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"No, not like that," she said.

Howard raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Dotty scrambled out from under him and playfully pushed him down on his back. She wriggled between his legs, till her hot moist breath was fanning his swollen cock and balls. She eyed the fat red sacs and the thick pale pillar of his cock, and she found herself actually drooling.

"I don't see how we can ball in that position," Howard said, feigning innocence.

"You idiot," Dotty laughed. "Just shut up and enjoy.."

She bent down, stuck out her little pink tongue, and pressed the tip against his steamy-hot balls. Howard gave a little start of surprise and pleasure. Dotty started to lick his sensitive nut sacs, gently and slowly at first, but then with growing speed and hunger. Howard felt hot dizzying pleasure building up in his loins, pleasure so great that he couldn't keep still.

"Oh, Christ, that feels great," he gasped. "Yeah, Dotty, lick my balls… Oh, man, yeah…"

Dotty happily abandoned herself to the delicious task of licking and tasting Howard's balls and cock. She lost track of the time. She only knew that she and her new lover were having a wonderful time finding all kinds of bizarre ways to bring each other off. It was a game she could have played all night…

Three miles away at a meeting of the Ladies' Garden Club, Beth Taylor squirmed in her chair. She felt so restless tonight. Of course she knew the reason. "Restless" wasn't really the word for what she felt. "Horny" would be a lot more accurate. That's why she belonged to all these clubs and came to all these meetings, to try to take her mind off being horny. Sometimes it worked, but tonight it was an unqualified flop. The speaker, an old lady with a pink straw hat and a voice like a crow, was going on and on about native wildflowers-and Beth wasn't hearing a word she said.

"Oh, hell," Beth muttered under her breath, "what am I going to do?"

Beth, a tall slim redhead, was forty years old and had been married to Howard Taylor for half her life. She loved her husband dearly, but for the past few years something vital had been missing from their marriage-sex. Howard was always too tired, it seemed. Beth knew she was to blame, too, in part. After twenty years together their love life had gotten a little boring, and she'd done nothing to perk it up. But mainly it was Howard who'd turned off completely.

It certainly wasn't like the old days, when they used to make love eagerly every night. Sometimes they couldn't even wait till after dinner. Howard would come home from school, they'd rush into each other's arms, and the next thing they knew, they'd be fucking right there on the rug. Beth sighed loudly as she remembered how great it had been.

"Is anything wrong, Beth?" said the woman sitting next to her. "You've looked so-well, strange -all evening.

Beth blushed clear down to her toes. My God, was it that obvious? At least no one could read her mind. No one could know that Mrs. Howard Taylor, prominent club woman, was sitting there thinking about stiff cocks. At least she hoped no one could tell.

"I feel a little dizzy," she answered. "I think maybe I better leave."

Beth knew from experience that there was only one thing to do in a case like this. When she was

this naggingly horny, she wasn't going to be able to keep her attention on the meeting, and the only thing for it was to go home and masturbate. She hated that ugly word, hated to satisfy herself like that, but it was her only recourse. Howard certainly wouldn't do it for her…

She quietly left the meeting and drove home. If things went according to pattern, Howard would be plugged into the TV and would only grunt a greeting when she got home. He liked to sit up late and watch the late movie. She could go right to bed and bring herself off. By now she was an expert at it.

Just in case Howard had changed his mind and gone to sleep, she parked quietly and tiptoed into the house. The living room lights were on, but Howard was nowhere to be seen. Beth felt annoyance. She hoped he hadn't gone to bed yet. It was so hard to frig herself when he was lying right there next to her.

She tiptoed down the hall to the bedroom. If he was in bed, she'd come out and do it on the couch instead, just to be alone. Damn him anyhow, why wasn't he following his usual pattern? She saw that the bedroom door was open, light on. What was he doing, reading in bed? Then Beth stopped still as she heard her husband's voice, loud and hoarse:

"Awwwww, Christ, YEAH-suck my cock, Dotty.."

Beth leaned back against the wall, pale and breathless with shock. She knew she couldn't possibly have heard right. Such a thing just couldn't be happening. Why, Howard wasn't even

interested in sex any more-he'd told her so. Her ears must be playing tricks on her. She was so obsessed with sex herself, she was imagining all kinds of crazy things…

Beth controlled her trembling and looked into the bedroom. She saw her husband naked, lying on his back, while the neighbor woman, Dotty Devon, equally naked, knelt between his legs and sucked his cock. She was sucking it furiously, taking the whole thing right into her throat, her head bouncing up and down. Howard was in ecstasy, his eyes rolling wildly, his mouth twisted in a horny grin.

"Yeah, yeah, blow me, baby," he moaned, "suck that meat.."

Beth wanted to scream, but she found herself paralyzed with shock. All she could do was stand there watching. She just couldn't believe it-and yet her eyes told her plainly that her shy teacher husband was getting a vigorous blow job from her long time friend and neighbor, Dotty Devon.

My God, my God… Beth s mind whirled, she didn't know what to do or think. As she watched, Howard began to arch his body, feeding more and more of his swollen spit-soaked dick into Dotty's eagerly sucking mouth. His voice got hoarser and louder as he was carried away on a tide of pleasure.

"Eat it," he gasped, "yeah, yeah, eat my come… ahhhhhh.."

He shot his load into Dotty's convulsing throat, and she eagerly swallowed every drop of it. He whined and clawed the bed as the delicious orgasm drained his balls. Beth watched her husband finally

collapse with a happy sigh, his limp prick slipping from Dotty's lips. He pulled Dotty into his arms and kissed her gratefully.

"I better go now," Dotty sighed. "Beth ought to be back soon."

"I suppose you're right," Howard sighed. "Damn it all.."

Dotty got out of bed and started to put her clothes on. Beth was finally able to move. For some reason she didn't want them to see her, didn't want them to know that she knew about their affair. She needed time to think. She hurried out of the house, got into the car, and drove around for awhile, giving Dotty time to get home.

At first she felt very hurt, but the more she thought about it, the more angry she got. Damn Howard anyhow-he'd said he wasn't interested in sex any more, he'd deprived Beth of all satisfaction, and then the big phony goes and has an affair with the neighbor. It just wasn't fair. If Howard was going to have an affair, then Beth should be allowed to have one, too.

She felt sudden excitement. She'd never considered having an affair before, but the idea really turned her on. She'd never fucked anybody but Howard in her whole life. It would really be great to try it with other men..

But that was adultery, a sin.

She'd just have to think it over.


When Beth finally got home, Howard was sitting in front of the television set as usual, drinking beer and watching a late movie. When she came in, he looked completely normal, turning just briefly to grunt a greeting at her, then turning back to the set. It was just like any other night when she'd been to a late meeting.

If she hadn't actually seen him and Dotty Devon making love, she'd never have believed it.

"Did you have a pleasant evening, Howard?" she purred.

"Uh-huh," he muttered, not even hearing her.