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Jevin nodded. 'It appears I am invaded by the lesser of two evils.'

'Will you help us?' asked Ilkar.

'I'm preparing for sail,' snapped Jevin. 'What more would you like?'

'That isn't what he meant,' said Denser, his voice calm. 'I'm sorry for what we've put you through. What we want is for you to help us willingly. You'll be paid, we'll see to that, but more than that, you'll be stopping Dordover committing a crime against Balaia. And you'll be helping to save my daughter.'

At last, Jevin smiled. 'The pay had better be good.'

'Double what the Dordovans promised,' said Hirad.

'That will serve,' said Jevin. 'And if I'm honest, I've always wanted to meet The Raven. I had imagined it a little differently but there you are. My conditions are these. You will let me sail this ship my way. I know the route to Ornouth and will ask for advice only when I need it and will not risk her keel under any circumstances. You will stand down the Protectors immediately and we will only then leave the dock.

'You are my guests here and not my captors. As such you will follow the rules of my ship which my first mate will explain to you when we are underway. I will assemble my crew and explain our position. Are there any questions?'

Heads shook all around the table.

'Then we have a deal.' He reached out a hand which Hirad, in the absence of The Unknown, shook.

The door to the Captain's cabin opened, Aeb stooped his huge frame inside.

'There is a man asking for you, General Darrick. One of your cavalry.'

Darrick rose quickly. 'I'll see to it. Denser, I think you'd better get the Protectors off the deck to let this ship get away.'

'Yes, I suppose I'd better,' said Denser.

The Raven followed Darrick out of the cabin, along a short corridor, up a flight of slatted wooden steps and on to the deck. Half a dozen riders stood under the light of a pair of torches. Hirad recognised Izack at their head.

'Commander Izack,' said Darrick, standing by the rail. 'Is this the arresting party?'

Izack chuckled. 'No, sir, it most certainly isn't. We've brought The Raven's weapons and armour and have come to offer our services.'

'The first, I will accept with gratitude, the second, I must refuse though I am touched by your loyalty.' He held up a hand as Izack made to say something more. 'Izack, you're a fine soldier and a good friend and it's because of both of those qualities that I don't want you mixed up in this, tempting though it is to have a man of such stature by me.

T have committed a crime against Lystern, though I know you and I don't see it that way. I'm on the run and Lystern will need good men like you to shore up her defences.'

'Defences?' asked Izack.

'There will be trouble between the Colleges, Izack. Whoever gains the child, there will be trouble. I have made my choice and I'll be fighting my battle in the Ornouth Archipelago. You must go home and start to prepare. Make Heryst listen. He's a good man if misguided at times and the Dordovans cannot be trusted as he thought. What do you say?'

'If you ask it, General, I will do it.'

'Thank you, Izack.' Darrick relaxed a little and leaned on the rail. 'Take care of yourself. Lystern will need you in the times to come.'

Izack nodded. 'What will I do when they ask me about your actions here tonight?'

'Tell them the truth.' Darrick straightened again. 'Good luck, Izack. We'll meet again.'

'I hope so, sir. Good luck to you.'

He wheeled his horse and led his men away, leaving a tied bundle on the dock. Hirad could see the hilt of The Unknown's two-handed sword protruding from it and prayed he'd hear the point tapping its rhythm again.

All pretence at maintaining the shield had long since gone and Ephemere knew that their enemies would be coming. It was just a question of whether help came sooner. Like a volcanic eruption, and just as obvious to a watching mage, the tortured mana surged from Lyanna's mind. The devastation it caused worsened by the hour.

When they weren't with Lyanna, and only one of them could be at a time now, the drain was so great, they slept, or ate the broth that the Guild elves made. They tried to smile, but Ephemere could see the exaggerated care they took with every action and heard the soft lies about how well they were bearing up.

Ephemere sat in the dining room, the pipe of Lemiir in her hand. In an adjacent anteroom, Myriell sat with Lyanna. There was no sense in leaving her in her own bedroom, she couldn't know the difference in her current state, and it was just that little bit easier for her dying watchers.

The old Al-Drechar's face cracked into a vague smile as she drew deeply on the pipe, feeling the herbal smoke smooth the edges off the pain she experienced every waking moment. So many hours they'd spent here, the four of them, arguing, talking, chiding and hoping. It was only now she realised how happy those times had been.

The smile faded. It had been five days since she had passed more than a few words of encouragement to Aviana on her way out and wished restful sleep to Myriell on her way in to Lyanna. She hadn't seen Cleress at all in that time. And with every passing day, they got weaker and weaker and Lyanna's Night showed no signs of passing.

The only encouragement they could draw was that it had moved to another stage but even that development meant more misery. Where Lyanna's mind's random usage of her enormous talent would have previously brought such trouble to her homeland of

Balaia, now that net had widened and encompassed Herendeneth too. It showed greater understanding and a modicum more control and direction by the child's unconscious, but its result was a battering of the whole archipelago under what was often a clear blue sky.

No longer were the winds irritated spats delivered by Lyanna as she dreamed; now the lightning crackled and fell to earth in an endless stream; the waves pounded the shores and swept up to within scant yards of the house; the wind thundered ceaselessly at shutters, windows and walls and, when the clouds did roll across, the rain was incredibly heavy, washing off the higher ground in rivers and pouring through the house on its way back to the sea.

The smells of damp wood, ruined rugs and soaking timbers were constant reminders of the mastery of the elements over the Al-Drechar's domain. Ephemere sighed. How naive they had been. Hundreds of years old yet they had still fallen into the trap of overestimating their own abilities and, worse, underestimating the destructive power of Lyanna's untrained but awakened mind. Her only consolation was that, even had they known, there was little they could have done, but at least they would have begun a little better prepared.

And that would have made dying more comfortable.

The ancient elf took one more draw on the pipe and set it down on its stand, where it would be refilled and lit for Myriell in a few moments. She opened her eyes, not having remembered exactly when she closed them and saw two Guild elves standing to her left, waiting. With a pang of sorrow, she realised she couldn't remember their names and could only nod to indicate it was time.

The young elf males eased her chair back and with one to each arm, helped her to her feet. With agonised slowness, she dragged one foot in front of the other, determined not to let them carry her as they already had Aviana on three occasions. It was stupid, she knew, but sometimes the petty competitiveness was all that kept her going.

One of the elves opened the door to the makeshift bedroom and they moved into the gentle lantern light. To the left, the curtained window was open a crack on to a sheltered corner and though the wind buffeted the island, only a fresh breeze wafted into the room.

Soon it would be light but the curtains would remain closed. It was better for concentration that way.

Lyanna lay on her back on the bed they'd brought in for her. She hadn't opened her eyes for six days now, subsiding not long after Erienne went to find Denser and The Raven. Her favourite doll and a glass of water lay on a table at her bedside, symbols of hope and belief that she would come through her Night. But they'd changed the untouched water time and again and the doll was gathering dust.