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Guerrand winced as if physically struck. "Why does everything have to be a contest with you, Lyim?"

Lyim jammed a hand on one hip. "Why are you always so serious? You make it sound like a personal attack. But since you asked, life is a contest of power, and power is everything." He tossed his head in a gesture that said he was tired of such serious talk. "Besides, it's fun. Have you lost the ability to have fun in your all-consuming quest for knowledge?"

Frowning, Guerrand considered Lyim's words. Was it true? Was he obsessed with his studies to the exclusion of everything else? Justarius had warned him about keeping his focus while maintaining a balance. Perhaps he was taking this too seriously. After all, he'd been laughing during the previous show. If there was anything Guerrand prided himself on, it was his ability to recognize his own shortcomings and correct them. Setting his mind to it, he tried desperately to banish the dark clouds from his thoughts and to find the "Huma" in the situation. Still, it all seemed a lot funnier when someone else wore a bucket on his head and looked foolish.

Guerrand hitched up his robe to climb onto the back of his skittish austritch. The cheers and whistles of the crowd abruptly swelled. The young apprentice discovered why, when Esme darted through the crowd and crossed the sand to his side, holding a length of rose-colored scarf.

Smiling almost shyly at Guerrand, the young woman tied her shimmering silk next to the blue banner already about the austritch's neck. "For good luck," she explained. Suddenly, she sprang up on her toes and planted an impulsive kiss on his cheek through the face-opening cut in his bucket. Getting tangled in the handle, she extricated herself with a nervous laugh.

Guerrand's ire and embarrassment slipped away like fog in sunshine. The former squire understood, better than anyone, the significance of Esme's gesture. He was her favorite, her champion. Guerrand gulped down the lump in his throat and managed a grateful smile, but before he could gather his wits to thank her, Esme alighted back into the crowd, leaving the apprentice to wonder what the unpredictable woman's gesture really meant…

Lyim watched the exchange with eyebrows knitted into a dark, angry line. "Esme knows I don't need luck," he snapped. Still, he scowled at the rose scarf fluttering from the neck of Guerrand's austritch as if he intended to strangle the bird with it.

Lyim pranced impatiently about on the back of his own bird. "Come on, Guerrand. Everyone is waiting. Either get on the damned austritch and show us your mettle, or run back to your books and let someone with courage fight me."

Guerrand's mouth pulled into a tight, angry slash at the vicious taunt. "I'll fight you, Lyim, if it's that important to you."

The former squire jumped up and slammed his weight into the modified saddle. Something about this whole situation struck a painfully familiar chord and stirred up old resentments. The saddle swayed and slopped from side to side so badly he nearly fell from the bird. His robe was tangled about his lanky legs, so he wrestled it closed above his knees. All the while, the flighty bird twirled in place until Guerrand was as dizzy as a top. The faces in the crowd passed in a colorful blur, their cheers and jeers a dissonant blend. Sweat trickled in thin fingers down his neck. The unyielding metal bucket banged against his shoulders with each of the bird's steps. Though he couldn't hear clearly, Guerrand suspected bets were being placed against him by the crowd.

By rugging the ends of the blue banner, he managed at last to keep the bird from spinning. Guerrand righted his blurred sight by focusing on his opponent. With a sinking heart, he could see instantly why the crowd would choose Lyim as the victor. From the first time he'd met Lyim, Guerrand had thought he looked more like the dashing cavalier of a bard's story than a mage. Tall, muscular, with the perfect proportions of a classical statue, Lyim did not seem like someone who spent his time in dark rooms reading books. Guerrand wondered if Lyim had any training in combat.

He had little time to ponder the answer, as the two attendants came forward and tugged the austritches to opposite ends of the field. Guerrand's man asked for his name and homeland, nodded, then skipped away to the middle of the field, where he was joined by Lyim's squire.

"On the blue bird, we have Guerrand of Northern Ergoth, apprentice in the House of Justarius!" His half of the crowd dutifully cheered.

"And on the green bird is Lyim of Rowley, apprentice to Belize!" Lyim preened and put on airs, and the entire crowd roared its support.

"Just one rule, gentle mages," said the barker. "This is a festival supported by the Knights of Solamnia. Though we make light of their pride, we respect their tradition of honor. Therefore, you will fight fairly and refrain from using magic in your contest."

Guerrand could see disappointment in Lyim's face, but he himself felt nothing. It hadn't occurred to him to use magic anyway.

Waiting for the signal to start, Guerrand felt the cold sweat on his neck again, an achingly familiar feeling. Hot day, blue sky, sunshine beating metal, the jeering crowds, the waiting. The waiting. Guerrand finally was able to place it.

The tournament during Guerrand's fourteenth year. Milford, Guerrand's weapon master, had insisted despite the youth's protests that the only way to train at jousting was to plunge right into a tournament. "You'll come through in the heat of battle. This will make a man out of you. It worked for your brother Quinn."

The difference was that Quinn, a true-born cavalier, had welcomed the chance, as Lyim did now, while Guerrand dreaded it. Milford had not even bothered to hide his disgust when Guerrand had been knocked from his horse by his opponent before he'd even managed to secure his own lance. Milford had even robbed him of the joy of saying, "I told you so," by suggesting first that Guerrand had defeated himself. In the end, Guerrand had the ultimate victory: he was never again entered in a tournament.

He was snapped away from the thought when he saw Lyim charging directly at him. Before Guerrand could move, Lyim swung the broom around. The austritch lurched a little past Guerrand, and Lyim's broom connected with Guerrand's back. The blow to the kidneys nearly knocked Guerrand from his bird and chased the wind from his lungs. Struggling for breath, he wrapped his fingers around the bird's neck and hung on.

Laughing, Lyim pranced away to his end of the field, rousing his section of the crowd. He turned his bird and charged again, broom held tight to his side.

Guerrand grasped the ends of the blue ribbon like reins. Instinct kicked in. He dug his heels into the austritch as he would a horse, then yanked the stunned bird's head around at the last moment to dodge the blow from

Lyim's broom-lance. Squawking, the austritch could only comply with Guerrand's confident commands.

Lyim's broom swept over Guerrand's ducked head, causing the crowd to hiss and cheer. Guerrand straightened in the saddle and waved.

Lyim pulled his charging bird around and gave Guerrand a grudging nod of respect through the opening cut in his bucket. Whooping, Lyim drove his heels into his bird's ribs and charged again. Guerrand was ready for him and raised his own lance, parrying Lyim's blow easily. Instead of the usual loud ting of metal against metal, the long broom handles collided with a dull thwack. The recoil sent both apprentices shaking. Guerrand let the tremors run through him without resisting and recovered more quickly than Lyim, who was obviously still shaking in the corner to which he'd withdrawn.

Lyim's look of cocky overconfidence dimmed to grim determination when he began the next charge. Guerrand's cavalier training, however ineffective against a true knight, allowed him to easily parry Lyim's attempts to reach him with the broom. Belize's frustrated apprentice dashed by him again, red-faced, weapon flailing. Guerrand's retainers led his section in a riotous cheer.