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Nice and naughty Anna

Bill E. Boy


I remember it as if it was yesterday but it was really a long time ago. I have to smile when I think about those days. I was such an innocent. I knew the basics of sex of course. Who didn't? But as far as I was concerned that was it. It was really strange how it all happened. It just seemed like a normal day. But then, don't they all?


I switched off my typewriter and placed the cover over it. My shoulders ached, my neck was stiff and my fingers felt like they were dropping off. I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes. The bid package was complete and on its way to the potential customer and, best of all, it was Friday.

Nothing to do for the whole weekend. Normally I would have found that incredibly boring but doing nothing for two whole days sounded fine with me. And no parents to bug me either. They had gone off to Hawaii and would not be back for another week. I had the entire house to myself. Well almost.

My big brother, Robbie, would be there but he spent so much of his time drinking and chasing girls that I was counting on hardly seeing him.

As I relaxed, two strong hands gripped my shoulders, the thumbs rubbing hard against the tired muscles. I tilted my head back and opened my eyes. I knew it would be my boss, Dave. I smiled into his deep sea- green eyes and he smiled back making my heart give a little flutter.

I guess it would be fair to say that I have a minor crush on my boss. No big heavy thing, just the kind of crush that makes me blush when he pays me a compliment about the way I look or my work. I know my work is good, even though I've only been out of secretarial school for a year.

The way I look is something else. I am not exactly Bo Derek or even close. I've got long blond hair that falls down to my waist and I sometimes wear it loose, sometimes pulled back and that's just about my best feature. I really could stand to lose a few pounds here and there but I don't have a bad figure, there's just a little more of me than there should be. I have quite large breasts and I don't mind wearing blouses and dresses that show them off although I don't like to show any cleavage and I couldn't go without a bra if my life depended on it. They're way too big for that. I do have nice legs though. Quite shapely, even if I do say so myself.

I think a lot about Dave when I'm lying alone in my bed. I try to imagine what would happen if one night we were working alone and I decided that I was tired of being "Little Miss Virgin" and tried to seduce him. It's a real neat fantasy. I work on it quite a lot, refining it as I go along, changing the dialogue here and there to make it seem more realistic. I get myself worked up some nights and end up having to play with myself so I can get off to sleep.

Poor Dave, if he only knew. He'd die of embarrassment and he certainly wouldn't give me those lovely shoulder massages at the end of a long day. He'd be terrified that I would spin around in my chair and grab his cock right there in front of everybody.

Not that I wouldn't mind grabbing his cock. I've never had one in my hand, ever. Just too scared to get that much involved I guess. The few friends I have think I'm stuck up and old fashioned. The other girls at work are always talking about cocks and sucking them and getting laid. I really don't have much to offer to those kinds of conversations so I tend to keep to myself. Pity really, but there it is.

It's not that I'm disinterested in men, it's just that the right one has never come along. I am curious to know what a cock feels like though. I'd love to hold one in my hand and play with it. I don't know whether I would like it in my mouth though. The other girls say it's great, especially when the guy comes and his sperm shoots into them and runs down their throats. I reserve judgment on that one.

I'd like a man to make love to me. That I could go for. It would certainly beat playing with myself and if he was loving and kind I wouldn't mind giving up my little virgin pussy to him. I really wouldn't object at all.

Dave's fingers were doing a great job on my shoulders and my eyes closed dreamily as the fatigue drained away. I felt him press against my back between my shoulder blades and he felt hard. A tremor of something or other rumbled through my body and my pussy kind of contracted and my panties felt wet all of a sudden. He was rubbing himself ever so gently against my back. I couldn't believe it. He was actually rubbing his cock against me and it was as hard as a rock.

Oh, I wanted to grab it then but right ahead of me were two other girls sitting at their desks looking busy and I restrained myself.

He had never pressed himself against me like that before and I wondered what had made him do it this time. I wasn't looking any different. Same old Anna. I was wearing jeans that day with it being Friday and they made my bottom look well-rounded and my blouse was a bit tight around my titties but nothing out of the ordinary.

"That feels nice," I said to give him a bit of encouragement.

"What does?" He asked and I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling.

I opened my eyes and looked him straight in the face. "The neck massage, of course. What did you think I meant."

He blushed beautifully and took a step back. "Well, you've worked hard today," he said. "I figured you needed it."

"I did and it was wonderful. Thanks Dave." "Don't mention it."

I turned around in my chair and stood up. He was a good eight inches taller than me and I had to tilt my head back a little to keep eye contact. "Well, I'm off now," I said. "See you Monday." I lifted myself onto my toes and placed my mouth next to his ear. "The back rub was great too," I whispered.

I grabbed my purse and scooted out of the office before he could say a word but as I went around the corner into the hallway I could see the look of pure astonishment on his face.

It was a hot night and I was all alone in the house. Robbie was off doing something evil to some poor girl I guess. There was nothing worth watching on TV so I went to my room, put some relaxing music on the stereo and stretched out naked on my bed. There was just the barest hint of a breeze ruffling the thin white curtains at my window but it did nothing to cool me off. I couldn't get the thought of Dave's cock out of my mind. It was like I could still feel it, rubbing against my back. What would I have done had we been the only two left in the building? Unzipped his pants and touched it? The thought made me shudder. I closed my eyes and placed my hand between my legs. My pussy felt wet, the fine hair around the lips was sticking to my skin. I ran my finger along the damp slit and the lips parted ever so slightly and I felt a little trickle of liquid run over my fingertips. I rubbed the smooth skin on the insides of my pussy lips until I was beginning to tingle all over. I wished it was Dave's cock doing the rubbing. I couldn't believe how big and hard it had felt pressed against me. It was almost scary to think of something that big trying to break into my little, untested pussy but right then I would have been more than willing to let him try.

I began to picture the scene:

We are working real late and the rest of the building is dark except for Dave's office. I have moved my typewriter in there so he can pass his rough notes to me without having to keep getting up.

Finally I'm finished and jump out of my chair triumphantly. Dave jumps up too and grabs me around the waist. "You're a great kid, Anna," he says, "and a real hard worker. I think I owe you dinner and a bottle of wine."

"I'm not supposed to drink," I say. "I'm only twenty."

He grins at me. "No problem. They don't check in restaurants. Only bars."

He takes me to this real nice place in his car and we have a super dinner and he's all sweet and kind to me and I'm knocking back the wine like there's no tomorrow.

By the time we get back out to the parking lot I'm a little bit tipsy and I lean against him and his arm goes around my waist. His fingers are touching the side of my breast and I place my hand over his and move it a little so that it completely covers it. My nipples are hard and poking through my blouse and he is teasing them with his fingers. We walk like this to his car and he opens the door for me and I get in. It's one of those big cars with the wide bench seat so I move across until I'm sitting right next to him.