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Norma Egan

Nieghbors in heat


Tina West felt so horny, she wriggled and sighed all the time she was washing the dinner dishes. She knew it was disgraceful-she was a respectable housewife, married for twenty years-but she just couldn't help it. She wanted to get fucked in the worst way.

Well, it wouldn't be long now. As soon as she finished the dishes she'd go into the living room where her husband Ralph was watching television, climb on his lap, and whisper a few naughty suggestions in his ear. That ought to get her what she wanted and needed-fast. Tina grinned wickedly to herself as she washed the last of the dishes.

"Ummmmm," Tina sighed, getting excited just thinking about it.

She could almost feel the radiating heat of

Ralph's big hairy body as he climbed on top of her. She could feel vividly in her imagination the way his cock would go hard against her belly, growing long and stiff and throbbing. She could feel the intense excitement in her hot and ready cunt as he penetrated her.

"Oh, my God," Tina moaned.

To hell with the dishes. She wanted to fuck, and she wanted it now! Moaning, dizzy with lust, Tina dried her hands on her apron and stumbled out of the kitchen. She couldn't understand why she should be so intensely horny, but it seemed to be happening more and more often lately. She just had to do something about it.

Ralph West lounged in his favorite chair, watching TV, a beer in his fist. He was wearing jeans and t-shirt and slippers, the perfect picture of the working man relaxing after a long hard day. Ralph was a longshoreman, and he really did work very hard. He deserved this rest. But Tina had a feeling he'd really go for the little exercise she had in mind…

"Hi, honey," she purred, slipping onto the arm of his chair.

"Uh-huh," Ralph muttered.

He was deeply engrossed in a boxing match, and Tina knew better than to block his view of the screen. Do that during any sports event, and it could be worth your life. She sat on the arm of his chair and rested her sleek hip against his shoulder. She'd wait till the fight was over before trying to get his attention. There were some things Ralph liked even better than fucking and boxing was one

of them.

"They call that fighting?" Ralph grumbled "Looks like waltzing to me. It ain't like the good old days when they really boxed-"

He rumbled on, but Tina knew he wasn't talking to her or to anybody in particular. It was part of the ritual for him to complain. She looked down at the guy she'd been married to for twenty years. He was still strong as a hone, big and powerful with biceps like grapefruits. His solid burly body had really turned her on when she was a young girl-and it still did.

Tina had just graduated from high school when she met Ralph. Everyone said she might have had a career as a singer or a dancer, or at least she would have made a very attractive secretary or a hostess of some sort. She was a petite blonde, very pretty, and had been cheerleader, prom queen, the whole bit. All her friends expected her to go a long way with some kind of career. Instead she mated that big ape of a hard hat, Ralph West.

Tina's mother cried, and her father wouldn't speak to her for almost a year. Everybody said she'd thrown herself away on Ralph, that he'd never amount to anything. Well, now they had their own house in the suburbs, two cars, and every labor-saving device imaginable. But Tina hadn't married Ralph for his money. She'd married him because he drove her wild. Even at the age of nineteen she'd had the hots for him.

It was a new experience for Tina. She'd never gotten lusty for a boy before. She was always in control of things-and so she was still a virgin when

she met Ralph. But only for two weeks. That was exactly how long it took Ralph to meet her, date her, and fuck her. And Tina hadn't resisted one bit. On the contrary, the moment she saw Ralph, she knew she was going to lose her cherry to him-and love it.

It had happened one Saturday night after the drive-in movies. Ralph found an isolated spot to park, and in moments they were making love like crazy. It was a night of "firsts" for Tina. It was the first time a guy had taken off her bra and seen her naked breasts. It was the first time a man had removed her panties or seen her pussy. It was the first time she'd seen or touched a cock. But most of all, it was the first time she'd been fucked.

Tina remembered the whole evening so vividly, she could practically come just thinking about it She recalled that Ralph had her totally naked in less than ten minutes, and she hardly knew how it happened. Then he took off all his clothes, too, and helped her into the back seat of the car. Tina knew she was about to lose her virginity, and she was a little scared-but not much.

For such a big guy, a guy who could easily crush her with one blow, he was very gentle. He never tried to force her. He found that funny little lump of flesh between her legs, what she later found out was her clit, and he knew what to do with it. He rubbed her little joy button gently but steadily, and before she knew it, she was squealing and creaming all over his fingers. He had her urgently horny in no time at all.

So there she was in the back seat of his car, this

powerful hairy guy crouched over her, diddling her, and the question was, would she go all the way with him? All the way with a guy she'd known only two weeks, a common laborer, a guy who wore denim to work? Would she give up her virginity to this character, not save it for some rich boss? Was she actually going to let this gorilla fuck her?

Damn right.

And she could hardly wait. She'd been dying to find out about sex, but Ralph was the first guy she'd ever felt lusty for, the first she ever really wanted to do it with. She waited, panting, while he took her little hot hand and laid it gently on his erect cock, letting her feel what it was like. She remembered that her hand trembled with excitement.

She felt a hard hot silky pole of flesh, pleasant to touch, very exciting to feel. It sprang from a thick furry bush at the base of his belly, and it ended in a big hard knobby head. When she timidly caressed the head, it drooled big sticky bubbles of hot cream onto her fingers. This big hard thing was going to go into her

"Baby," Ralph had said in a hoarse urgent voice, "baby, I want you so bad…"

Tina hadn't said anything. She'd just opened her legs. Ralph saw the little blonde opening her thighs wide for him, offering him her cherry, and he didn't waste any time. Moaning, already sweating with excitement, he sank between her slim legs and pressed the hard swollen head of his dick against the tiny moist mouth of her virgin box.

"Easy," he crooned, "easy… It's gonna hurt a little. Always does the first time. But it'll get better, honey, I promise

She trusted him completely. It did hurt a lot when his thick hard meat began to wedge into her tight virgin hole, stuffing her so full she could hardly breathe. It hurt like hell when he gave a brutal shove and broke through her hymen. She clenched her teeth not to scream when his hugely thick long cock plunged all the way to her womb, occupying her completely…

"Now it's gonna get better," he whispered.

Again she trusted him. She clung to him, kept her legs open, and let him ball her slowly, deeply, steadily until at last she began to understand what everybody was so excited about. She finally understood why fucking was so highly rated. By God, it felt good. In fact it felt terrific. In fact she'd never done anything so much fun in her whole life.

After that first time, when Ralph took her virginity and gave her first orgasm, Tina was insatiable. She simply could not fuck often enough or long enough. That was great with Ralph, who was only twenty-five then and felt pretty insatiable himself. They got married very soon so they could do it in a bed of their own, with no hassles.

Now, twenty years later, things had changed.

Ralph still had the powerful hairy body that turned her on so much, but the beer had made him a little thick around the middle. His hair was receding, leaving him bald in front. He used to be a conservative Democrat, and now he was