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“The skinnier side goes inside, the thicker one is for the outside.”

Tentatively, I slid it inside me. It fit quite snug, like a magnet pressed against my pussy. She then pulled out her phone and pressed a few buttons, and, what the fuck! Out of nowhere, I felt a strong vibrating sensation against my clit. Amanda laughed maniacally.

“What did you just do?” I asked.

“This is the future of novelties. Welcome. I can control this from anywhere in the world, from my phone,” she said.



She walked outside the door, into the Pasco County morning sun. There was nothing but silence in the store, I thought this was an evil trick to leave me without saying good-bye. But moments later, I felt it. A strong sensation, pulsating on my pussy. It went harder, and softer, then it turned off, then it jolted back on, to what I think was the highest decibel it could possibly go, and it made me fall straight to the floor in my wobbly heels. She walked back into the store, holding her phone with confidence, like it was a detonator to a nuclear bomb.

“See—I told you!” She came back and found me laying on the ground, embarrassed, bruised from my fall, and almost about to cum from the feeling of this neat little toy. I was her personal remote-controlled car, which wasn’t far off from how things usually were but now a piece of sexual technology made that dynamic more official.

She kept pushing buttons on her phone like she was playing an instrument. The vibrations inside me got stronger, and softer, and pulsated at different speeds, like it was changing radio stations to find the perfect song to play inside my pussy.

“Amanda,” I yelled. She held my hand standing up while I sat on the ground. I looked in her eyes, shining wickedly. It was like being on some kind of drug. She kneeled down and grabbed me by the throat. She stuck her fingers down my new panties that were now soaked in moisture (ironic, since these panties were purchased for the sole purpose of replacing my other cum-soaked panties).

She tickled my pussy lips anywhere around the vibe she possibly had room, and kissed me as she held onto my throat. I waved my arms and grabbed onto her tits, her pussy, her face, anything I could latch onto while I bounced up and down and looked deep into her brown eyes.

“Are you gonna cum?” she asked. I nodded slowly. This was incredible. And then, right then and there, she shut her phone off.

“Oh my god! Turn it back on, you monster!” I gasped.

She threw me up against the register and pulled my pants completely off. She licked my thighs, she licked my asshole, she licked everywhere around my vagina that wasn’t being smothered with a vibrator. The curved purple toy stayed snug inside me. She pushed a few buttons on her phone and it vibrated once again, at a strong steady pace inside me while she sucked on my clit and playfully slapped my thighs. I came so hard inside her mouth.

I felt at peace. Like this is everywhere my body has ever wanted to be, up against a cash register, looking at Amanda between my thighs in her sexy suit. I felt juices gushing out of me. I kept yelling her name. I quivered and fell to the ground. We both lied down on the cold, dirty concrete floor; I held her closely. My pussy was still swollen from her sucking. It belonged to her and her mouth.

“Well, that was amazing,” I said, breathing deeply to reclaim the blood that had flown to my crotch.

“I want you to keep it. Charge it and leave it in you at all times and you’ll never know when I decide to play. It might be in the morning, it might be in the evening—you’ll never know! But I’ll be with you all the time.”

“Am I ever going to physically see you again?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“You will!” she said. “But you know my work takes me all over. I’ll come back when I can.”

“I suppose I won’t know when that will happen, either!” This must be what it felt like to come down off a drug: The downward spiral of reality setting in, making you crave another hit. My shift was almost over, and I didn’t know when I would ever feel her again.

“Are you even coming to the event I put together? I will have no clue what I’m doing, and it was all your idea!” I said.

“I can’t promise to come, but I can promise to try,” she responded. “I want to. I do. But—work comes first.”

A heavy silence hung between us, even as we held each other. I could tell she meant what she said, but that didn’t make it hurt any less.

“I should head back to the airport. I gotta go through security all over again and shit,” she added, after several moments of complete silence, other than the sound of a girl getting fucked really hard and repeating, “Ohhh, Make Me Creamy, baby.” (I must say I truly respected the way the actresses had so much passion for the title of the movie.)

Amanda stood up, straightened herself, put her blazer back on, kissed me, and walked out the door. I was alone in the store, the place that in recent memory had held my greatest joys and my greatest heartaches. It was a little after 8:00 A.M. One more hour to go.

I spent the last part of my shift in a half-post-orgasm glow, half-mopey sadness. Only once did a customer come in; he purchased a Fleshlight and I directed him to the appropriate water-based lube to go with it. No vagina in a can will go ruined on my watch ever again.

And just as I was in the register gathering him the appropriate change, the vibrator inside me went off. I squirmed and giggled and jumped around. It was the perfect last good-bye kiss for the night I desperately needed. Oh, wait. She just set it off one more time. Let’s see if I can successfully sweep the floor while I continue to vibrate.

Continue with Taryn in this fantasy, Click Here.


Over the next two weeks my post on the swingers’ message board gained over a hundred new replies, and I had about eighty official RSVPs. Cherise and Chuck wrote a very favorable review of Dreamz as one of the responses to the post. They said it was comfortable and laid back, with a good selection of products and private, very affordable ROOMZ, and they politely mentioned the incredibly accommodating staff without getting into any details.

I kept my We Vibe charged up and left inside me as much as I possibly could. In true Amanda fashion, she set it off with no routine schedule at all. I never knew when it was coming (or, more accurately, when I would be cumming). She had power over my vagina at any time of the day. Her cell phone was like an erogenous Voodoo doll, but causing pleasure instead of pain.

One evening before I went to work, we Skyped with each other and she essentially jerked me off from the other side of the country. She knew exactly what setting to put it on to make me go insane. It’s like she had figured out an exact algorithm to make my pussy climax. She laughed when I orgasmed. She was truly sadistic with her love for toying with my emotions and body, and I was truly masochistic for enjoying it. The other day it went off while my landlord was over trying to show me how to reset the hot water heater. I immediately had to excuse myself, and as a result, he never finished explaining it to me. My shower has unfortunately remained cold.

Amanda never gave me a definite answer on whether she was coming to my event or not. I had no idea how someone could be wishy washy about plans when they are happening in a different state.

On the day of the event, I eagerly awaited a text or call from her saying, I’m on my way, or I’ll be there soon, or Taryn, I love you so much I can’t wait to fuck you in front of a whole bunch of people tonight. But the hours passed by, and my eagerness turned to frustration as I wallowed in the radio silence from my lover. By 5:00 P.M., I decided that enough was enough and I texted her.