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"I don't think so." Mike continued, "Tiff had a great body, but Stevie was a real nerd, and just taking his clothes off threw him into a tizzy. I can't figure how someone with as much class as she had ended up with a dweeb like him."

"Yes, but I think we moved them along too fast, and I'm afraid that we may be doing the same thing with Dana and Jim. Don't you feel that way, or is it just me?" She reached over and squeezed his hand tightly.

"No, I really don't think so. Dana is a hot woman who's finally broken through her icy exterior. I think she's about ready to try anything, and this isn't really that big a stretch. Remember her as Aphrodite?" Barb nodded. "Well, I think she's ready for the other side of it. And I think Jim is light years cooler than Steve-O was. Plus, he's got a much cuter ass."

Barb smiled and whispered back, "He does at that. Well, let's just take it slow. I really like these guys and I'd hate to scare them off."

"Me, too. Let's get back in there and get the evening started." And the two of them walked back in still holding hands.

Mike announced to the waiting couple, "Barb is afraid that what we're going to try tonight might be a little frightening to new swingers. So let me explain, without giving too much away, what we're proposing, and we'll leave it up to you whether you want to try it or not. Ok?"

They agreed, a bit apprehensively. Mike then gave them the sketchy details, and both relaxed visibly.

Dana piped up first, "I think I'm ready to try! And you say Jimmy can be in the same room the whole time, right?"

"Definitely!" Barb replied. "Someone has to work the camera anyway."

"Ok then. Let's get to it," Jim agreed enthusiastically, and he offered his arm to Dana and led her back to the "Play" room.

Once there Mike showed him how to use the camera in the corner of the large room. Then Barb and Mike led Dana to the King-sized bed and sat her down. Jim remarked that the camera was going and that they could begin.

Mike turned and spoke to the camera, "Tonight has been a wonderful evening. We went out for dinner with Jim and Dana, and then saw a Broadway show. We're back now at our place, and it's been decided that we will "focus" on Dana, and then on Jim. We're all looking forward to the rest of the evening."

Barb had Dana lie down on the bed and she and Mike then slowly and with much care helped her slip out of her dress. She reached down to help them at one point and Mike lightly slapped her hand away.

"Remember," he told her, "we're focusing on you. You are to do nothing, and say nothing. No more reminders." And he went back to peeling off her slip. Dana lay back and allowed them to continue the process. Barb unhooked her stockings and slid them down her legs, giving her a tingling sensation there. Dana then closed her eyes and gave in to the fact that she was no longer in control of herself and mentally turned it over to the attending couple.

Mike then slipped her bra straps over her shoulders, unsnapped it in the back, and released her warm breasts. She sighed as he caressed them a little, and as he reached down and gently lifted her arm to the top of the bed. He pulled a leather strap from behind the headboard and tied it to her wrist, and then repeated the process with her other arm. Barbara had finished sliding her scant panties off of her legs and had begun to tie her ankles to the end of the bed. It was a large bed, and Barb didn't pull her legs too far apart, but gave the restraints enough slack so that she could almost bring them back together.

Mike went to the table of devices and found a bottle of baby oil. He poured some on his hands to warm it up and then began to cover her in it, beginning at her feet. He made sure to apply it even between her toes, and then worked his way up. While he was applying it Barb left the room.

Mike continued to oil her body, giving her a good massage as he continued and Dana relaxed ever further. When he got to the top of her legs he worked a good handful into her pubic mound and massaged her there quite a bit. But he didn't stop there, but continued his way on up her belly.

Soon he was up to her breasts, which had swollen and the nipples had become erect. He worked the baby oil into each, placing his hand so that her nipple made contact with the center of his palm, and massaged them hard, forcing them to flatten out under the pressure. Dana's breath quickened at this treatment, so that he continued longer than he had planned.

He continued to add the oil at regular intervals, and her body was soon glistening with a thick coat of it from her toes to her bosom. Finally Mike stopped oiling her chest and began rubbing her arms down. He even applied it under her arms, and she gave a short giggle when he did. "I'll let that one go," he teased her at the brief outburst. She had opened her eyes and was watching him as he finished up covering her arms, hands, and then fingers in the solution. The oil around her wrists made the leather restraints slippery, which would prevent chafing.

As he was putting the finishing touches on her body by greasing her neck Barbara returned. Dana heard her enter and had to look twice to confirm that it was indeed Barbara. The woman she saw enter was wearing a body-hugging black spandex outfit that covered her from her neck to her toes to her wrists. She also had a black party mask on, her hair had been teased out for a very stunning effect, and her lips were glossed a deep shiny red. As Dana took in the overall effect she couldn't help but think of a deadly black widow spider, the kind that mated and then devoured the male – for Barbara seemed all business. She headed for the "goodies" table and sorted amongst the paraphernalia. Dana noticed from her side angle that Barb's outfit had short plastic zippers on it in strategic locations. Soon the masked woman picked up a short riding crop that had a small leather loop at the end of it. Mike finished oiling her, got off on the opposite side of the bed from his wife, and undressed quickly. When Barbara came over and looked down at her body bound to the bed, Dana felt a slight shiver run up her spine as she took in the sight of the darkly clad woman who stood over her slapping the crop into a hand.

"Pay attention," she began in an authoritative manner. "You have given us control for the next hour, and we expect cooperation. If we ask you to do something, then you do it – immediately. No hesitation. No frowning. No questions. Just do it. If you follow our directions you will have a night to remember. If you don't cooperate – well," and she slapped the crop into her hand for emphasis, "you'll have to be punished. Do you have any questions?" and she paused for a reaction.

A thousand questions tried to push their way to the surface, but the stance of her questioner told her that none should be spoken, so she gave a slight shake of her head and held her breath. She knew how "hard" she had punished Barbara earlier and expected similar treatment in return, but doubts began brewing in the back of her mind and she waited to see how Barbara would respond.

Barbara's lips smiled below the mask. "Good. You're a quick learner. Let's begin."

She turned to Mike and began the "focus." "Begin with her legs." Mike went to the table and picked up a large brown vibrator, turned it on, and then began moving it up and down her calves.

Dana had tensed up some during Barbara's directions, and the fact that she continued to stand over her with that crop kept Dana in that condition despite the soothing effects of the vibrator. But Mike worked her lower legs and then her upper. He came tantalizingly close to her crotch, but never quite got there. Dana closed her eyes and tried to forget the imposing figure nearby, and concentrated on the hum running over her legs. She thought of their evening, of the four of them eating, drinking, talking and laughing together. Soon she gave in to its soothing vibrations and she stretched out and spread her legs. Her pussy was moistening, and she felt a warm glow spreading over her body.

The voice over her said, "Now, her belly," and the hum skipped on up to her stomach. It caressed her tight abdomen muscles, slid up her ribs to just below her breasts, and then travelled back down and into her belly button. It almost felt like being screwed and she felt the buzzing grow in her lower regions.