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Dana and Jim let out a sigh at the climax to the encounter, feeling somehow like they'd experienced it themselves. Mike turned and gave them a smile, and then reached over to the control panel and threw a switch. The elevator began to rise again immediately.

"Did you see that?!" the gray-hair asked indignantly. "We weren't stuck at all. Warren, are you listening to me?"

"Yes dear," her husband replied, a smile sneaking out at the corners of his mouth.

The car reached its destination and allowed them all to disembark, and the indignant woman pushed past them all to leave as soon as the doors opened enough to allow a body to pass through. Her husband gave Mike a little pat on the back as he passed and then dutifully caught up to his wife and escorted her around a corner into the restaurant. The four stepped out laughing and doing imitations of the elderly woman to each other.

The dinner was spectacular, and the view impressive as the restaurant twirled around the top of the building at one revolution per hour. The four of them had become very close and they found that they easily shared their feelings and thoughts. There was no sign of the elderly couple during their meal.

After supper they took the elevator down in a large crowd, but they did see Mike cop a feel and then wink. Jimmy and Dana just snuggled on the way down.

They walked through the hotel lobby to the theatre's entrance, and as they did Barbara caught a quick glimpse of the matron from the elevator going into the show with her husband also. Her poise seemed to have returned, and she walked with elegant grace into the theatre.

The four took their seats, and Barbara noticed that they were about three rows in front of and seven or eight chairs beside the elderly couple. The lights dimmed, notes began floating up from the orchestral pit, and the musical began. The show was well choreographed, the actors superb, the costumes dazzling. When it was over the four of them rose and applauded with gusto!

As they exited their seats and began walking up the aisle the elderly matron moved to intercept them. She caught up to them in the lobby.

She tapped Barbara on the arm and announced, "I need a word with you. Please follow me."

"I'll come along too, ok?" Dana offered.

"No thank you," replied the matron, "that won't be necessary. Warren I'll be right back." She led the way to the Ladies Room.

Once there she turned to Barbara and smiled. "I apologize for making such a fuss up there in the elevator." She sighed and continued wistfully, "I was young and in love once. It's just been so long that I'd almost forgotten how crazy love can make you.

"But you reminded me tonight of the fire that used to burn within me. Thank you for that. I've been thinking this evening of how I used to light my Warren's fire, the lingerie I wore, the perfume on my wrists and hot points, the things we used to do and try. It almost seemed like a dream. But you've reminded me that I am a woman, with a woman's needs and desires just like when I had breasts as firm as yours.

"I just wanted you to know that I appreciate now the display that you and your man gave us, and that tonight," and her eyes lit up, "I am going to stoke the fire one more time for Warren. He won't know what hit him!" She leaned over, gave Barbara a kiss on the cheek and threw over her shoulder as she hurried off, "Thanks again!" And then she was gone.

Barbara reemerged from the Ladies Room, but the elderly couple had gone by then.

"Everything okay?" Mike asked her.

"More than okay," she replied to them all, "I think things are going to be pretty hot in some parts of this city tonight." Then, taking both his and Jimmy's arms with Dana on his other, the four headed back home to what proved a hot night for them as well.

Epilogue: Warren's heart gave out that night from the excitement, but it was with a smile on his face. His rich widow subsequently relocated to Rio de Janeiro and runs a bar right on the beach.

Chapter 7 – "The Focus"

The men were in their tuxes and the ladies elegant dresses, and they were enjoying being out together. Jimmy thought about this couple a lot and how they had changed his and Dana's lives. When they had moved in just a week and a half ago they were ready to start a new life together, and Jimmy hoped that that might include loosening Dana's inhibitions a little.

He reminisced about the scenes he had observed during the last few days: Dana making love to another man while he was in the room, he making love to another woman while she looked on, the video tape of her dressing up like Aphrodite and "punishing" Barbara while he received a tongue-bath out on the deck from their neighbor's 19 year old niece, swimming in a mountain stream in the buff and forming a 3-way love chain in a secluded part of the woods, Dana being eaten by a woman and then tasting a woman's juices herself for the first time, the scenes around the pool with the Moon Crew, and then watching Mike and Barb screwing madly in a glass elevator with other passengers aboard. He shook his head in near disbelief as the scenes finished parading before his mind's eye.

His reverie was interrupted when Barb leaned forward from the backseat and suggested, "It's been such a great night together, why don't the two of you come back to our place for a nightcap, and we can finish the night by focusing on each of you."

"Excuse me," Dana replied, "but what do you mean by 'focusing' on us?"

"Don't tell them Barb."

"Why not, Mike?" she asked her husband.

"Just see if they'll come back and give it a try. It's a great way to spend an hour or so, and I'm sure they'll like it." Calling up to the front seat he asked, "What say you, you two? Want to give it a try?"

"I'll let you make the call," Jim said to Dana.

"Well, it's all been good so far," the tawny brunette replied. "We've come this far, so we might as well take the next step." Her mind began wandering and wondering at what "focusing" might be, and she felt her nipples stiffening a bit at the thoughts. Unconsciously she reached up and began rubbing her hand on her chest, which Jim noticed and made him smile.

'This has been an incredible few days,' he thought to himself and gave the engine a little more throttle as he headed back to the complex and the night of delights in store.

Jim pulled into the parking lot and offered a hand to the ladies as they emerged from his car. The four strolled back through the complex, around the nearly deserted pool and over to Mike and Barb's place. Jim gave a last look over his shoulder for a glimpse of that lovely he'd spied earier in the day, but she was nowhere to be seen.

They bellied up to the bar where Mike poured a round for all. Then he explained how the rest of the evening was to work.

But just before Mike could fill them in Barb interrupted him and motioned him back into the kitchen alone. He gave Jim and Dana a quick "right back" and followed her in. The two left in the dining room gave each other curious looks.

What was said was not meant for them, but they could barely make out some of the whispers. Barb said, "Mike, are you sure that we should try this so soon?"

Mike answered, "Sure Babe. What's the problem?"

"I just keep thinking about Tiffany and Stephen. I think we scared them off this way."