Luma Rahl(female) friend of Kira Meru (DS9/“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”)
Lupaza(female) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)
Matram Tryst(male) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell
Mesto Drade(male) resident of Rakantha Province
Mobara(male) resistance fighter and engineer, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)
Mora Pol(male) researcher at the Bajoran Institute of Science (DS9/“The Alternate”)
Opaka Bekar(male) husband of Opaka Sulan
Opaka Fasil(male) son of Opaka Sulan (Opaka’s son is first mentioned, but not named, in DS9/“The Collaborator”)
Opaka Sulan(female) priest at the Kendra shrine, later kai of the Bajoran faith (DS9/“Emissary”; Opaka’s given name was established in DS9/Rising Son)
Ornak(male) resistance fighter, member of the Shakaar cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)
Ornathia Delle(female) resistance fighter, member of Ornathia cell, cousin of Ornathia Lac
Ornathia Harta(female) resistance fighter, member of the Ornathia cell, cousin of Ornathia Lac
Ornathia Lac(male) resistance fighter, leader of the Ornathia cell
Ornathia Nerissa(female) resistance fighter with the Ornathia cell
Ornathia Sten(male) resistance fighter, member of the Ornathia cell, cousin of Ornathia Lac
Ornathia Taryl(female) resistance fighter, member of the Ornathia cell, sister of Ornathia Lac
Par Lusa(male) resistance fighter with the Shakaar cell
Petra Chan(female) childhood friend of Kira Nerys
Porta(male) priest, friend of the Kira family (DS9/“Accession”)
Res(male) resistance fighter with the Ornathia cell
Ro Gale(male) father of Ro Laren (Gale’s name comes from a computer screen graphic in TNG/“The Next Phase”)
Ro Laren(female) resistance fighter, member of the Bram cell (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)
Sadakita Rass(female) resistance fighter, member of the Bram cell
Shakaar Edon(male) resistance fighter, leader of the Shakaar resistance cell (DS9/“Shakaar”)
Shev(male) resident of Yarlin, follower of Opaka Sulan
Sorash Mabey(female) resident of Dahkur Province
Tancha(female) resistance fighter with Ornathia cell
Thera Tibb(female) resident of Relliketh
Thill Revi(male) resident of Rakantha Province
Tiven Cohr(male) resistance fighter and engineer, member of the Halpas cell
Tokiah(male) resistance fighter, member of the Bram cell
Tora Naprem(female) mistress of Gul Dukat, mother of Tora Ziyal (DS9/“Indiscretion”)
Trakor(male) ancient religious figure, writer of prophecies (DS9/“Destiny”)
Tynara(female) Gallitep laborer
Vusan(male) resistance fighter, member of the Ornathia cell
Winn Adami(female) monk, friend of the Ornathia family (DS9/“In the Hands of the Prophets”)
Artist’s Palette: area of Dahkur Province
Berain Valley: near Relliketh, its main port is Berain city
Denorios Belt: ring of charged plasma in the Bajoran star system; where the odo’italwas found (DS9/“Emissary”)
Derna: Fourth moon of Bajor, former site of a Cardassian base (DS9/“Image in the Sand”; the base was established in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)
Gallitep: Cardassian-run labor camp and mining facility (DS9/“Duet”)
Genmyr: ruined city in Kendra Province
Jalanda: population center in Hedrikspool Province (The Jalanda Forum was first mentioned in DS9/“Sanctuary”)
Jeraddo: fifth moon of Bajor; site of the Lunar V base (DS9/“Progress”)
Jo’kala: population center in Musilla Province (DS9/“Starship Down”)
Karnoth Mountains: range near the city of Relliketh
Kendra Shrine: religious temple in Kendra Valley; the second to be built on the site after the first was destroyed in Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers(Kendra Valley first mentioned in DS9/“The Collaborator”; Kendra Province first mentioned in DS9/“Penumbra”)
Meiku Forest: wooded area just outside Rakantha Province
Mylea: population center in Kendra province ( Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Volume Two—Fragments and Omens)
Naghai Keep: ruined ancient castle in Kendra Valley, former ancestral home of the Jas clan ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)
Sahving Valley: region of Kendra Province (DS9/“The Home-coming”)
Tamulna: city in Dahkur Province (DS9/“The Reckoning”)
Tilar: a Bajoran peninsula, famous for its temperate climate and beautiful landscape ( DS9/Unity)
Tozhat: Cardassian settlement on Bajor, governed by Exarch Kotan Pa’Dar (DS9/“Cardassians”)
Valo II: habitable planet in the Valo system, home to many refugee Bajorans (TNG/“Ensign Ro”)
Valo VI: barren planetoid in the Valo system, site of a Cardassian listening post
Yarlin: settlement in Kendra Province
Food and Drink
alva: grapelike fruit (DS9/“Resurrection”)
copal: ciderlike alcoholic beverage ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)
deka tea: hot brewed beverage (DS9/“Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night”)
jumja: tree with a sticky, sweet sap from which a popular confection is made (DS9/“A Man Alone”)
kava root: edible tuber, part of the extremely versatile kava plant (DS9/“Starship Down”)
makara: herb known for its medicinal value, particularly to pregnant women (DS9/“The Darkness and the Light”)
moba: sweet, tree-grown fruit (DS9/“Rejoined”)
ratamba stew: good eats (DS9/“For the Cause”)
balon: fuel source abandoned before the occupation because of its notorious instability, later revived by the resistance
batos: big, smelly, domesticated herd animal ( DS9/ Section 31: Abyss)
borhya: ghost (TNG/“The Next Phase”)
bell: benchmark of time, similar to “o’clock” ( Terok Nor: Day of the Vipers)
B’hava’el: the star of Bajor ( Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual)