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Dana was in heaven. The combination of good food, good friends, a moonlit night, the warm waters of the pool, and her husband filling her pussy with his thrusting cock all made for the perfect evening.

She looked past her husband to see Barbara sitting on the edge of the pool, her legs wide apart, and Mike standing in the water with his face buried in her muff. The water glistened on her upturned breasts, the nipples pointing straight up at the moon.

Jimmy was pumping away when he noticed that they were not alone. A red head had walked up to the two of them, not a stitch of clothing on, and stepped past the two of them to walk down the steps into the pool. His concentration was broken, but she walked away just a couple of feet, turned, and smiled at him. She had large hips, long legs, smooth skin, well-rounded breasts, and a very tiny waist. Her red hair was teased out and her teeth practically glowed in the dark they were so white.

"Please," she urged, "don't stop what you were doing so well."

Jimmy didn't know where this vision had come from, but he decided that she had the right idea, so he removed Dana's ankles from behind his neck, spread her legs wide and thrust repeatedly. The voyeur just stood there watching, now and then licking her lips. Dana turned her head to look deeply into the other woman's twinkling eyes, seeing that she was enjoying this vicariously almost as much as she. Then a moan escaped her lips as Jimmy began the final strokes of their lovemaking. She reached back and clamped her fingers onto his ass, pulling him into her. His muscles tensed to almost rock hardness as his cock spasmed into her, and her own fire reached a peak at the same time. Another moan found its way past her lips as she climaxed simultaneously. Through her barely opened eyes she saw the redhead's arms moving in the water in a way that couldn't be anything else but masturbation. Jimmy gave her a final kiss and then rolled off her to the side away from the onlooker. Having a "strange" woman watching him make love to his wife out in public had fulfilled another of his fantasies.

Dana looked over her shoulder and saw a muscular, very athletic looking young black man rise up from a lounge chair nearby and walk toward the steps. He had obviously also been watching, and he, too, was naked. Dana caught her breath as she began to pick out the man's penis. It was hard to see in the little bit of moonlight illuminating the scene, but as he approached she noticed that he was enormous!

He brushed past the two sitting on the steps and waded over to the redhead. He pulled her to him and gave her a deep kiss, grasping her breast with one hand and rubbing it vigorously.

Just then Jimmy and Dana were aware that Mike and Barb had swum up to them. "That's Eric and Sigourney," Mike whispered to them. "They are part of the Moon Crew. Watch this."

"The Moon Crew – what's that?" Dana whispered back.

Barb leaned over and explained, "That's the unofficial name of the folks who are out here regularly in the evenings, when it's warm enough and when there's enough moonlight to see by. Look." And she motioned around the pool, where there were indeed many other couples frolicking in the moonlight.

"This wasn't mentioned in the brochure," Jimmy observed verbally, and then went back to observing visually the scene unfolding before them.

Eric had been amply endowed by his maker, and knew just what to do with it. "Bend over woman," her ordered.

"Yessir," she replied, and hastily pulled away and leaned over the pool's edge. She laid her head on her arms facing the audience of four on the pool's steps. Her breasts were pressed against the concrete and smooshed out the sides.

Eric reached down and spread her legs apart and began to run his dark hands over her protruding buttocks. She just closed her eyes and smiled. Soon his massages had himself excited as well, because they noticed his appendage poking up through the water to a point level with his belly button. He stroked between her legs, and then he aimed his horse-size wang towards Sigourney. He placed the tip against her opening, and then began to slowly push inside her. Dana winced at the thought of having to take in such an amount of cock, and her sympathies went to the redhead. Sigourney was biting her lower lip as she braced herself against the side of the pool. Then she let out a slight scream as Eric pushed in harder.

Now he was about half the way in and Dana wondered how much more Sigourney could take. Eric reached his hands down and pulled her cheeks apart, took a breath, pulled his monstrous cock out about an inch, and then rammed it in her up to his pubic hair. She gave an involuntary gasp that was almost a gag, but then settled down comfortably onto the pavement and waited for him to give her a ride.

"She must have had him before," Jimmy whispered in awe. "She must have had him before."

"They've been together since last summer," Barb explained, "and are quite regular moon crew participants."

The couple before them, black-skinned Eric with his athletic physique, and pale skinned Sigourney with her red hair and long legs, just began to screw with a passion. He started slow thrusts that came out just a little farther each time. After about the twentieth thrust he was pulling out almost to his head, and then would ram the whole twelve inches back into her. For her part Sigourney was laying her torso on the pavement, had reached back with both hands, and was pulling her ass and the top of her silky legs apart for him to easily fill her. And fill her he did! Dana wondered how she wasn't choking – it seemed he was probably filling her up to the throat, but from the other end.

Then without even looking their way Eric called over, "One of you guys come over here."

"Is he talking to us?" asked Jimmy.

"I think he is," Barbara whispered back. "He's been known to go both ways."

"NOW!" Eric demanded, and looked over at them.

"You go Mike," pleaded Jimmy, "I'm just new to this scene, and I'm not much for the A/C D/C stuff."

"Well, alright. I guess someone has to do it." And Mike splashed on over to him.

"Back door, man." 'Nuff said.

Mike pumped himself up, grabbed Eric around the waist with his left arm, and guided his cock into Eric's gluteus with the right. It was a very tight squeeze, but Mike wasn't about to give up. With a lot of wiggling back and forth and an ample amount of pushing he finally worked his way in. The three looked like a reverse Oreo cookie, with Mike and Sigourney as the sandwich and Eric as the dark middle. Barbara moved up behind Jimmy and straddled him from behind where he sat on the top step. She hugged his back, and then snaked an arm around his waist and found his crotch. She languidly began to play with his prick and rub her breasts into his back.

Just then Tanya returned from her night out and caught sight of them in and near the pool. She came over and took in the scene of Mike doing Eric doing Sigourney. "Looks like the Moon Crew is into it full-swing." She pulled her green satin dress up and over her shoulders to reveal the black lingerie Mike and Barb had given her as a gift that afternoon. The bra was low cut and revealed half of her nipples. Her stockings were topped by a black g-string panty. Her blonde hair shone in the moonlight, and her high heels were the antithesis at the other end. She kicked off her shoes, undid her hose and rolled them down, but left her bra and panties on.

She walked over to the steps and asked Dana to sit up on the top step next to Jimmy. She still had one of her high heeled shoes in her hand, and sat down behind Dana in the same position that Barbara was behind Jim.

She set the shoe down next to her, reached around under Dana's arms and cupped her large breasts firmly in each hand. She tweaked her nipples playfully, but then pulled her back so that her head leaned back against her shoulder. Dana let herself go in the loving care of the young blonde, who kissed her deeply, all the while continuing to kneading and stimulating her heaving breasts. Tanya's tongue hungrily probed her mouth, and her own firmly pert breasts became excited by the feel of Dana's smooth skin leaning back against her. Dana's cunt began to flow again, so with one hand she reached up and cupped Tanya's cheek but with the other she began to play with herself.