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The girl groaned and gasped. She twitched her hips, but the fingers kept moving inwards. Even when she cried out, they didn't stop.

Renee wanted to stop watching. Weren't they ever going to stop? Would they go on until the whole hand followed? Her own vagina was on fire and wet with her own juices.

The third woman had been standing a little apart from the trio. Now she moved forward. Slowly, she sank to her knees in front of the man and grasped his pulsing rod in her fist. Licking the head, she worked her way back to his hairy balls where she clung for long minutes sucking them until they gleamed. She transferred her lips to the bulging head of his cock. At the same time, her fingers began to beat up and down his rigid penis.

Groaning, the Mexican began to flail his own hips back and forth, driving his cock into her sucking mouth. His own hands dug into one girl's cunt while the other strained against his squeezing hand that was leaving red marks on her breast.

His eyes crossed as he stared glazedly across the room, and then the girl was sucking noisily on his penis and Renee saw dribbles of white cream spurting from between her lips as she tried to swallow faster.

Letting go of the other two, he grabbed her head and shoved her away so she fell over backwards and lay sprawled on the cold floor, her legs spread and her knees up in the air.

Looking down at her, he rested the pointed tip of his boot against her exposed crack and began to dig in it, working it around against her vagina.

Renee gasped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. The girl just lay on her back while it was happening.

Watching was doing something to Renee. Something she wanted to stop. A warm glow was spreading through her body from her own slit. And she wanted it to stop. It was dirty. It shouldn't affect her that way. But it did and she practically held her breath as she watched.

The girl groaned and spread her legs wider, beckoning the man to dig deeper into her. The pale white of the insides of her thighs stood out in sharp contrast to the blackness of her assailant's boot.

The pointed tip of the boot was actually going in. Renee could see the point disappearing between the blood-filled lips of the girl's crack, spreading them painfully.

Throughout the room there was a deathly stillness as every ear strained to hear the girl's moans which had grown louder and louder. She was humping her hips now. Throwing them clear off the ground against the grinding boot toe.

Then the toe wasn't grinding. It was swinging an inch to ram the delicate swat. Then two inches. The girl groaned, cried out. She drove her hips to meet the lashing foot.

She was screaming as the Mexican took his foot back and slammed it again and again into her open crotch.

Saliva ran from the girl's mouth. She was crying and wailing endlessly and heaving her ass off the ground to drive it against the battering foot. Each time she quivered and writhed as it connected. Then she was twisting and screaming and writhing with her legs wrapped around the Mexican's legs as her hips and butt pounded a last, desperate tempo on the floor.

When her orgasm passed, she sprawled back on the floor moaning softly and holding her crotch with her hands while she took deep, shuddering breaths.

Renee looked toward Fran. She wanted to say, let's get out of here. Let's go back to Eureka. But Fran sat hunched forward, her eyes glazed, staring at the spectacle in the center of the room.

The Mexican had caught his breath and he snapped his fingers, bringing his audience out of its unconscious trance. "Intermission," he said.

Moving through the thick tangle of chairs were the whores that regularly worked in the place. They were without a stitch of clothes and were serving drinks and collecting money and goosing in about equal quantities.

One of the women edged past Renee carrying a tray loaded with glasses and bottles of beer. Renee couldn't help seeing that the whore's pendulous breasts rested on the glasses, that her swaying, bouncing nipples actually dipped into the chilled drinks.

Suddenly her own breasts felt chilled. Her tits hurt from being squeezed by her bra. The nipples were raw. Every breath was an agony as it moved the material against her.

Alex turned toward her. His arm accidentally brushed against her tit and she had to grit her teeth to keep from screaming out loud.

"Do you want a drink?"


"Are you sure? You look like you need one." Alex's voice was concerned, solicitous. Renee felt foolish. She felt like crawling into his arms and sobbing like a baby. But she couldn't do it. What for? Nobody had even touched her. If she had any problems, they were all in her imagination.

"You're sure?" Alex sounded more concerned.

"Yes… no." Renee shook her head. "I don't know. Yes. Get me a beer, will you."

"Of course." Alex waved to a waitress. "Dos cervezas," he said.

"In the bottle, please, Alex." Renee shuddered at the thought of the waitress bringing her a glass with her nipple dangling in it.

Alex nodded, added a phrase and turned back to Renee. "It would be better if you went home, you know. This is no place for you."

"I know. But…" Renee looked across Alex at Fran. Her Mexican Casanova was gone for the moment. But her schoolteacher friend's ecstasy was reflected in her face as she watched the men probing at the whores' inviting crotches and breasts. "I can't leave Fran here. You understand, don't you, Alex?"

"Yes!" He nodded. "I still think you should get out of here."

"Don't be silly." Renee tried to laugh and at least didn't gag. "I'd never feel right about leaving you to suffer through all this by yourself. Particularly after I dragged you out of that nice, cozy bar."

"All right." He touched her knee gently and Renee didn't mind. It wasn't sexual. It was just comforting. "I'll look out for you until you're ready to go."


Fran's friend was back and sitting on the end of the couch when the beers showed up. They were a brand Renee had never seen before – Double X – and in the long slender bottles the Mexicans seemed to favor. Alex paid for them and handed her one.

Renee realized that she hadn't gotten one for Fran. Looking over, she saw she already had a beer in her hand and was getting cozy with her friend. His hand was resting on the firm skin of Fran's thigh partly under her skirt.

Hastily, Renee looked away. There would be enough recriminations for this night without seeing something she didn't have to see.

She sipped on the white froth. Unconsciously, she compared the foam to the white juice that had escaped from the prostitute's mouth to dribble down her chin. The bitterness of the beer and the shock of the thought almost choked her. Hastily Renee gulped, clearing her mouth and throat of the fluid.

In the center of the room, the Mexican had taken his position again and held his hands up for quiet. "The show, she will begin again," he leered.

The bleached blonde and the smaller girl walked out again. Renee thought of her own twitching slit and sympathized with the missing girl. She probably wouldn't be in any shape to do anything for quite a while.

Then she was being drawn back into the role of spectator, despite her efforts to lift herself from the show, to become dispassionate about it.

It seemed that the Mexican was almost subdued as the second pert of the show started. His hands were gentle as they played with the two women who, after a while, pushed and shoved each other to receive his attention. Finally, the blonde shoved against him, throwing her arms around his neck, grinding her hips against his.

His hands slid down her rear. Renee watched breathlessly as he forced her with his hands to open her legs.

The prostitute's rear was pointing directly at Renee and she could see everything. Enough to make her blush.