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“But didn’t they recover afterward?”

“Some did. But some will suffer for years, or perhaps for the rest of their lives, from claustrophobic fixations. Their latent fear of Darkness and enclosed places has crystallized and become, so far as we can tell, permanent. And some, as I said, died of shock. No recovery for them, eh? That’s what fifteen minutes in the dark can do.”

“To some people,” Beenay said stubbornly. His forehead wrinkled slowly into a frown. “I still don’t believe it’s going to be that bad for most of us. Certainly not for me.”

Sheerin sighed in exasperation. “Imagine Darkness—everywhere. No light, as far as you can see. The houses, the trees, the fields, the earth, the sky—black! And Stars thrown in, if you listen to the preaching of the Apostles—Stars, whatever they are. Can you conceive it?”

“Yes, I can,” declared Beenay, even more truculently.

“No! No, you can’t!” Sheerin slammed his fist down upon the table in sudden passion. “You’re fooling yourself! You can’t conceive that. Your brain wasn’t built for the concept any more than—Look, Beenay, you’re a mathematician, aren’t you? Can your brain really and truly conceive of the concept of infinity? Of eternity? You can only talk about it. Reduce it to equations and pretend that the abstract numbers are the reality, when in fact they’re just marks on paper. But when you try really to encompass the idea of infinity in your mind you start getting dizzy pretty fast, I’m certain of that. A fraction of the reality upsets you. The same with the little bit of Darkness you just tasted. And when the real thing comes, your brain is going to be presented with a phenomenon outside its limits of comprehension. You’ll go insane, Beenay. Completely and permanently. I have no doubt of that whatever!”

Once again there was a sudden terrible silence in the room.

Athor said, at last. “That’s your final conclusion, Dr. Sheerin? Widespread insanity?”

“At least seventy-five percent of the population made irrational to a disabling degree. Perhaps eighty-five percent. Perhaps even a hundred percent.”

Athor shook his head. “Monstrous. Hideous. A calamity beyond belief. Though I must tell you I feel somewhat the way Beenay does—that we will get through this somehow, that the effects will be less cataclysmic than your opinion would indicate. Old as I am, I can’t help feeling a certain optimism, a certain sense of hope—”

Siferra said suddenly, “May I speak, Dr. Athor?”

“Of course. Of course! That’s why you’re here.”

The archaeologist rose and came to the center of the room. “In some ways it surprises me that I’m here at all. When I first discussed my Sagikan Peninsula discoveries with Beenay here, I begged him to keep them absolutely confidential. I was fearful for my scientific reputation, because I saw that the data I had uncovered could very easily be construed as giving support to the most irrational, the most frightening, the most dangerous religious movement that exists within our society. I’m speaking, naturally, of the Apostles of Flame.

“But then, when Beenay came back to me a little while later with bis new findings, the discovery of the periodicity of these eclipses of Dovim, I knew I had to reveal what I know. I have here photographs and charts of my excavation at the Hill of Thombo, near the Beklimot site on the Sagikan Peninsula. Beenay, you’ve already seen them, but if you’ll be good enough to pass them to Dr. Athor and Dr. Sheerin—”

Siferra waited until they had had a chance to glance at the material. Then she resumed speaking.

“The charts will be easier to understand if you think of the Hill of Thombo as a giant layer cake of ancient settlements, each built upon its immediate predecessor—the youngest one at the top of the hill, naturally. That one is a city of what we call the Beklimot culture. Below it is one built by those same people, we think, in an earlier phase of their civilization, and then down and down and down, for a total of at least seven different periods of settlement, perhaps even more.

“Each of those settlements, gentlemen, came to an end because it was destroyed by fire. You can see, I think, the dark boundaries between the layers. Those are the burn lines—charcoal remnants. My original guess, based purely on an intuitive sense of how long it might have taken for these cities to have arisen, flourished, decayed, and crumbled, is that each of these great fires happened something like two thousand years apart, with the most recent of them taking place about two thousand years ago, just prior to the unfolding of the Beklimot culture that we regard as the beginning of the historical period.

“But charcoal is particularly well suited for radiocarbon dating, which gives us a fairly precise indication of the age of a site. Ever since my Thombo material reached Saro City, our departmental lab has been busy doing radiocarbon analysis, and now we have our figures. I can tell you what they are from memory. The youngest of the Thombo settlements was destroyed by fire two thousand and fifty years ago, with a statistical deviation of plus or minus twenty years. The charcoal from the settlement below that is forty-one hundred years old, with a deviation of plus or minus forty years. The third settlement from the top was destroyed by fire sixty-two hundred years ago, with a deviation of plus or minus eighty years. The fourth settlement down shows a radiocarbon age of eighty-three hundred years, plus or minus a hundred. The fifth—”

“Great gods!” Sheerin cried. “Are they all spaced as evenly as that?”

“Every one of them. The fires occurred at intervals of a little more than twenty centuries. Allowing for the slight inaccuracies that are inevitable in radiocarbon dating, it’s still altogether permissible to propose that in fact they took place exactly two thousand and forty-nine years apart. Which, as Beenay has demonstrated, is precisely the frequency at which eclipses of Dovim occur.—And also,” Siferra added in a bleak voice, “the length of what the Apostles of Flame call a Year of Godliness, at the end of which the world is supposed to be destroyed by fire.”

“An effect of the mass insanity, yes,” Sheerin said hollowly. “When the Darkness comes, people will want light—of any sort. Torches. Bonfires. Burn anything! Burn the furniture. Burn houses.”

“No,” Beenay muttered.

“Remember,” Sheerin said, “these people won’t be sane. They’ll be like small children—but they’ll have the bodies of adults and the remnants of the minds of adults. They’ll know how to use matches. They just won’t remember the consequences of lighting a lot of fires all over the place.”

“No,” Beenay said again, hopelessly. “No. No.” It wasn’t a statement of disbelief any longer.

Siferra said, “It could be argued originally that the fires at Thombo were a purely local event—an odd coincidence, such a rigid pattern of regular occurrence over such an immense span of time, but confined only to that one place, perhaps even a peculiar ritual cleansing practiced there. Since no other ancient sites as old as those of Sagikan have been found anywhere else on Kalgash, we couldn’t say otherwise. But Beenay’s calculations have changed everything. Now we see that every two thousand and forty-nine years the world is—apparently—plunged into Darkness. As Sheerin says, fires would be lit. And would get out of control. Whatever other settlements existed at the time of the Thombo fires, anywhere in the world, would have been destroyed just as the Thombo cities were, and for the same reason. But Thombo is all we have left from the prehistoric era. As the Apostles of Flame say of it, it is a holy place, the place where the gods have made themselves manifest to humanity.”

“And perhaps are making themselves manifest once more,” said Athor darkly. “By providing us with evidence of the fires of past epochs.”