Raising his glass, he turned to me and said, “Well, Mike?”
But he never turned to me and said, What have you got? What did you learn? I wanted to know what he knew. He didn’t want to know what I knew.
At times, our talk was very—what shall I say?—orderly:
How about children, Trader? I guess I’m still looking for a precipitant that’s the right shape and size. Might she have had anxiety about that?
There was no pressure on her. I was pretty keen but I’d never push it. If she wanted none—fine. If she wanted ten—also fine. It’s like abortion. It’s the woman’s call.
This is left-field: How did she feel about abortion?
It was about the only agenda-type issue she was interested in. Libertarian, but with great qualms. Me too. That’s why I goof off on the subject and hand it over to the women.
At times, not so orderly. At times, our talk tended toward the not so orderly:
“Look at this.”
He was in the armchair, his reading chair, next to a round table on which books were stacked—also lamp, glass, framed photographs. Now he reached for a certain ruffled paperback, saying,
“It was in the shelves with its spine to the wall. I can’t believe she actually read it.”
“Why’s that?”
“It’s so lousily written.”
A small-press publication, called Making Sense of Suicide. By some doctor with two middle initials. I flicked through it. Not one of those how-to guides that have recently been getting a lot of play. Written more from the counseling end of the operation—crisis center, help-line, talk-down.
“She made marks,” I said.
“Yeah. Habit. She always read with a pencil in her hand. I don’t know when she bought it. Could have been anytime in the last ten years.”
“She signed it.”
“But she didn’t date it. And her signature—her handwriting settled down pretty early. Why don’t you nuke it, Mike? With your forensic arsenal. The boron-activation test. Wasn’t that it?”
I sat back. I couldn’t quite get a take on his mood. I said, “That was Colonel Tom, Trader. The guy was down to his last marble. I had to do it for Tom.”
“Hey, I got one for you. Tom did it.”
“Did what?”
“Killed Jennifer. Murdered Jennifer.”
“Come again?”
“He’s the least likely guy. So it has to be him. Come on, we can cook this shit up. All you need is a little irresponsibility. It’s like redecorating the bedroom—you can do it a hundred ways. Miriam did it. Bax Denziger did it. You did it. But let’s stick with Tom. Tom did it. He waits till I leave. Then he sneaks in and does it.”
“Okay. Then why doesn’t he let it sleep? Why’d he crank me up? What am I doing sitting here tonight?”
“That’s a blind. That’s just a diversion. So the truth would never occur to anyone sane.”
“Easy. I got it. Jennifer recalled a terrible secret from her past. A memory she tried to suppress. With drugs.”
“With drugs?”
“When she was just a little girl, she asked her daddy...why he came to her bedroom. Why he made her do those bad things. Why he...Oh no. Oh. I’m sorry, Mike.”
“That’s okay. But let’s stop this. Jennifer did it.”
“Jennifer did it. See? Why doesn’t everyone just keep their mouth shut. Why doesn’t everyone...just shut the fuck up.”
Then a revelation:
Did you talk to Professor Denziger?
Yeah I talked to Bax. He told you what—
Yeah, he did. He agonized good about that. I thought it was kind of typical of her in a way. Not the incompetence. That wasn’t typical. But how she did it. Changing the values. Changing all the givens. Why’s that?
Like if you said to her, I don’t know, who’s going to win the election in November, she had trouble getting interested. Because of the givens. The parameters. Not just the candidates—the whole thing. For her the thread had gotten lost so long ago.
Did Denziger tell you that what she did looked deliberate?
I think the only way you can genuinely go wrong there is when you have an ax to grind. Like when Sandage started wowing everyone with his quasar discoveries. His results were contaminated by brown dwarves, which quasars can resemble. It’s like in tennis: You want the ball to be good so much you actually see it good when it’s not. Jennifer wouldn’t see anything that wasn’t there. I think it was just part of the pattern. You said she wasn’t the pattern type. But that’s what mental illness does—it ropes you into a pattern. Some very corny stuff. There’s something else she did too. She started buying things. What? Don’t tell me. Cars. Pianos. No, paintings. Real crap, too. She wasn’t particularly visual, and I’m not either. But they look like airport art to me. I keep turning deliveries away. The galleries don’t holler. It’s a suicide. They’ve seen this before.
She used post-dated checks... Yeah. Post-dated checks. There were two deliveries on Friday. The checks were dated April first. April Fool. April Fool.
Then another revelation:
He’d just bummed a smoke off me: His first of the evening. I was halfway through my second pack. I said,
“This might surprise you, but I don’t think so. From the autopsy. Toxicology? I get the feeling Tom’s told you about it.”
“Miriam told me about it. She tells me everything in the end. The lithium? I played dumb. But I already knew.”
“You knew Jennifer was on lithium?”
“Not while she was alive I didn’t.” He sighed and said, “Mike, tell me something. That book... Making Sense of Suicide doesn’t make sense of suicide, or anything else. But it’s extra vague on suicide notes. How many suicides leave suicide notes?”
That’s a very slippery stat, and I told him so.
“And what’s the difference? What does it mean?”
Nothing in itself, I said. Depends on the person, depends on the note. Some offer comfort. Others, blame.
“She left a note. She left a note. She sent me a note by U.S. Mail. I went back to the office a week later and it was there in my tray. Here, help yourself. Now I’m going to do what she did on Saturday morning, when she posted it. I’m going to take a walk around the block.”
I waited till I heard the door. I huddled down over the tape recorder. I tried to raise my voice above a whisper—and I couldn’t. I had to use the volume control on the machine, because mine just wasn’t working.
“My darling,” I whispered. “You’re back at work now and that consoles me. That, and the fact that you’re the kindest lover on the planet and will eventually have to forgive me for what I’ve done.
“You knew me ten times better than anyone, but I wasn’t quite what you thought I was. Almost exactly a year ago I started getting the sense that I was losing control of my thoughts. That’s the only way I can put it. My thoughts went about their thought thing, doing what they had to do, while I was just an innocent bystander. I didn’t dare go through Tulkinghorn, because I couldn’t trust him not to run to Dad. I thought I could fix it myself—which might have been part of the internal liar dice. I read up on it. And when you thought I was at the Brogan on Mondays I was at Rainbow Plaza where all the GCG people take their lunchbreaks on the lawn. You never scored a dime-bag so easy. Since last May I’ve been on varying doses of a stabilizer. Serzone, depecote, tegretol—they sound like moral stances. They dry your head out. But they stopped helping.