Skilclass="underline" On top of the improvements your cat gets from aging, he or she also gains 1 level in the Smell Skill and 1 level in the Ponder Skill.
Knack: Dealing with a mother fox and her cubs certainly gave the players’ cats some lessons they would never have learned any other way. As a result, they each get a Knack based on what approach they used to resolve the situation.
If the players’ cats finished the adventure without having to fight and knock out the mother fox, they each gain 1 level of the Animal Lore Knack from interacting so closely with the mother fox and correctly interpreting her moods and intentions.
If the players’ cats finished the adventure by fighting the mother fox and knocking her out, they improved their fighting skills by facing down a very fast and dangerous foe. Each cat learned a few new sneaky combat moves and gains 1 level in the Feint Knack. If a cat already has 3 levels in Feint, then there wasn’t anything new for him or her to learn from this encounter.