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Mike insisted that she open the biggest box first, and when she did she pulled out a satin dress the same deep green color as her sparkling eyes. "Oh Uncle Mike! It's beautiful! May I go and try it on now?" He nodded and she hurried inside, her pert breasts bouncing with each step. Barb began cutting the cake and dishing it out to her guests. Moments later Tanya returned and it was obvious to all that her petite figure did the dress justice.

"This will look great tonight – thank you both!" and she hugged Barb and Mike in turn. She then set about opening the rest of the gifts – unwrapping high heeled shoes, black lacy lingerie, gold dangly earrings, and a matching hair comb. She pulled her hair up on the one side and put the comb in place to hold it there. She added the earrings and she began to take on quite a mature look for a teenager.

The five chatted for a few minutes and then Tanya excused herself to go and finish getting ready.

Barb remarked, "She's made some friends around here her own age and they are taking her to a club to celebrate tonight.

"I want to thank you two for helping us celebrate with her here today. This is the first time in the year we've been having her at our place that we've "shared" her with anyone. We just knew that the two of you were special, and I think it was a great day for her."

Dana answered, "It may have been her birthday, but I think both Jimmy and I are the ones who had a special day. We're glad to have met such kind people as you and Barb.

"If Tanya is going out tonight," continued Dana, "would you two like to go out to dinner with us? Our treat."

The four made plans to meet and go out a little later that evening. Tanya bounced back out while they were making their plans, ready for a night on the town. Her makeup highlighted her cheeks, giving her the look of a top-flight model. The silk green dress clung to her lithe body with tantalizing tightness. Her tanned legs sported hose with black stripes down the back, and they ended in petite feet nestled into her matching green high-heeled shoes. She gave each of the four a kiss, pivoted on one foot and was off for the night.

The four then finished their planning and Jimmy and Dana collected their gear and said their goodbyes.

Back in their own condo, surrounded by unpacked boxes, Jimmy decided that their new place would have to wait a while longer to receive the necessary attention. They had other plans for this night. He was in the process of choosing what to wear when Dana came back into the room, still wearing her thong bikini, and he felt closer to her than ever. He caught her eye and gave her a smile. She smiled back, slipped out of her suit, and walked over into his arms. They lay on the bed snuggling and sharing all over again their experiences. They talked and giggled, melding their fantasies-come-true together. Dana related about her Aphrodite scene with Mike and Barb, and Jimmy told of his embarrassment at walking around the patio in the buff, and of his experience with Tanya out there. They held each other, basking in the closeness of sharing some of their deepest thoughts and feelings.

Finally they decided they had better get dressed for the evening. Jimmy found some khaki slacks and madras shirt with loafers, and Dana put on a pair of calf-length tights and a cotton shirt with the tail left out. She had decided to wear nothing else under either. The tights were a pair she had bought that morning, and they lived up to their name, hugging her to the point that they showed a bit of both front and back cracks. The shirt covered for the most part though.

They went out to the pool and met Barb, who told them that Mike was bringing his car around. Barb looked ravishing in a leather skirt, no stockings, and a bare-midrif top. She had done her hair so that it had lots of body. She had added some make-up around her dark eyes, giving them almost an oriental look that was very alluring. The smooth swell of her bosom beneath her shirt reminded them both of the fruits hidden beneath that they had so recently tasted.

Dana recalled her time in the "play" room that afternoon and found herself wishing to be back there with this gorgeous creature.

A red TransAm pulled up at the open end of the pool where the parking lot came closest and beeped its horn. They piled in, Dana and Jimmy squeezing into the close quarters of the back, and they roared away. "Where're we headed?" Jimmy directed to Mike.

"The Goal Post Restaurant. A friend of mine by the name of Tom owns it, and they have pretty good food there. Anyone hungry?"

They all responded positively. Dana and Jimmy held hands as though they were back in their younger years double-dating. The car was a stick-shift and Mike had it humming and purring around the corners and over the hills.

Jimmy noticed that Barb had reached over and was handling Mike's "stick shift," and looked to be wearing out the clutch.

They arrived, nevertheless, safely and all headed into an attractive looking bistro. The place was a bit noisy inside with TVs placed frequently around the walls. A crowd had begun arriving, anticipating a fight later on the restaurant's closed-circuit channel. They were ushered over to a table near the back.

The decor of the place was most definitely sports-oriented, but the tables had floor length table cloths, a candle inside a fancy glass holder, and cloth napkins.

They all ordered their meals and then fell to talking. The men continually found themselves glancing at the TV screens and got into discussing the intricacies of the local city's football team's latest defeat. At one point, though, Jimmy noticed Barb lean over and whisper into his wife's ear, who nodded and smiled.

Barb turned to look at the TV behind her and accidentally knocked her purse onto the floor. She leaned over to pick it back up, and disappeared! Then Dana's purse "accidentally" fell to the floor and she too disappeared. Jimmy heard giggling from under the table, and something about "let's see 'em watch TV now…" Then he felt hands pulling his knees apart. "They wouldn't!" he thought to himself, but then he felt his zipper being lowered and knew that they would. A hand reached into his pants, and released his swiftly stiffening muscle. Glancing across the table told him that a similar fate was falling to Mike as well. The table cloth covered him from the waist down, so he leaned back and gave himself over to his mystery woman beneath the table. Then he felt a wet tongue licking his penis like a lollypop. Long strokes up from the base to the tip. Jimmy gripped the table with one hand to hold himself still during this escapade. The licks were getting harder, as was his cock, and then a moist mouth wrapped itself firmly onto him. He took his other hand and grabbed the table. The mouth began moving up and down, sucking as it went. Jimmy saw that Mike was leaning back, his eyes closed, arms locked behind his head, looking rather content. Out of curiosity he let go of the table with one hand and lifted the cloth just a bit. The dark head of hair near his lap told him that the two wives had switched off. Barbara was giving him a delicious blow-job, and his wife Dana was doing the same to Mike right there in the middle of the restaurant. The idea of it sent shivers of added excitement up his spine just as Barbara's tongue-lashing was sending shivers of pleasure up his shaft.

The lady knew her stuff, for she was able to begin getting him really worked up, but then would slow down the pace and ease off the pressure. But eventually he felt that he was going to reach a point of no return.

Mike was now leaning over and gripping the sides of the table as well. Jimmy smiled across the table at him and suggested, "How's about an arm wrestling match?" hoping that that would give him some cover for the little moans that kept escaping his lips.

"You bet, buddy!" Mike returned quickly.

They locked hands across the table and began grunting and groaning in an apparent stand-off. Other patrons of the restaurant who were standing and watching the TV in hopes that the big fight would come on soon noticed the struggle and began congregating around their table. "Just what we need," grimaced Jimmy, "spectators."