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Barb raised her eyebrows at the huge cock, and then without saying a word, slipped out of her own pants. She repeated the procedure, but since he was awake and already quite stiff it began much quicker. She straddled him backwards, and used her hands to guide him into her. Again, it was quite a tight squeeze, but Barb was a little more able to accept one his size than her niece had been. Instead of riding him, though, she just sat there and fingered her clit. The lack of movement prevented Eric from coming close to an orgasm, but Barb's finger action stimulated herself to one. Soon her eyes were closed and her fingers were moving furiously until she shuddered and laid onto his chest and shivered in delight.

Then she scooted off of him, wiped herself off, and re-clothed. Jimmy and Dana followed her back out into the living room where Tanya was sitting on the couch still bottomless.

"You didn't finish him off, did you?" Tanya said with a pout.

"No, dear, he's still all yours, and waiting for you."

Just then Mike came in the front door, lugging some cameras and various electronic equipment. He greeted them all and stumbled over to the dining room table where he deposited his load.

"Whew! That's an armful!" He looked over at them all and smirked, "But well worth it. Wait 'til you see the video I took today."

"Whacha been up to, big guy?" Jimmy inquired as he strode over to the table full of stuff.

"Well, Barb told me that you all were heading up into the mountains for a bit of riding. I knew the spot she'd take you to – it's been 'our' spot for a number of months now – so when I got out of work I thought I'd swing on up there. I arrived probably about 15 minutes after you took off, so I packed up the ol' equipment as best I could and took the shortcut there. Barbara took you on the scenic route, but the spot is really only about 4 miles from the ranch. I took the straight route there and was able to set everything up in a copse of trees just a little ways from where you picniced. I did have to wait for over an hour for you to finally show up, and the bugs were driving me crazy, but you didn't disappoint me." He gave them a little wink, "In more ways than one."

"You didn't!" exclaimed Dana as it dawned on her just what he was getting at.

"Ah, but I did!", and produced his videotape with a flourish from the pile. "Care to see what I got on tape?"

Jimmy received the tape from him and took it over to the VCR in the wall unit that held a vast array of electronic gadgetry. "I'd like to see just what you've got here. I hear the male lead is quite good," that over his shoulder to the girls.

"Which one are you talking about?" Mike asked him.

"What do you mean, 'which one?' Me, of course. What other male star have you got in this production – unless you turned the camera on yourself."

"No. I didn't do that, but I did get a bit of a surprise out there, and that's why I'm so anxious for you to see this."

The thought of Eric strapped naked to the bed in the "Play Room" left all their minds as they settled comfortably together onto the couch to see what Mike had filmed that afternoon.

The tape began with some pictures of the "spot" before they arrived and Mike talking about what he hoped to do from his hiding place near the glade. Then it showed the three of them cantering up on their horses and then picnicing. Mike hadn't filmed the entire meal, and the picture picked up again as Barbara shed her clothes there in the woods and bounded off to the creek. Jimmy followed suit, but Dana didn't strip all the way.

When the three of them had vacated the scene, the film picked up once again as they re-emerged from the trees, wet and excited.

The three of them fell to the love-making they remembered from that afternoon, and it was interesting to see from a different angle. They were just getting into watching themselves suck, lick, and probe when the camera swung left and pointed into the trees, up a slight rise, about 20 yards from where the three had been.

Immediately they picked out a neon green piece of clothing, but from a distance it was difficult to make out who was in it. The lense zoomed in, and they could see that it was a cute little teenaged blonde peeking around a large oak tree. She was obviously mesmerized by the scene as she leaned around and stared in the direction of the three adults making love. She wore a midriff length green t-shirt that barely covered two pert breasts, and a tight and very short cotton skirt.

"The little voyuer!" Barbara commented.

"Voyeur-ette," corrected Jimmy.

Dana snuggled into his lap and pulled his arms around her.

"Watch this," Mike added, and they saw a teenaged boy lean over her shoulder whisper to her. "There's our other star."

The camera was not too steady at this distance, but it was able to fairly well show the boy lean out of the picture and take his place directly behind the little blonde. Tanya then began to squirm a little on the couch as she saw him drop his pants, hike her skirt up and over her ass, and begin to caress her privates with his right hand. The girl turned her head and said something sharp to him, but his other hand reached around her and slid its way up under her shirt. She must not have been perturbed enough, or the scene held her in place, for soon she was backing into his hand and spreading her legs for more, which she promptly got. They saw her reach back and hand him something, the something turning out to be a condom, and he quickly slipped it over his stiff dick and moved back towards her.

They could see her outthrust ass atop well-muscled legs. Her tan lines were easily distinguishable, and they made her cute little cheeks stand out in the dimming light. His cock found its way in just under those cheeks, and he slowly worked it in deeper and deeper. The blonde closed her eyes and gripped the tree tighter, but held on and began to give him a good ride. She arched her back and bit her lip, and they could see that it was a good experience for her.

The young man didn't have much staying power and soon was holding her hips up against his tightly as his spasms started. A very intense look crossed his face for a few moments and then he looked down at her and seemed to be taking the whole scene in. The four onlookers broke out in a spontaneous cheer at the scene's climax.

"Hey, this is kinda neat- watching our watchers," Jim observed.

"And the show ain't over yet," Mike added.

The scene panned over to the three in the open who were engaging in an oral chain. Then it panned back, and found the two young teens lying together, with the blonde kissing her way down his body. She kissed his nipples, then his lower belly, and finally found his renewed enthusiasm. From their vantage point they couldn't see her sucking him off, but they could tell by the bobbing of her head how well she was doing it. Then she stepped over him and they could see between her legs that he was eating her with equal gusto.

This scene lasted a little longer than the last, and both gave as well as they got. Her position now made it easy to see her slipping his meat in and out of her mouth, and Dana found herself sliding her hand onto Jim's bulging crotch. He accomodated her by dropping his fly, so she reached into his pants and slowly squeezed his own stiff cock.

Dana's eyes, though, were not so much on the teenage boy as they were on the blonde-haired girl. She reminded her of Tanya at an earlier age and what she must have been like just into her puberty. Tanya had shown her some love-making tricks already, some of which were for the pleasuring those of the same sex. And pleasing Tanya had been a real turn-on to her in itself.

She imagined having as tight a twat as the little teenager on the screen.

Jimmy was on her one side, leaning in against her, but Tanya was still sitting bottom-less on her other, so she in turn leaned over next to her. Tanya took the hint and began playing with her hair, and interspersed a few kisses into her ear. This treatment warmed her and then began getting her hot. On screen two young people were love-making for the first time, she was gripping her husband's tool of pleasure (which was now liberated from its hideaway), and she was being kissed and caressed by a beautiful girl whose own genitalia was easily accessible. She turned her head and accepted a deep and lingering kiss, feeling quite trapped within her clothes. While the kiss continued she felt a warm hand reach into her blouse and inside her bra. Her breasts were now heaving in anticipation, and Jimmy did a quarter turn in order to unbotton her pants and help her shimmy out of them. His fingers danced up and down her legs, which she spread hoping that someone on either side of her would take an interest in the place where they met.