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“More than that.”

“Even better. Set them up and project them backward and forward in time. Have the computer tell you what every daily combination of the six suns was for the last twenty-one centuries, and for the twenty-one centuries to come. If you can’t do it, I’m sure Faro will be glad to help you write the program.”

“I think I can manage it,” said Thilanda in a glacial tone. “And would you mind telling me what this is all about? Are we going into the almanac business now? Even the almanac is content to settle for just the next few years of solar data. So what are you up to?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Beenay said. “That’s a promise.”

He left her fuming at her desk and walked across the Observatory to Athor’s work area, where he took a seat in front of the three computer screens on which Athor had calculated the Kalgash Two theory. For a long moment Beenay stared thoughtfully at the center screen, showing the orbit of Kalgash as perturbed by the hypothetical Kalgash Two.

Then he touched a key and the proposed orbital line of Kalgash Two became visible in bright green, a huge eccentric ellipse splayed out across Kalgash’s own more compact and nearly circular orbit. He studied it for a while; then he hit the keys that would bring the suns onto the screen, and peered broodingly at them for perhaps an hour, summoning them in all their varying configurations, now Onos in the sky with Tano and Sitha. Onos with Trey and Patru, Onos and Dovim with Trey and Patru, Dovim with Trey and Patru, Dovim with Tano and Sitha, Patru and Trey alone—

The normal patterns, yes.

But what about abnormal patterns?

Tano and Sitha alone? No, it couldn’t happen. The relationship of that double-sun system’s position in the heavens to the location of the closer suns was such that Tano and Sitha could never appear in the sky in this hemisphere unless either Onos or Dovim, or both of them, were visible at the same time. Maybe it had been possible hundreds or thousands of years ago, he thought, though he doubted it. But certainly not now.

Trey and Patru and Tano and Sitha?

“Another no. The two sets of double suns were on opposite sides of Kalgash; whenever one pair was in the sky, the other one generally was hidden by the planet’s own bulk. Now and then the four of them did manage to get together in the sky, but Onos always was visible when such two-pair conjunctions occurred. Those were the famous five-sun days—which produced the equally distinctive Dovim-only days in the opposite hemisphere. They happened only every few years.”

Trey without Patru? Tano without Sitha?

Well, technically, yes. When one of the double-sun pairs was close to the horizon, one sun would be above the horizon and one of them below it for a brief period. But that wasn’t really a significant solar event, just a momentary aberration. The double suns were still together, but transiently separated by the line of the horizon.

All six suns in the sky at once?


Worse than that—unthinkable!

Yet he had just thought it. Beenay shivered at the idea. If all six of them were above the horizon simultaneously, then there would have to be a region in the other hemisphere where no sunlight whatever could be seen. Darkness! Darkness! But Darkness was unknown everywhere on Kalgash, except as an abstract concept. There could never have been a time when the six suns moved together and a major part of the world was plunged into utter lightlessness. Could there have been?

Could there?

Beenay pondered the chilling possibility. Once more he heard Theremon’s deep voice explaining the theories of the Apostles to him:

“—the suns will all disappear—”

“—the Stars will shoot flame down out of a black sky—”

He shook his head. Everything he knew about the movements of the suns in the heavens rebelled against the idea of the six of them somehow bunching up on one side of Kalgash at the same time. It just couldn’t happen, short of a miracle. Beenay didn’t believe in miracles. The way the suns were arranged in the sky, there always had to be at least one or two of them shining over every part of Kalgash at any given moment.

Forget the six-suns-here, Darkness-there hypothesis.

What was left?

Dovim alone, he thought. The little red sun all alone in the sky?

Well, yes, it did happen, though not often. On those occasional five-sun days when Tano, Sitha, Trey, Patru, and Onos all were in conjunction in the same hemisphere: that left only Dovim for the other side of the world. Beenay wondered whether that might be the moment when the Darkness came.

Could it be? Dovim by itself might cast so little light, just its cool and feeble reddish-purple gleam, that people might mistake it for Darkness.

But that didn’t really make sense. Even little Dovim should be able to provide enough light to keep people from plunging into terror. Besides, Dovim-only days occurred somewhere in the world every few years. They were uncommon, but not all that extraordinary. Surely, if the effects of seeing nothing but a single small dim sun in the sky could cause vast psychological upheavals, then everybody would be worrying about the next Dovim-only event, which was due, as Beenay recalled, in just another year or so. And in fact nobody was thinking about it at all.

But if Dovim alone were in the sky, and something happened, some special thing, some truly uncommon thing, to blot out what little light it provided—

Thilanda appeared at his shoulder and said sourly, “All right, Beenay, I’ve got your solar projections all set up. Not just forty-two hundred years, either, but an infinite regression. Faro gave me a suggestion for the math and we’ve done the program so that it’ll run clear to the end of time if you want it to, or backward to the beginning of the universe.”

“Fine. Pipe it over to the computer I’m using, will you?—And will you come here, Faro?”

The pudgy little graduate student ambled over. His dark eyes were agleam with curiosity. Obviously he was bubbling with questions about what Beenay was doing; but he observed student-professor protocol and said nothing, merely waited to hear what Beenay would tell him.

“What I’ve got here on my screen,” Beenay began, “is Athor’s suggested orbit for the hypothetical Kalgash Two. I’m going to assume that the orbit’s a correct one, since Athor has told us that it accurately accounts for all the perturbations in our own orbit, and I have faith that Athor knows what he’s doing. I also have here, or at any rate I will when Thilanda has finished the data transfer, the program that you and she have just worked out for solar movements over a long span of time. What I’m going to do now is to attempt to work out a correlation between the presence of just one sun in the sky and the close approach of Kalgash Two to this planet, so that—”

“So that you can calculate the frequency of eclipses?” Faro blurted. “Is that it, sir?”

The boy’s quickness was amusing and also a little disconcerting. “As a matter of fact, it is. You have eclipses on your mind too, do you?”

“I was thinking about them when Athor told us all about Kalgash Two the first time. Simbron, you remember, mentioned that the strange satellite might hide the light of some of the suns for a little while, and you said that that would be called an eclipse, and then I started to work out some of the possibilities. But Athor cut me off before I could say anything, because he was tired and wanted to go home.”

“And you haven’t said anything about it since?”

“No one’s asked me,” Faro said.

“Well, here’s your moment. I’m going to transfer everything that’s on my computer to yours, and you and I are going to sit down in this room separately and begin pushing the numbers around. What I’m searching for is a very special case in which Kalgash Two is at its closest point of approach to Kalgash and there’s only one sun in the sky.”