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Dana made some tuna salads for them all while they relaxed in the dining room just next to the kitchen. Miko answered questions when she was asked, but in halting English. She seemed glad to be invited in, though. Janie, Dana learned, had recently moved to the complex with her husband from Mobile, Alabama. She had a quick sense of humor, and made them all laugh frequently with he witicisms. Sometimes, though, they had to explain to Miko what they were laughing about and why. Dana poured them wine with their meal, and by the end of it they were all giggling.

Miko, it turned out, had come from Japan with her husband in the early spring to the complex. He was a fast-rising young executive in the Japanese owned electronics firm with a factory in the states. She had married him after a family-arranged wedding, and she loved him enough to want to make the marriage work. She hadn't gone to college, explaining that the entrance requirements were much stiffer in Japan than the U.S., but she liked to arrange flowers, and hoped one day to catch on at flower shop.

Dana marveled to herself at the beauty of Miko's face and figure. She had large brown eyes that tapered sexily. Her full red lips usually had a slight part when she wasn't speaking, showing a hint of pearly white teeth. The corners of her mouth turned down slightly giving her a bit of a pouting look. She had high cheekbones that were rouged just the right amount, and her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, most likely to keep out of her way during her work-out.

She marveled as well at how poorly fit the suit was to her obviously curvaceos figure. It couldn't hide her firm and full breasts nor the small waist and buttocks, but it was cut low on her hips and nearly covered her to her neck.

Janie had long curly dirty blonde hair, a pretty face even if her nose was a little too pointy, and a muscular trim figure. As she noticed before, Janie's legs were long and attractive, and she knew how to show them off.

Eventually the conversation turned to how they liked living in the complex. Janie said, "What with moving in and my night job at the post office I haven't really met too many folks here. I like the pool crowd, though, and I've seen quite a few male backsides that I'd love to get a hold of." They all laughed at that. "I've noticed, though," she continued, "that a number of folks around here seem to go both ways."

Miko looked puzzled and asked, "What you mean, 'go both ways'?"

Janie giggled, gave a knowing look to Dana, and leaned over close to Miko's ear. "You know," she whispered, "when men like men, and women like women."

Meaning dawned in her eyes and she started giggling at Janie's mock seriousness. "Oh, yes. I know what you mean. Like when they say A/C D/C. I'm right?"

"Y'all got it," Janie agreed.

Dana pursued the subject, and asked them, "What do you think about people who go both ways?"

Janie thought a minute, and then replied, "I don't know, really. I haven't ever really thought about it. What about you, Miko?"

"It is strictly forbidden in Japan," she replied.

"Yes, but we aren't in Japan, are we?" Dana countered, which brought thoughtful pauses from the other two. Then she changed the subject, and commented on Miko's suit. "It's nice, but you have too nice a figure to be hiding it in that old thing. I have some new suits in the bedroom I think might fit you. Would you like to try one on?"

Miko agreed, so all three went back into Dana and Jimmy's bedroom. Dana rummaged in a drawer looking for just the right thing, while Janie helped Miko slip out of the suit. When Dana chose a deep green maillot for her to try on and turned to give it to her, she knew that her earlier assessment of this girl's figure had been correct. Her breasts were full and round, with small pointed nipples. She had a small bush between her shapely legs which was mostly hidden behind her hands as she stood shyly before them with nothing on. Dana gave her the suit and she turned her back to step into it.

When she had it on she turned back around for their opinions. It fit well enough, showing off her shoulders quite nicely, but it still covered too much of her torso for Dana's taste. She told Miko to slip it back off because she think she knew exactly which suit for her to try on. After a brief search she found it.

As she handed this one to Miko and took back the maillot she noticed that in the cool air-conditioned air and the gazes of herself and Janie that Miko's nipples had stiffened considerably, making the breasts point up. She turned again and slipped on this second suit, but had to get a hand from Janie to figure it out. It was a multi-colored figure-eight suit that wound it's way around her body. Starting at the shoulders it followed her contours crossing on her back, around her waist to the front where the two pieces met at the crotch. After barely covering her derrier they wound again her waist to work up and over her breasts back to the shoulders. It was slinky suit that showed a lot of skin and made the most, which was considerable, of Miko's figure. When it was all in place on her she stepped back for their scrutiny and received back longing looks from both. Dana stepped over to her to adjust the fabric over her left breast and then to make sure that the two pieces crossed exactly center between both. She purposely brushed the hard nipple in doing so, and when she had done so looked into Miko's big eyes. A little gasp escaped between the slightly parted wet lips and she couldn't help but lean over and kiss them. Miko stepped back after two seconds of contact and look a little frightened at what she had just done. But it was just then that Janie stepped up behind her and whispered up into her ear, "It's okay, sugar. You're a beautiful girl that anyone would desire. You're attracted to Dana, too, or you wouldn't be back here taking your clothes off. You're not in Japan anymore, and it's okay."

The quiet words had their effect and she tentatively stepped back forward. Dana reached out her arms and she stepped into them, closing her eyes and giving herself over to the heat she felt boiling up inside. They kissed lightly, then deeper, Dana's tongue searching the warm moistness. She ran her hands up and down Miko's tingling body and then pulled her in closer for a firmer embrace as their kiss lingered.

Finally the two parted, but Dana held her hand and led her to the bed. Miko laid down on the bed and Dana laid down on her side next to her. She leaned over her to again kiss those inviting lips and her hand began caressing one of the upthrust breasts through the fabric. Dana could sense Miko's quickened breathing at the touch and then felt a hand touching her arm gently. Miko stroked the arm of the hand that was stimulating her breast, and then returned Dana's kiss with tongue probes of her own. Dana slipped her hand under the fabric and slid it off of Miko's shoulder.

Janie laid down on the bed on the other side and completed the process of removing Miko's suit. When that was accomplished, she stepped off of the bed and began undressing Dana, first sliding off the bottom and then the top piece of her outfit. She slipped out of her own tight outfit and laid again next to Miko. While Dana continued to kiss her mouth, she started kissing her shoulder and arm. She kissed around where Dana was stroking and rubbing the exposed breast, and when she moved her hand over to the other Janie began sucking and licking the free one near her.

Miko had lived rather solitarily since relocating to the states and was starved for companionship. Her husband worked long and hard hours and was often not home until very late at night. She wanted to fit in in this new country, but more than that she was drawn to this American. She had never considered loving a woman before, and was still relatively new at loving a man, but the forbidden thought was possessing her now. The tenderness of the kisses, the excitement of her nakedness before them, the sensuality of both these women, and the stimulation of their caresses on her body led her to give herself to them.