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“Jack!” She twisted against him, so close to that edge she could taste it.

He gripped her knee, pulling her even wider for his thrusts. “This is so fucking good.”

“Yes, yes!” And it was. Considering how long she’d been sexually active, that was really saying something.

Their skin slapped together with each movement, the mattress squeaking beneath them, sweat gliding down their bodies. Everything about this became a sensual stimulant, the scent, the feel, all of it.

His lungs bellowed, his breath rushing against her ear. She shivered at even that subtle contact. He turned his head and nipped at her lobe. Stars burst behind her lids, and her body locked in shock. “Jack!”

Pleasure exploded deep inside her, burst out in pure magic, and sent her flying into oblivion.

He shouted as the spell wrapped around them, lightning dancing over their skin. Shoving his cock deep, he ground himself against her, jets of come filling her for long, protracted moments. Then they collapsed, sweat sealing their skin together, hearts pounding. Every bit of tension leached from her body.

He rolled to his back and pulled her against him. “How are you?”

“Peachy. How about you?” She draped her leg over his and relaxed bonelessly in his arms, her voice slurring as if she’d gotten drunk on the endorphins. Maybe she had. The thought made her grin. “Pleasure spells didn’t fry your circuits or anything?”

His palm drifted up and down her arm, a low chuckle rumbling from him. “Nope, but if you want to be sure, you can feel free to check my circuits any time you want.”

She laughed softly and stroked her fingertips up his thigh. In a few minutes, she’d take him up on that offer. Right now, she wanted to savor this. She sighed and let her eyes drift shut, bliss unfurling inside her. There really was nothing like a good orgasm to take her mind off what ailed her.

Yeah, this was exactly the kind of distraction she’d needed tonight. A satisfied grin tugged at her lips as she slipped over the edge into unconsciousness.


She bolted upright in bed when an air raid siren went off. For a second, she wasn’t sure if she was dreaming about being a nurse back in World War II. But she was clearly awake and the siren kept wailing. “What the fuck?”

Shoving her hair out of her face, she tried to figure out where the hell she was. A door flipped open, flooding the room with light. She flinched back from the brightness, throwing a hand up to deflect the glare.

“Ah, shit.” Jack jogged out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and snatched up his cell phone. “Laramie.”

It was all she could do not to drool, watching those muscles flex as he moved. He was freshly shaven, and she wanted to feel that smooth skin against hers. His dark hair was damp and disheveled, beads of water slipping down his flesh and clinging to his chest hair. She’d seen hundreds of gorgeous men in her life. Thousands, even. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d reacted this strongly to one of them.

It was delicious.

It made no sense, but she didn’t give a damn because it felt great. Last night had been a lot of fun, and that was something she didn’t have much of anymore. She grinned and let herself enjoy the view.

His blue eyes darkened as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line. “Yeah. Okay. Got it. I’ll be there.”

Tapping the screen to end the call, he gave her a wary glance. She snorted. “I’m not going to freak. I’ve had work interrupt things before. You have to leave now?”

“Immediately, if not sooner.” He flashed a relieved smile, then bent and scribbled something in a small notebook on the nightstand. He tore off the sheet and handed it to her. “The security code that will lock the house up behind you. You don’t need to rush out. Feel free to sleep in, shower, grab some coffee before you go. I have a pot brewing in the kitchen. I’m really sorry about this.”

“You’re trusting me with your alarm code?” Her eyebrows arched, and she couldn’t keep the disbelief out of her voice.

His grin widened. “I’ll change it when I get home. If I’ve been robbed between now and then, I know where to find you for questioning.”

“True enough.” She lay back in bed and folded her hands behind her head. The blanket slipped so that her breasts were bared, but she didn’t bother to straighten it.

A low growl rumbled up from his chest, and he bent down to draw her nipple into his mouth. She choked on a breath, her torso arching under the sudden lash of pleasure.

“Jack!” She drove her fingers into his hair, twisting tight.

His hand closed over the other breast, the calluses on his fingers rasping against her sensitive flesh as he tweaked and twisted the tight crest. His tongue swirled around her nipple, then he sucked hard and bit down. She sent a pleasure spell streaking down his scalp, and he shuddered and released her breast.

“You’re a dangerous woman.” His gaze glittered with hard lust, his thumb still chafing her nipple. “I have to go. I don’t want to, but I have to.”

“I understand.” She did. She’d been called in before in the middle of sex, not just the morning after. That had been awkward. Yeah, that guy had never graced her bed again, more because he’d been an ass about it rather than his unwillingness to sleep with her.

Jack pinched her nipple, recapturing her attention. “Have dinner with me tonight. I want more of you.”

She thought about it for about a half second. This wasn’t supposed to be anything other than a one-nighter, but the chemistry was great and he’d made her laugh. Why not let this thing ride for a bit? Good sex was hard to find. She’d had enough bad sex to know.

“Sure. Give me your phone.” He handed it over with no hesitation. She punched her number into his cell, which set hers to ringing in her purse ... which was out in the living room somewhere. “There. Call me when you’re done and I’ll let you know if work hasn’t messed with my day too much.”

“Perfect.” He bent down to brush his mouth over hers, the kiss soft. He tasted like minty toothpaste and sexy male. Not a bad combination. Drawing back, he shook his head. “And here I had plans to get up and make some breakfast for us before going another couple of rounds.”

“Hold that thought for tonight. You can make me dinner.” Why bother going out when they both just wanted to get to the main event? Might as well get down to getting down.

“Do you like French toast? That’s about the only thing I can cook well.” His grin was self-deprecating as he shucked his towel and pulled on clothes.

She yawned and nodded, soaking in the sight of all those muscles before he covered them up. “Sounds good to me. I’m not picky.”

“I’ll see you later.” He kissed her lightly on his way out the door.

“Okay.” Her body hummed from the aftereffects of sex. She grinned and stretched before she sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed. Time to get up and get home. Despite his offer to sleep in, she didn’t care to stay here while he wasn’t.

Her cell phone went off, and she jogged into the living room to fish it out of her purse. She punched the button to answer, pressing it to her ear. “Yes, sir?”

“The FBI just called. Kingston’s got a crime scene he wants you to look over.” The captain’s voice was rusty from sleep, and he sounded grumpy as hell. Then again, he always sounded pissed off. “Something you worked on before, I take it. Go see what you can do.”

He rattled off an address, which she scrawled on a notepad Jack had on his coffee table. “I’ll be there in half an hour, sir.”

“Good,” he barked before he hung up.

She had no idea what case she’d worked on with Merek that he might need her help with. Her former partner could handle himself in any situation. But what was he doing at a crime scene on his wedding night? Curiosity got the best of her, which was one of the reasons she’d done well as a detective. She liked a good puzzle, a challenge.