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'Time for what?' asked Denser.

'Just go with this because it's our only chance. When I Cloak again, follow me at a run after a count of twelve. That gives me time to open the door on my way past. You run in, I follow and bolt it from the inside and we take it from there. We'll be up against swords and magic but they won't be expecting us. All right?'

'That's why The Unknown makes the plans,' said Denser, a wry smile on his face. 'Let's get it over with.'

Ilkar nodded and disappeared again. Hirad counted out loud and deliberately, using the numbers to keep calm himself for the fight. This could be no Rage, it would be too tight.

'… eleven, twelve. Go!'

He stood and ran for the corner of the deck, the ship pitching into a wave as he arrived, sending him sliding forwards into the light. There was a shout from ahead and he saw the Black Wings coming. Forgetting them, he turned and headed for the aft door which swung open as he approached it, a slight shimmering in the air telling of Ilkar on the edge of losing concentration.

'Run, Denser!' he pounded to the opening and jumped through it, coming to a crouch, head up, and looking down the corridor.

Two guards flanked a door about ten yards ahead and by them, two mages were seated. The guards looked round as he hit the floor, unsure for a second. Hirad wasn't. He ran forwards, a cry ripping from his lips and threw a dagger as he approached, taking one of the guards in the shoulder as he turned. The man fell back, the other

dragging his sword from its scabbard and stepping to block the corridor.

'Denser, mages ahead,' warned Hirad.

'Yes,' said a voice behind him.

The guard stabbed forwards, the corridor too narrow for a swing, Hirad stepping back smartly. The Black Wing came on, another stab, but this time Hirad flattened himself against a corridor wall, the blade missing him.

'Now, Denser!' he shouted, bringing his fist down on the guard's sword arm and lashing forwards with his dagger, ripping through the man's clothing and scoring his chest. He found purchase on the sword arm and dragged the man forwards and off balance, reversing the dagger across his face as he came. Into the clear space ran Denser, while behind him, the aft door shut and a bolt slid across.

Tlkar, help him,' called Hirad. But, as he smashed his fist into the guard's face again, he saw the Xeteskian needed no help, pouncing on the wounded guard and stabbing him through the chest. The barbarian lashed a kick into his victim's stomach and as he fell, stamped down on his neck. They all heard it snap beneath his foot.

The two mages, coming round after deep concentration from the shield they had held over Erienne, were easy prey. Denser and Ilkar took one each, showing no mercy for the Dordovan betrayers. Denser said something to the mage he killed but Hirad couldn't hear it.

Not waiting for them, Hirad kicked open the door and strode in, dagger ready. Erienne was crushed into a corner of her bunk, her mouth dropping open at the sight of him.

'Hirad! How-'

'No time, Erienne. Get prepared with ShadowWings. We have to get off here quick or not at all.'

Denser and Ilkar ran in.

'They're at the hatch,' said the elf as Denser stormed across the floor and picked Erienne up into a feverish hug and a kiss.

'And they'll be through it in a moment. Ideas?' He drew his sword, keeping the dagger in his left hand. 'Denser, put her down. Time for that later.'


'Ideas!' he repeated.

A door was wrenched open nearby. Hirad stepped up to the corridor. As the guard's face edged round, he backhanded his dagger straight into it, taking the man through the eye. He jerked the blade clear, the Black Wing falling without a sound.

'Wrong place, wrong time. Ilkar?'

There was a heavy thud on the aft doors.

'They'll be ready with spell so we need a shield. Denser can take that. I'll prepare a ForceCone. We have to drive them back to give us space to run aft, assuming that's where we're going.'

'Agreed,' said Hirad. 'Everyone ready?'

'I'll HardShield,' said Erienne, feeling a surge of exultation at having back her power to cast. 'They've got crossbows.'

After a pause, Hirad nodded. 'Good, thanks. But keep the ShadowWings shape in mind. All of you, for that matter.'

They moved back into the corridor, Ilkar ahead with his Force-Cone ready, Denser and Erienne with their respective shields cast and Hirad bringing up the rear. Where one guard could have come from, there could easily be others. Ahead of them, the door still held. At the other end of the passage, a door opened. A man stepped out, a crossbow in either hand.

'That's far enough,' he slurred.

'Keep going,' said Hirad to the others over his shoulder. T can take him.'

'Come on, you're not going anywhere. I've got thirty men and a dozen mages on this ship. Good try, but it's over.'

'Selik, delighted to see what a mess Erienne made of you. Shame you survived.'

'Hirad Coldheart, isn't it? Yes. A lone swordsman. Give her up and I'll let you live.'

They were nearing the doors. Another heavy blow and they creaked, the bolt part giving way. Nails squealing as they were forced clear.

'Ready,' said Ilkar. 'Concentrate.'

'Die then,' said Selik.

He fired the crossbows together, the bolts flashing towards Hirad and bouncing off the HardShield, one burying itself in the wall by his head, the other clattering away across the floor.

'Oh dear,' said Hirad as Selik backed off. 'One lone swordsm.in. Three mages. No Raven is ever alone. Your turn.'

Hirad stepped back along the passage as Selik retreated towards his cabin, dropping the crossbows and reaching for his sword. In the same moment, the aft doors burst inwards.

'Hirad, get back under the damn shield,' hissed Erienne, her voice taut with concentration.

The barbarian paced back smartly, seeing Selik's eyes widen. The Black Wing dived left and out of sight, into his cabin and an IceWind roared along the corridor. The air froze all around them, white enveloping the spell shield, the supercooled mana whistling through the gaps between shield and wood. The spell dragged at the timbers, covering them in a thick film of ice and pounded into Selik's cabin, scouring through where his head had been and forging huge deep blue corners of frost on roof and floor. The shield held.

'Good work, Denser,' said Ilkar. 'Let's move, they're readying to cast again.'

Hirad sensed the ForceCone deploy, carefully and under total control, and The Raven started on up the corridor.

'Selik,' said Hirad. T can get Selik.'

'No. We have to go now,' said Ilkar. 'Ready Raven?'


'Heading left at the deck, keep those shields up. Run!'

Selik appeared at the frozen cabin door, sword in hand. Hirad waved, turned and ran, shouting over his shoulder.

'Bye bye, Selik. 'Til next time. Push that Cone, Ilkar, there's trouble at my back!'

The elf released the Cone, flinging it full spread at the casting mages and Black Wings, punching them from their arc by the door.

'Ilkar sword, guard stern to starboard. Denser, Erienne, hang on to those shields. I've got the rear.'

The Raven burst on to the deck, Ilkar sprinting left, slithering on the greasy, wet timbers. Behind him came Denser, hand-in-hand with Erienne, daggers drawn, and finally Hirad, Selik at his back, the Black Wings dragging themselves to their feet in front of him.

The ship rolled and Hirad fell to his right, tumbling on to his back and around on to his knees, dagger sprung from his grasp and sliding away. Scrambling back to his feet, he raced back towards the

port side. Selik's head appeared at the aft doors. Hirad cursed, sword in his wrong hand to strike and instead lashed out with his left fist, catching the Black Wing leader on the side of the face, and hearing Selik's head connect with the door frame as he ran past.