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Not answering, she looked out the window as he pulled forward into the garage.

He pressed the button to lower the garage door a little harder than was necessary. “Were their deaths what brought you to America?”

“No, first I spent some time in France and Spain, then decided it was time to emigrate.” She recited the facts by rote, as if she’d given this answer many times. “I ended up in New Orleans for a while, went to Georgia, then New York, then back to New Orleans, then came west to Seattle.”

“That’s a lot of moving around.” Annoyance spiked through him about how she sidestepped talking about anything that mattered to her.

“After you look exactly the same and don’t really age for about twenty years, people start to wonder why you still look so young. It used to be, they thought you’d sold your soul to Satan for eternal youth. Now they think I’ve had some work done.” She looked down at her nearly flat chest. “Though why I’d have them do my face and not give other parts of me a boost, I don’t know.”

He didn’t take the bait to talk about her breasts, which he knew she expected. “What did the rest of your family think about you leaving Europe?”

She turned to look at him. “I don’t have any family left now.”

Which didn’t answer his question at all. He’d asked about her family then, not now. He opened his mouth to call her on it when her hands reached over the console to cup his cock through his trousers. A wicked grin formed on her face, and she curled a pleasure spell around his dick.

The air whistled out of his lungs as lust slammed into him. “Fuck me.

“That’s the idea.” Her grin spread, and she unzipped his pants. “I thought it was time to change the subject.”

All the blood rushed out of his brain and went straight to his cock. He was rock hard in moments, and her hands dipped into his boxers, one grasping his shaft and the other moving deeper to fondle his balls.

He let his head fall back against the seat, swallowing hard as her slim fingers stroked up and down his dick. Fire fisted in his gut, and when she lit him up with a spell that felt like a thousand feathers brushing across his overheated flesh, his hips all but lifted off the seat. His knee slammed into the door, but he ignored the discomfort. No man in his right mind would interrupt a moment like this.

The rush of her warm breath washed over his cock, and his muscles shook with anticipation. Yes. He wanted her mouth on him. A groan was the only response he could make when her lips sucked the tip of his cock into her mouth. Her hot tongue flicked over the head, and he shuddered, twining his fingers in her hair and urging her forward. She scraped his skin with her teeth, and his breath hissed in. “Suck me hard.”

She chuckled and gave him what he wanted, drawing him in deep. Her hand still caressed his testicles, and then moved up to cinch around his shaft, pumping him between her fingers in time with her mouth. Every so often, a pleasure spell would streak over his skin. He couldn’t predict them, and they left him hanging on to his control by the slenderest of threads.

His hips rose to press into her, and he used his grip on her hair to push her down while he fucked her mouth. Heat pounded through him, and he didn’t think he could wait. The warm suckling, the tight grip she had on his cock, any minute now his skull would explode.

“If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.” He didn’t want to make the offer to quit, but most women didn’t take kindly to no warning before a man came in her mouth.

“Mmm,” she hummed, and the vibrations were half her and half magic.

He couldn’t hold back, his hand tightened in her hair, and he jetted into her mouth, coming in long, hard spurts. She sucked him through it all, dragging it out until he couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Everything centered on what her mouth did to him. He shuddered again and again, sweat sliding down his skin, his lungs bellowing as he tried to drag in enough oxygen.

Letting his cock slide free of her mouth, she sat up and licked her lips. “Was it good for you, too?”

When he could catch his breath, he laughed. “Wow, you really didn’t want to talk about it, did you?”

She huffed out a breath, turning to face forward in her seat. “It’s not relevant, Jack. Let it go.”

“Is it that terrifying to you that someone might be curious about you? That they might know you? That they might want to be close enough to be called a friend?” Because at the moment his friends-with-benefits plan was more co-workers with benefits and not much else. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem with him, but with her ... it was. He didn’t like that it bothered him, but he couldn’t help it. “How did you get along so well with Merek if you’re this closemouthed about yourself?”

“Kingston had a past he didn’t want anyone digging into either. We respected each other’s boundaries, and it worked for us.” Her glance told Jack what she thought of his attempts to disrespect her boundaries.

Before he could retort, her gaze dropped to his phone, which had been trapped underneath her when she bent over the console. She was already reaching for it when it rang.

He frowned. “That one’s mine, not yours.”

“I know, but it’s important. Something’s wrong.” She handed him the vibrating, blaring phone. The number was one he didn’t recognize.

He pushed the button to answer and flipped it to speakerphone. “Hello?”

“Hi, Jack.” The voice was both young and grave at the same time. “It’s Alex. Nemov. Merek and Chloe’s adopted son?”

“I know who you are, Alex. I saw you at the wedding a week ago.” His mind raced, trying to sort out why the teen wolf would be calling him. “What can I do for you?”

“Uh ... before Merek and Chloe left, I might have heard them talking about a case you were taking on. Where Magickals were tortured with the metal they’re allergic to and then drained of blood.”

“Yes, why do you ask?” Only he was pretty sure he knew why. There was only one reason to call and ask about something like that. They had another one. His muscles tensed, and he pushed the button to open the garage back up. “Where are you right now?”

He heard the teen swallow. “I’m at my girlfriend’s house to pick her up for a date ... she’s running late from softball practice, but her stepdad was going to let me in to wait. He didn’t answer the door ... and something just didn’t feel right. So I walked around the house and saw him through the window. He’s dead. The way Merek described.”

“What’s the address?” He looked to Selina, who’d already reached into her bag to get a notepad to write it down. Alex rattled off the street number.

“You can bring Detective Grayson with you, right? She’s there with you.”

Jack froze, his hands poised to turn on the car. Selina hadn’t said a word, so how had the kid known that? “She’s working with me on the case, yes, but it’s after-hours. What makes you think she’s with me?”

A short laugh came through the line. “I may have been eavesdropping when Merek told Chloe he had a vision of you two bumping uglies.”

“Nice.” Jack hit the gas to back out of the garage, and punched the button to close the door behind them the moment they were clear. The sky had opened up while they were inside, and rain poured down on the car. He flipped on the windshield wipers.

“So she’s with you, right? Or should I call her, too? I haven’t called the cops yet.” The wolf sounded annoyed with himself for not thinking to dial the police’s number. “I should call them.”

“We can take care of that, Alex,” Selina replied. “We’re on our way.”

“How did you get my number?” Jack asked, mostly to keep the kid talking, to keep him distracted from the fact that he was a few yards away from a stiffening body.