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Shy held out a flask. “They’re coming. It’s time—or we will have no more choice. Put your hands on the flask with mine.”

As I did, the energy within the fluid shifted and it loomed dark and ominous—deathly seductive.

Flash . . . a swirl of energy, beckoning me forward, beckoning me in. Flash . . . a pool waited, so dark and deep that I could never see the bottom, and I knew that once I fell in, a journey would begin that would take me through time, a journey that would never end. Flash . . . sparkling stars filled the void, and Shy and I were rocks, waiting to drop in the vast ocean, where we would send ripples out to change the course of the future. Flash . . . the smell of belladonna and wolfsbane rose up, the scents of hemlock and yew and all things earthy and whispering of the sweetness of death. And one last flash . . . and my energy blended with Shy’s, and together we changed the structure of the potion within the bottle.

And then . . . they crested the hill, a row of shadows against the barren snows under the full moon that lit up the night. Lining the ridge, their leader stepped forward. Shy’s brother led the pack. A fierce warrior, he hated me with a passion and had vowed he’d do whatever needed to keep us apart. I wanted to rip him to shreds, to take him down, but now there would be no opportunity. He would think himself victorious.

But we will be the winners. We’ll be free of the hatred between our people.

I turned to Shy, suddenly afraid. “I’m not afraid to die—not with you—but I don’t want them to hurt us. I don’t want our last moments on this world to be in pain. I want to go out thinking of you. Loving you.”

He pressed the flask into my hand, his gaze never wandering from my own. “I love you. Cherish, I will love you till the end. I will love you beyond the veils of time. We were meant to be together, and all the hatred and borders and queens of this world will not keep us apart. One day, we’ll find each other again. I promise you this, on the honor of my soul, on all the stars in the sky.”

“Then let’s leave this world, leave it to the hounds and the snows and the flames. They haven’t won, my love. They haven’t won—we aren’t giving them the chance. We have our love. We set the game. We make the rules.”

As the hounds bayed and surged down the ridge toward us, I grabbed the flask and drank half the potion, feeling the liquid burn my throat as it filled my body with its dark and passionate promise. Shy drank the rest and then grabbed me, laying me down in his arms, and our lips met. He tasted of death, of bonfires and the darkness of the grave. He tasted like sweet poison, and I rested my head in his arms, still kissing him.

They were almost upon us, but the sky began to glaze over, and as I stared up, the stars whirled, mirroring the stars in my own eyes. I saw myself reflected in Shy’s gaze, and I pulled back, smiling. This was it. Our love would last forever, and they could never separate us, no matter how hard they tried. Our souls would be bound throughout time, and twin sparks, we would fly free from our bodies.

“Cherish . . . I will meet you in time.” Shy’s eyes began to flutter shut, and he struggled to keep them open. “I would not change this for the world—the day we met, my fate was sealed.”

“I meant to kill you that day . . . but you ripped out my heart and kept it for your own. You are my hope and my passion and my everything. I never understood what it meant to love—not until you came along. I would kill a thousand soldiers to stay with you.”

“I can’t hold on much longer. They’re almost here. Let go, my love. It’s time to let go.” Shy pressed his lips against mine one last time.

“If you get there first, wait for me. I will know you . . . I will know who you are.” And then the stars began to spin faster. As the sound of our tormenters grew closer, I took one last breath . . . and let go, closing my eyes as I slipped into the void, racing toward the future where I knew my love would wait for me.

* * *

“Cicely, are you all right?” Grieve caught my elbow as I stumbled over a hidden root buried in the snow.

Startled, I looked around to find that I’d totally zoned out. How long we’d been walking since I’d taken my little trip back in time I didn’t know, but it must have been long enough for me to lose track of what I was doing.

“Fine. . . . I’m fine. Sorry—I just . . . I had another flashback.”

“They’ve been happening too frequently for comfort.” Grieve frowned, and as I stared at him, I could see his features superimposed over an image of Shy. A sudden well of emotion swelled up, and I stopped in my tracks. “Are you all right? You look like you just saw a ghost.”

I caught my breath. “I might as well have.” I reached out and took his hands, the emotion from the past bleeding through. “I . . . Grieve . . . no matter what happens, this is all worth it. We started something in the past, and somehow, I think that our connection goes far back in time, long before we were Shy and Cherish. But know that, whatever comes . . . I love you, and you are my passion. Here, then . . . all times.”

A worried look filtered across his face. “Lower your voice, my love. I know what you are feeling, but we don’t want to dishearten the men.”

At that moment, my wolf shifted, both in satisfaction and in concern. Grieve could feel my need, my love for him, but my ability to shift back and forth into Cherish’s mind scared him.

I understood what he meant. If I spoke too loudly, my words might sound defeatist and discourage our men. I nodded, then softly leaned forward to lightly brush his lips. We had no time for a lip-lock, but a single kiss—embodying my passion and love—there was always time for that.

Standing back, I looked around. “How close are we?” Even as I asked, I knew—we were around the bend from the Barrow. I took advantage of the pause to seek out Ulean.

Can you go ahead, see if there are any Shadow Hunters there?

I’ll be back in a moment. Meanwhile, you know that cloud creature? Still it follows you. It’s hanging back right now, and I don’t know if your men can sense it from where it’s at. But it is there, and possesses a great cunning. It plans for some course of action. Of this I’m sure.

Thank you. I’ll warn the others. Meanwhile, go check out the rest of the way to the Barrow, if you would.

As Ulean swept off, a cold blast of wind in her wake that stirred the snow into even more of a frenzy, I turned around.

“That creature we encountered? Still out there, following us. Ulean just told me about it. I’m not entirely sure what it’s doing but she thinks it’s up to something, so we’d better keep an eye open. I sent her up ahead to scope out the rest of the path. We’re near Myst’s old Barrow. I dread to see what she’s got in store for us there.”

I swallowed a lump that rose in my throat as I realized that getting to the Barrow? Was the easy part. The hard part was coming right on down the road at us. Myst would have trapped the way to her heartstone. All Queens did. I had. Rhiannon had. So, barring anybody standing between us and there, we’d be facing the gauntlet shortly enough.

Hunter grunted. “There are ways around traps, though it will never be easy. But you have me with you, and I know more tricks than you could imagine, girl. I was scouting through the woods before there were people here. I watched the settlers come in from the very beginning. There was a time, when I walked with the yummanii shamans who first walked these paths. I was the one who showed them how to access the path into the Dream Time. I’ve seen the years roll by, the decades come and go like whispers on the wind.”