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He chose to meet Dystran and his unimpressive entourage in the austere surroundings of a student's study chambers, the small living area of which contained a round table and four straight wooden chairs, a basic iron-grated fireplace and plain brown drapes which hid ill-fitting shuttered windows. Candles cast a wan illumination amid gaunt shadows, and the air was heavy with old damp.

The only concession to the seniority of his guests was the ubiquitous bowl of fruits and an insulated jug of Dordover's much vaunted herbal tea. It was cold, wet and very windy outside and the enlivening infusion would banish thoughts of that particular unpleasantness and stop tired minds from wandering.

Vuldaroq and High Secretary Berian were ensconced early in the chambers, situated in an outbuilding off the central courtyard behind the Tower. As the door opened to admit a scowling Dystran, Vuldaroq had positioned himself to greet him with a perfectly modelled expression of apology on his face. Behind Dystran, came Ranyl, an average mage in Vuldaroq's opinion, and a pair of Protectors.

'Gentlemen, I must apologise for the sparseness of our surroundings but your arrival finds us at rather a loss for quality accommodation.' He held out his hands in a gesture of supplication. Dystran regarded him coldly before moving to sit opposite Berian.

'We have come here to talk, not debate the fine points of your College's architecture and wallhangings,' he said.

'Indeed not,' said Vuldaroq, smiling thinly. 'Berian, tea for our guests. My Lord Dystran, your Protectors?' Vuldaroq found it difficult to contain his distaste at the abominations that insulted his College by their presence. They should all have been put to the sword years ago.

'They need nothing. If they make you feel uncomfortable, they can remain outside.'

'Most kind.' Vuldaroq took his seat and waited while the tea was poured. Ranyl selected an apple but he was the only one who ate. The Dordovan Tower Lord watched while the Xeteskians drank, noting with satisfaction their obvious pleasure.

'Very good,' admitted Dystran.

'Perhaps our best kept secret,' said Berian, inclining his head.

'Hmm, and you keep very few of those these days, it seems,' said Dystran, turning to face Vuldaroq.

'You have issues you wish to discuss,' said Vuldaroq smoothly.

T have not ridden here to idly pass the days,' said Dystran shortly. 'And I will not keep you from my point. Your mobilisation of forces is a clear act of aggression and an insult to the peace not only between the Colleges but that presiding across Balaia. And, I will add that your Arch Mage's decision to send, with all due respect to yourself, a lesser lord, to attend me is a personal slur that I find both mystifying and unnecessary.'

Vuldaroq lifted his hands in a placatory gesture while he seethed behind his carefully neutral expression.

'As I'm sure you are aware, my Lord Dystran, Arch Mage Herolus is in very poor health and his death is close. I and Berian act as his voice and his ears in his stead, as it has always been during times of Arch Mage sickness. There is no slur.' He sipped his tea before continuing. 'Furthermore, I find your use of the term aggression a litde surprising. I fail to see who it is that we threaten. My meagre forces are acting on reputable intelligence suggesting a threat to our

child, Lyanna, and her mother. We are naturally concerned and have dispatched a protective force to travel south, where we believe we have most chance of finding our people before our enemies do.

'I fear the same cannot be said for your considerable number of, and I use the term advisedly, "Protectors" now marauding along the borders of the mage lands blatandy intimidating any Dordovans they and their masters encounter.'

Dystran frowned. 'Against what are you protecting the child? You haven't even found her yet and indeed probably never will. The Raven may bring her back but I fear even they will be left searching for spirits in the wind.

'As for my Protectors, they are there as a reminder to Dordover that shows of strength and force will not go unchallenged or unmatched. They also provide a security net for those within and without the mage community who do not share Dordover's parochial views.'

Vuldaroq chuckled and leant back in his chair, taking a mouthful of tea that he sloshed over his tongue, letting the flavours enrich his mouth. At least the pup had spirit.

'My dear Dystran, Dordover's views can hardly be considered parochial, shared as they are by Lystern and Julatsa. It is Xetesk that is out of step with College thinking and College desire.' -

'But surely your desire to control Lyanna will lead to her losing her life,' said Dystran.

T have mentioned no one losing their life,' replied Vuldaroq. 'Our intention is to return the girl here to continue her training.'

'Which, as I think we are both aware, will result in her quick and painful demise.'

T beg your pardon?'

'Don't play me for a fool, Vuldaroq. We both understand what is happening here and we both know that Erienne left Dordover because she believed your training was harming her daughter. We both think we know to whom she has gone and we have both read the Tinjata Prophecy. But instead of being excited about the possibility that the Al-Drechar still live, your sole concern is grasping at something that is not even yours to take back.'

Dystran's eyes burned while beside him, Ranyl drank tea as if he hadn't a care. In contrast, Vuldaroq could sense Berian's discomfort

without the need to look. He let the tension settle, choosing to refill their mugs, the new burst of revitalising herbal scent a perfect tonic.

'I have never thought you a fool,' he said at length, the lie slipping easily from his tongue. 'But the chaos and destruction visited on Balaia is the principal reason Lyanna must be returned to us quickly. It's clear to the Masters here that whoever holds her, and I'm not at all convinced it is these Keepers of the One you seem to think it is, haven't the skill to prevent her from unleashing these mana storms. There was no such problem while she was here, was there?'

Dystran gave a slight nod. 'Stories of freak weather were around well before Lyanna left Dordover. Still, a predictable response. However, Xetesk considers Lyanna a Dordovan by fluke of birthplace only. We believe her to be a child of the One and that while Tinjata was mainly accurate, his conclusion was flawed and based in fear of a return to the One Way, not in real belief of ultimate disaster.'

'And you don't consider earthquakes, hurricanes and tidal waves the prelude to ultimate disaster?' Vuldaroq was surprised by the basic flaws in the Xeteskian take on events. 'If we're right, and by we, I mean you and us, then just one small child is causing all this. She must be properly controlled until she is able to harness her undoubted powers effectively.'

Dystran shook his head. 'Let's not pretend, Vuldaroq. Lyanna represents a threat to the magical order that Dordover wishes to maintain. But she is the future for us all. The way forward, not back as you seem to believe. And we will not stand by and watch her destroyed by you while you hide behind your pretty words.' Dystran set his body and pushed his mug away from him. 'We will stop you taking her. Recall your forces. Let The Raven see her safe.'

'The Raven?' Vuldaroq couldn't help but scoff. 'Pawns in a greater game and in too deep. They are a help to us all but no solution. Surely you can see that.'

'Yet you let them run because part of you believes them to have the best chance of finding the child.'

Vuldaroq inclined his head. 'Their skill is unquestioned. Their strength as the years pass is more open to debate.'