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“If you had any real evidence that linked me to the crimes, you’d have arrested me already.” Gregor spread his hands. “Are you going to be reasonable and let me go, or do I need to call my lawyer? I’m not answering any more questions for you, and you can’t make me.”

They weren’t going to get anywhere with him. If he lawyered up, they’d get even less. Frustration crawled through her, but she knew better than to push her hand during an interrogation. She could still keep him until the lawyer arrived, keep asking questions, but she knew it would be pointless. He knew this drill far too well.

The door swung open and Delta sauntered in. “Gregor. Long time, no see, sugar.”

Every inch of color drained out of the vampire’s face, his pale skin standing out in even starker contrast to his copper hair. “Wh-what are you doing here?”

The tiniest edge of panic filled his voice. Now wasn’t that interesting? Selina arched her eyebrows, glancing back and forth between the two bloodsuckers.

“Well, you seem to be handling the elf and the Normal, so I thought you’d like to see how you measure up against a vampire.”

“N-Normal?” He flinched and grew even paler, drawing back when she stepped forward, planted her hand on the table, and got into his space.

“I’m a Normal.” Jack raised his hand. “Do you have a problem with Normals knowing about magic, Mr. Night?”


“Think carefully how you answer that one, Gregor, since we both know you’ve let people in on magic in not quite legal ways before.” Delta’s violet gaze never wavered from his face. “Haven’t you?”

Gregor’s hands clenched on the tabletop, his eyes going wide. “I—I never meant to hurt you.”

“No, you only hurt people for money.” Her words dripped with disgust, disdain.

He flinched, his jaw working. “You have every right to hate me.”

“Fuck me, fuck me over, take my life, and drop me like I’m a worthless piece of trash.” She snorted. “Yeah. Yeah, I really do hate your bloodsucking ass.”

“I understand.”

“No, you really don’t.” Her fangs extended to their full, deadly length, a hiss rattling out of her throat. The woman looked far more vicious than Selina would have imagined she was capable of. Gregor really knew how to make friends and influence people. Delta’s accent grew thicker when she spoke again. “You’re lucky I have a badge and oaths I swore to uphold, or you’d be a dead man right now.”

He swallowed hard, nodded, but held her gaze steadily. “I’m sorry for what I did to you.”

She slapped her hand against the table. “You don’t get to be sorry, pal. I want you to suffer the way you’ve made other people suffer.”

“I have.” The words were quiet, simple.

“Not enough. Not nearly enough.”

His lips twitched in the ghost of a smile. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry. Almost as beautiful as you are when you’re turned on.”

All the blood whooshed out of her face, then burned in bright red spots on her cheeks. She hissed at him again, fangs bared. “I hope you rot behind bars for the rest of your long, long life.”

His eyebrow arched. “You’ll forgive me if my hopes are a bit different from yours.”

“I don’t forgive you for anything, and I doubt any of your other victims do either.” A smile slashed across her face. “You know, there’s no statute of limitations on turning someone against their will. And I’d make a real good witness in that trial.”

He swallowed and said nothing. No glib remarks, no guileless grins. He looked at Selina. “I’m in Seattle working for Mildred Standish. You can verify that with her, though I doubt she’ll give you any details about what she has me doing. I can assure you it doesn’t call for any wet work. I have correspondence that can corroborate when the job was offered and when I was required to be in Seattle, which is now. That’s why I’m in town. Not to kill anyone.”

“Do you have similar correspondence that will clear you of any involvement in the other murders?”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation. “I don’t go anywhere that doesn’t include a job, so ... yes. My contracts don’t tend to be the kind that leave extra time for side jobs, trust me.” His gaze flickered to Delta when she gave a derisive snort. “I won’t give you the details of those assignments, either, but every one of my employers will vouch for having hired me and when. Give me the dates and the cities you’re talking about, and I’ll have myself cleared within the hour.”

Selina shook her head, unsatisfied with that. “What were you doing at Jason Mathison’s house?”

“I was in the neighborhood and smelled death. I went to check it out. I touched nothing at the crime scene.”

“You also didn’t report it,” Jack pointed out, stony faced.

“I assumed his people would be along soon to do so. There was no need to involve myself.” His shrug was expressive. “His body was relatively fresh when I got there, so I assure you I have an alibi for the time of his death.”

Delta made a noise that was pure, frustrated rage. She spun on her heel and stomped out of the room. Selina followed and found her bent over with her hands braced on her knees and her butt leaning against the wall, sucking in deep breaths.

“You did good, Dubois.” She squatted down so she was eye level with the other woman. “I wasn’t getting anything out of him. Thank you.”

Delta glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. “He may not have done these ones, but it makes me nauseous how often he wiggles out of any responsibility for the things he has done.”

“I know.”

“Jesus. I never thought I’d see him again.” A shudder ran through her. “It was worse than I ever imagined.”

Selina sighed, sympathy winding through her. Yeah, she knew what it was like to be confronted with her worst nightmare. She was there now. “I’m sorry.”

The vampire just shook her head, pulled herself upright, and sucked in a deep breath. “I’ll be okay. I need to get back to work. I owe y’all the rundown on your profile. Which Gregor doesn’t fit.”

“We can’t keep Gregor much longer—since we have no hard evidence and I’m guessing he really will alibi out—but Jack and I will want to lean on him a little longer.” Selina rose to her feet. “Take an hour and we’ll meet you in Jack’s office.”

“I’ll be there.” The blonde’s tone was almost a threat as she strode away.

Exactly one hour later, Delta stood ramrod straight in Jack’s office. “I’m going to go over the profile I came up with, then I can talk to you about why Gregor doesn’t fit it, if you like.”

Jack arched an eyebrow. “How does he not fit the psycho-killer vampire profile, exactly?”

Sighing, Selina waved a hand between them. “Profile first, remember? And relax, Dubois. No one is blaming you for Gregor not fitting your profile, or for him having solid alibis. I’m guessing you’d have liked him to be guilty as much as the rest of us.”

“More.” Delta chortled. “I have plenty of reason to hate his ass, but your murderer isn’t him. Though I don’t buy his ‘I was just in the neighborhood’ story for a second.” Easing her rigid stance, she wandered the room, peering at each one of the victim’s photos Jack had stuck to the wall. “Your vamp has a real hate on those who tell Normals about magic, or who are Normal and know things most humans don’t.”

“I debriefed the agents on our little adventure tonight. I hear we got a whole lot of nothing out of Gregor.” Peyton strode into the office, four cups of Starbucks nestled into a cardboard holder. As he handed them out to everyone, Selina watched Tess walk by the open door. The redhead toasted her with a matching Starbucks cup.