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Under the table Barb heard the people beginning to root for the men, but figured that the fight had come on the tube. She figured that as the noise increased she would be able to bring Jim to his climax without undo notice. She broke away from her mouth action and whispered to Dana, "first one to get him off wins," and turned back to what she had been doing.

Dana took up the challenge and began pumping Mike's cock with her hands while trying to engulf it with her mouth. She and Jimmy had done lots of oral sex, and 69 was her favorite position. It allowed them both to give and take simultaneously, and she preferred to climax to Jimmy's tongue over his cock, but she wasn't picky about it.

But again she was reminded by the cock in her mouth that this wasn't Jim's prick. This was thicker, and filled her mouth more fully than Jim's did. Still, she was pretty adroit at getting one down her throat without gagging, and that was what she tried now.

The noise above the table had risen perceptibly, so she bobbed her head on Mike's engorged manhood finally pumping his juices down her throat. He came a lot and she wasn't able to keep it all in her mouth but she did her best, squeezing it at the base to force all of it out. Mike's rigid body finally relaxed and she heard a loud thump on the table above her and a shout of triumph from Jimmy. She glanced back to see that Barbara was just now pumping him frantically into her own mouth, so she knew that she had finished first. She turned back to her victory and finished licking the semen off his deflating dick. She tucked him back into his pants and zipped him back up, and scooted over to help Barbara do the same. When Jimmy was all back together the two hugged in quiet glee at what they had accomplished. Barbara then gave her a kiss, and the taste of her tongue was the flavor of Jimmy that she knew so well. She returned the kiss with a passion that surprised them both. When they broke apart Barbara whispered, "I have dibs on you for later," and then scooted out from under the table.

Mike saw his wife emerge from down below looking like the cat who had eaten the canary. Dana had gotten him off first, and when he relaxed Jimmy had smashed his hand to the table, still tense with anticipation. That was a smart ruse for Jim to come up with, he thought. He then saw Dana emerge looking pretty happy with herself as well. The crowd has dispersed when the winner had been decided, but he was just as content to have lost the match, especially before anyone had caught on to the real reason for their body language. Mike reached under the table, found Barb's knee, slid his hand up it and under her skirt until he found her pubic mound. He gave her a quick caress and a silly grin and said, "The match we just had really sucked!"

Dana and Jim both broke out laughing, and the four went back to their intimate dinner in the midst of a whole crowd of people.

Chapter 3

The food was excellent, the conversation interesting, the ambience just right. Dana and Jim found that they were not just attracted to this other couple, but found them to be worthwhile friends as well. Jim admired Barbara's ability to let go, and to take on different persona based on her makeup. Earlier he had seen her as a sexy lady, he'd heard from Dana about her getting into the role of victim, he'd seen her dressed as a French maid, and now she had an oriental air of mystery about her.

Mike he saw quite differently. This guy was an open and shut case of hormones. He knew what he wanted and let you know it without pretenses. But that was attractive also, because you knew exactly where you stood with him. Jim wondered a bit about Mike's display for his own tush as well as the ladies', but then just figured to each their own.

Dana, too, was totally enjoying the evening. She had begun their relationship looking up to Barbara and her inhibitionless lifestyle, but now was feeling more on a par with her – like a sister. "Sisters in crime," she thought to herself still a little exhilarated from their little escapade under the table with each other's husbands.

Mike was still entranced with this couple. He and Barb had made it with other couples before, but usually the thrill wore off quickly, and he still found himself captured by Dana's transformation. She had been so shy when they first met, but the seductive female across from him was no longer shy. She was exciting, she was alluring, she was… He couldn't put his finger on it, but she and Jim were more than just a quick thrill. He enjoyed being around them, and found that he was interested in the things they said as well as in their bodies. "Jim's not bad either," he thought, "but only as a last resort."

The end of the evening out came all too quickly, for the hours had slipped past them without their notice.

They piled back into the Trans Am and barreled back to the complex. The night air was warm but not stuffy. They were returning late to the condos and no one was around the pool. Mike made another joke and they all broke out laughing again, but then quickly hushed as the sound echoed around the walls of the complex encircling the pool area. There were only a few dim lights on around the concrete, as well as the light from a few windows and from the half moon above. There were no lights on in the pool, but the water had a transfixing glow reflecting the moon's beams.

As they approached the pool to walk around it, Mike gave the nod to Jim and they both "accidentally" bumped their wives into the dark waters.

The two came up spluttering and fussing. "That wasn't funny!" howled Barbara. "Think what it'll do to my leather skirt!"

Jimmy remarked, "It couldn't shrink any. It'd disappear!"

Mike added, "Don't you think it was worth it, though, as a payback? We had to do SOMETHING in return for that scene in the restaurant, or you'd have questioned our manhood."

"That was never in doubt," replied Dana. She stood up in the shallow end, and her cotton shirt clung to her heaving breasts in a most pleasing way. Her auburn hair was slicked back and she looked most fetching in the moonlight. Barbara, on the other hand, looked more like a drenched little kitten.

"Jimmy, would you help me out?" Dana asked her husband.

"Sure thing, wetcakes," and he reached a hand down to pull her out. As she grasped the proffered hand she braced her foot against the side of the pool and pulled back, sending him to a similar soggy fate.

Mike rolled his eyes, took two steps forward and jumped in also. Both husbands found their wives and some wet kisses ensued.

Jimmy floated Dana over to the steps as he kissed her deeply, mingling his tongue with hers. He sat her down on the next to top step and began kissing his way down, giving particular attention to her ear lobes and neck. His hands were unbuttoning her soaked shirt and soon released her breasts. She gave a slight shiver as he began to cup and caress them, her nipples hard against his hand. She put her own hand on the back of his and together they massaged and stroked her large globes. She felt a wetness begin inside her that she knew was not from the pool's waters. Then as his one hand squeezed a tit, his mouth latched onto it and his other hand worked its way down to her crotch. Her tights were little hindrance to his hands motions, and she spread her legs as far apart as they would go to facilitate his actions. She leaned her head back and arched her back and began squeezing her other tit with her free hand, still helping him work on her other breast with the other hand.

He then stopped stroking her pussy through the tights to loosen and pull free of his pants and underpants. His loafers were already floating in the pool a few feet away. He reached with both hands down to her crotch, and taking a small piece of fabric in his fingers pulled it apart to leave a small rip there. He then lifted her legs up over his shoulders so that she was sitting in a jackknife position on the second step of the pool, and guided his cock in through the hole in her spandex into the waiting twat. She braced herself with her elbows on the top step and wiggled slightly to take him in as far as she could.