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him, he just couldn't resist…

At last he eased his swollen cock all the way up her tight wet little box. "Good for you, baby?" he sighed.

"Ooooo, yes," Beth crooned, clinging to him, wrapping her legs around him, "I love it, Ralph… Oh, God, just take your time, make it last… I need this so badly."

"You and me both," Ralph sighed.

He held out as long as he could, and Beth came four times before he finally shot his load into her. He wished it could have lasted longer, but he reminded himself that there'd be other times with his lovely red-haired neighbor. At least he hoped there'd be… He held Beth, his limp cock still deep in her soaked little cunt, and looked her urgently in the eye.

"We'll do it again, won't we, Beth?" he said anxiously. "This won't be the only time?"

"My God, no, Ralph," she laughed. "It's been wonderful, and I want to see you again as soon as possible."

"What about tonight?" he said. "Same place, as soon as it gets dark."

She nodded eagerly…

When Ralph got home, Tina was awake, talking to someone on the bedside phone. When he came into the bedroom, she blushed hotly, said goodbye quickly, and hung up. Ralph didn't notice her guilty look, however, because he was too preoccupied with his own guilt. He hoped she wouldn't notice the sheepish expression on his face…

When Beth got back to her house, she encountered the same situation-Howard on the phone, Howard blushing and hanging up quickly when she entered the room. He seemed awfully nervous about something, but Beth didn't really care. All she could think of was how great it felt to be fucked again.

"Good morning, dear," she said. "Who was that on the phone?"

"Uh, wrong number," said Howard.

"How nice," said Beth.

"What?" said Howard. "That doesn't make sense."

"Oh, doesn't it?" Beth giggled. "Sorry."

Howard thought she was acting strangely, and perhaps he should question her-but all he could think of was Dotty, seeing Dotty again tonight…


That evening as it got dark, the three neighboring couples, the Taylors, Wests and Devons, began to get restless. Husbands made excuses to go for a stroll, wives said they were going to the supermarket before it closed. Everyone seemed very anxious to get out of the house. In the shadows dim figures made their way into the protecting grove of trees that connected the three yards.

Tina West was perhaps more eager than anyone else to get away. She hadn't been alone with Craig for two whole days, and she was so horny she could have screamed. Tonight at last she was going to see him. They'd arranged to meet in the grove.

When Tina said she had to run to the supermarket, Ralph didn't protest. It was just the chance he'd been waiting for. While she was gone,

he could sneak out and meet Beth. He'd persuaded her to wait for him in the grove.

Beth had no trouble getting away, either, because Howard was gone that evening. He said he was going to a movie, but in fact he was going to see Dotty. They'd made a date to meet in the grove, just as soon as it got dark.

Fortunately it was a large grave, and the three guilty couples were being very quiet-otherwise they would surely have discovered each other. It isn't easy for three passionate couples to make love right alongside each other and not notice the others-as later events were to prove.

But for the time being everyone felt secure and safe as they sneaked out to commit adultery in the dark grove of trees…

Ralph had a hard-on even before he left the house. He was itching to see Beth again. For one thing, he wanted to be sure it was all for real, that the lovely red-haired neighbor woman really had consented to be his lover. Touching her again, feeling her snug juicy box again, would help convince him. As soon as Tina left for the supermarket, Ralph hurried out the back door and crept over toward the Taylor house.

He was almost there when he saw a shadowy figure come quietly out the back door. "Beth?" he said.

"Sssshhh," she said. "Howard's just left. I don't want anyone to hear us. Where are you, Ralph? It's

so dark I can't even see you."

"Right over here," he said, holding out a hand to guide her. "Your eyes will get used to the dark in a second."

His eyes were already used to it, and he could see the tall slender redhead in her tight clinging pants and jersey. Beth was a dish, all right. She didn't have a voluptuous figure like his wife, but she carried herself beautifully and she had class. He lusted for her urgently.

She found him and took his hand. "Let's hurry and get to the trees," she said nervously. "I feel so exposed out here."

"Right," said Ralph.

He led her into the part of the grove right behind the Taylor house. When they were safe inside the ring of trees, he drew Beth down to the grass and started kissing and pawing her eagerly. Perhaps he should use more finesse, but he just couldn't wait. He'd been thinking about her all afternoon, wanting to touch that hot silky body again.

"Oh, Ralph," she gasped excitedly, "I've wanted you so much."

It was music to his ears, that beautiful red-haired woman saying she wanted HIM. He'd figured no woman would ever get the hots for him again now that his hair was thinning and he had a paunch. But Beth surprised him. Kisses weren't enough for her. She started fumbling with the zipper of his pants.

"Hey, you're in quite a hurry," he chuckled.

"You better believe it," she said grimly.

Ralph felt the cool night air on his swollen cock

as Beth opened his fly and drew the big erect pole out of the confinement of his pants. He sighed blissfully when he felt her warm soft little fingers curling around his dick, caressing it eagerly. There was no denying that she wanted him…

Beth felt like she was making up for a lifetime without sex. Of course it hadn't been quite that bad with Howard, especially in the beginning, but it just seemed so long since a man had held her, wanted her, and satisfied her. She couldn't keep her hands off Ralph, even though she told herself she should be more ladylike. She was after his cock, like a whore, pumping it, fondling…

Beth found it made her terribly excited just to touch his erect prick. The hot silky flesh felt good under her pumping fist, and she could feel the thick organ pulsing with life. She pumped it faster and faster, her hand flying up and down the hard shaft, until big bright bubbles of juice started to ooze from the head of his prick.

Then touching wasn't enough. When she saw that bubbling cock juice in the faint moonlight, she began to salivate, and she knew she had to taste his-ladylike or not. Moaning softly, Beth bent her flame-colored head down into Ralph's lap. Her little pink tongue flashed out to tickle teasingly on the head of his cock. She swished it around and around for a moment, then wriggled her tongue tip into his oozing hole and lapped up all his bubbling juice with a horny gurgle.

"Oh, Jesus, Beth," he moaned, "you're making me so damn hot… Yeah, baby, lick me…

She couldn't have stopped even if he'd asked her

to. She loved the taste of his cock. Her little greedy tongue went around and around the big knobby purple head of his dick, lapping up his dribbling juice as fast as it came, swallowing every drop. Still she wanted more.

"Awwwww, shit,yes," Ralph yelped.

He felt her hot little mouth closing around the sensitive swollen head of his cock, sucking it inside. She managed to take more than half the length of his long prick before it nudged her throat and made her gag slightly. She wished she could take more. She started to suck eagerly on his stiff fat sausage of a cock, making lewd wet noises.

"Yeah, yeah," Ralph chanted, "suck my dick, honey… Oh, Christ, Beth, that's great!"

He tried to remember the last time Tina had sucked his meat with so much enthusiasm. It had to have been a long time ago-not that he could blame her. Twenty years was a long time to fuck only one guy. Maybe they both needed a little change of pace, some time with a different lover. Still he was a male chauvinist, he had to admit. It was okay for him to ball Beth, but he couldn't stand the idea of Tina fucking anyone else…