I saw Harry hesitating. Whether he thought of resisting or remonstrating I cannot tell, but after a short struggle he seemed to make up his mind to let her take her own way entirely. She then took another handkerchief and proceeded to blindfold him. This took Harry quite by surprise, as he had entirely forgotten what I had told him had taken place with Maria. But it prepared me for what next occurred-the appearance of Mr. Everard from the adjoining bedroom, the door of which had been left open. He came in softly and sat down on the sofa, before which the other two were standing. I believe Harry would have objected to the bandaging of his eyes if he could have helped it, but having allowed Lady Lovesport to fasten his hands he was now at her mercy and could offer no resistance, and where that was the case he was too proud to remonstrate. I noticed that she gave a pull at his neckerchief and loosened the knot which fastened it, so that it soon fell off, upon which she made some pretext far putting her hand to his neck, and apparently accidentally unfastened his jacket. Then leading him to a sofa in the centre of the boudoir, she made him kneel up over the raised end of the couch so as to support his head, then her busy hands unbuttoned his trousers, pulled them down to his heels, and tucked up his shirt round his waist till I could see his bottom, and everything.

The culprit being ready, Mr. Everard came silently from his seat, and with his assistance her clothes seemed to drop off as if by magic, till she stood in chemise, stockings, and boots only. She now took up a swinging rod and commenced to whip the bold Harry very soundly as her lover, standing behind her back, embraced her in his arms with one hand raising her chemise whilst the other tickled her lovely slit in front-which was fully exposed to my view.

She evidently hurt him very much, as I could hear him give a suppressed moan and wince at every cut, till she suddenly changed her plan, and seating herself on the sofa, drew his body over her naked thighs. She faced directly towards the store closet, whilst Harry also turned his face in that direction. I could therefore distinctly perceive by the increased flush on his handsome countenance and the pleased expression of the mouth that he seemed even to press further forward, as if to make the lower part of his belly and his thighs participate in such an agreeable contact. Lady Lovesport seemed to have no objection to this proceeding on his part, and changing the position of her left arm, she placed her hand under his breast beyond her knee so as to afford support to the upper part of his body, and while she administered some rather sharp blows to his posteriors, she rather encouraged him to press forward, so that in a very short time his belly and thighs were rubbing against her naked thigh.

Up to this moment Harry had kept himself perfectly still, never moving a single limb and only showing by the quivering of the flesh when the blows were applied, and the working of the muscles of the surrounding parts when the rod fell on his lovely bottom, that he felt the pain when occasionally a sharper or more stringent blow than usual fell upon him. But now he began to yield to a new sensation, whether of pain or of pleasure I could not at first very well discover, but probably it was a mixture of both.

It was certainly not a shrinking from the punishment, for when the rod fell on his posteriors he remained perfectly still to meet it, but the moment after it fell, as if it had communicated some stimulus which it was impossible for him to resist, he thrust his buttocks forward, pressing with all his force against the pleasing soft substance upon which the front of his person rested. When this began to take place I saw an intelligent smile pass between Lady Lovesport and Mr. Everard, as if they well understood and appreciated this strange, and to me mysterious and unaccountable, proceeding, but which, however, they both seemed to enjoy.

The posture, however, in which she was placed seemed to be too fatiguing for Lady Lovesport to indulge in any longer. She therefore took her knee from the sofa, and made Harry stand upright. She then tucked his shirt up round his waist and continued to flog away at his posteriors. This proceeding disclosed to me the lovely little object with which I had so often toyed and played. But what was my surprise in beholding the state it was in. I had expected that the effect of the punishment and the pain he must be suffering would have been to make it shrink up, and that it would have been reduced to the smallest possible dimensions. To my great astonishment it appeared standing up erect and swelled out to even greater dimensions than I had ever before seen it, with its rosy head boldly throwing off its usual covering, and distended to a most unusual extent.

Its appearance seemed to excite surprise and admiration as well as to conduce to the amusement of the other spectators. Lady Lovesport seemed to regard it with a pleased and interested expression, while Mr. Everard was obliged to stuff his handkerchief into his mouth to prevent his giving audible expression to his feelings of amusement as he pointed first to the little champion thus holding up his head in so bold a manner, and then to my aunt's centre of pleasure, in a provokingly malicious manner, as if he meant to insinuate that there ought to be some connection between them. The meaning of this puzzled me a good deal. But my aunt only replied with a frown and a shake of the head.

Lady Lovesport seemed now apparently to think that this mode of proceeding might excite some suspicion in the boy's mind, for taking him up in her arms, she laid him down on his belly on the sofa, and continued to flog away at him in this position. His trousers were still around his legs, and prevented him from moving them about much. But on a signal from Mr. Everard, my aunt pulled them off and continued her operation, plying the rod upon almost every portion of his naked body. She seemed to take a peculiar delight in varying the scene of operation, and I could occasionally see her smile at the effect produced, especially when a sharp blow in some unexpected quarter caused him to start, or move his body so as to display to view some new charm of his lovely person.

Every now and then, when his legs were a little apart, she would touch with a lively hand-though I must own not severely-the tender surface between the thighs. The twisting and heaving of his buttocks into all manner of strange contortions which followed, and the lascivious postures he thus unconsciously exhibited, seemed to afford her the most intense delight.

At length the boiling passions of the poor boy seemed to be completely roused by the irritating treatment he had received, and he could not refrain from jerking his buttocks backwards and forwards, rubbing his belly against the cushions of the sofa upon which he rested as his body stirred about thus convulsively, agitated under the strong stimulus of the blows of the sharp twigs which still continued to be poured down upon him. By this time the whole surface of his hinder quarters, from the small of his back down to his knees, was glowing with a beautiful reddy tint, and though Lady Lovesport had taken care not to strike so forcibly as to break the skin, it was quite evident from his uneasy motions that the whole of the inflamed flesh was in a most tender and irritable state.